This is from Philip Marlow-Mann:
Hi There,
You may already be aware of the fact that Oesophageal Cancer is featuring as a regular spot on Radio 4 during the PM program each Monday. I produced the brief below to go into our GICS (Gastro Intestinal Cancer Support) newsletter and it probably gives all the information you need. However I thought I would bring it to your attention so that you could use it / pass it onto any patients / persons interested.
Sorry this is not a personally tailored note but wanted it to have as wide a circulation as possible.
Hope it is of use
Kindest regards
Philip Marlow-Mann
Informative text from Newsletter:
If anyone listens to the radio programme PM on Radio 4 on a Monday from 5 to 6 in the afternoon, they will have heard Steve Hewlett (the presenter of The Media Show) talking to Eddie Mair about his treatment for Oesophageal Cancer. Steve was diagnosed a few months ago but unfortunately has stage 4 which is inoperable and he is on a chemo and Radiotherapy course of palliative treatment to give him the best chance and quality of life. Although it is Oesophageal Cancer that he is suffering from, the information about his experiences with the NHS is relevant to all cancers. He has a regular slot each Monday usually about 17.45 and as it is a live discussion it follows his unpredictable progress over the past week, with all its up’s and downs. Last week it was the unexpected (and very disturbing) report of the failure of the latest Chemo course, and the uncertainty of where he goes next. Very recommended listening as, being a presenter himself, he can explain things in an interesting and understandable way, and has the attraction (if that is the right expression) that you are following someone’s very difficult and unwelcome journey happening in “real time”. You can follow his story from the beginning by using i-Player to hear previous reports from preceding Monday editions of PM.