Hi all,
My name is Hannah and I am 16 years old. I do not have OCD, however I am fascinated by the disorder.
I am currently doing an Extended Project Qualification at school and I set myself the following question...
'OCD: How does it affect the daily lives of those that have it?'
As part of my primary research, I have put together a questionnaire specifically for people with OCD. It is completely anonymous and the only personal information I require is your age!
I would be grateful to those who are happy to fill out my questionnaire! I completely respect your situation and any questions you would rather not answer, feel free to leave out.
I can only send the questionnaire via email, so apologies to those who don't have email but would have liked to have filled it out - thank you for your interest though!
My email is: hunth006@bucksgfl.org.uk
I have tried my best to keep the layout of the questionnaire clear and simple, so as not to upset anyone.
I have set myself a deadline for the 3rd of December and need at least 15 repsonses, so if you know anyone else with OCD please direct them to this page!
Thank you very much for reading this long request! If you have any questions please email the address given above.
Wishing you all the best,