I'm finding myself quite confused and unsure.
So I've spoken to doctors before about contamination worries/repeating memories/social anxiety (worrying about things I've said to people/how I'm perceived/paranoia) and identified these things as part of OCD. I also have some weird habits that go along with this, but don't seem to be linked to a particular thought. I have to repeat somethings otherwise my brain tells me that something bad will happen, but these other things just make me feel uncomfortable if I don't do them. They include:
- Waving a certain number of times in front of my face (especially when checking mirrors)
- Blinking
- Stretching in a certain way with my elbows behind my head.
- Extending my arms out
- Touching my belly button and scratching my head
- Sniffing things repeatedly
- Rubbing my arms to my sides
- Gurning.
All of this started when I was younger, I used to blink and grimace a lot in public but as I've got older (I'm 23 now) I've managed to hide most things and only do them at home. My partner is the only other person who is aware of it. When I'm at work I do find myself blinking and stretching my arms but I can pass this off as part of normal movement most of the time. It's not like my body is doing it without my consent, I'm actively doing the movement but not because I want to do it.
Does this make sense? I've been trying to search for anyone who may do similar things to me because I honestly have no idea what it's about. I've not really had much luck with doctors and such, but that's another post in itself.
Thoughts much appreciated, thank you for your time.