Is getting a lot of pain in your hands and fingers when writing things down an early sign of Osteoarthritis?
Pain in Hands and Fingers: Is getting a... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
Pain in Hands and Fingers

hello, Ella, and I’m replying to both your posts.
Pain in the fingers, or indeed any joints, can well be a sign of osteoarthritis. You might find it useful to look at the website of one or more of the arthritis charities, like Arthitis Action.
Arthritis is very common especially as one gets older.
I cannot diagnose what you had, that’s up to a professional, but pharmacists sell all sorts of stuff in their chemist shops so you could pop in and have a word.
Ok thanks for the advice! I used to crack my fingers a lot when I was younger and sometimes I do it now but now I only do it when they all lock and that is the only way I have of unlocking them!
Hi nicelladawn, I have this problem in the winter and I find knitting helps. This is due to Oa. Take care. Maximonkey