It's all about your gut health!! - Nutrition and Yog...

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It's all about your gut health!!

WhollyAligned profile image
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Fire is represented in your digestion

'All disease begins in the gut' is attributed to the wise Ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates. He said a lot of pretty awesome stuff.

Including his deep philosophy that all disease has a natural cause. That addressing imbalances, often originating in the gut, harnesses greater health to the individual.

So how's your gut?

Do you have delightful bowel movements every time you sit upon the throne of your toilet? Or have you a sense of dread? Or have you not even connected with that?

When we understand that the human body is entirely symbiotic with bacteria, we can then invite better health into our whole physiology and psychology.

Much of your serotonin, a key neurotransmitter, is produced in the gut.

Thus the link between your gut health and mood is profound. Sluggish bowels, sluggish mood. Happy bowels and delightful log like poos = joy and enthusiasm in life! Yes. Really.

Significant links between depression and what's known as 'dysbiosis'. An imbalance in the gut bacteria. An over-run of unhelpful critters rather then the goodies.

This month of August and the fiery energies of Leo (happy Lionsgate portal today 8/8) is powerful for making changes. So go for it. Dismantle what's holding you back. Interrupt thought patterns. Make changes.

Connect with your true appetite for life. Your inner fire. We are made of the elements. Fire is represented in the human body, in our digestion.

Fire transforms.

Many variables can drive dysbiosis including:

*antibiotic overuse

*eating too much junky processed foods and refunded sugars

*Late night eating meaning the gut is not having a rest

*insufficient nutrient density - e.g not enough fibre in daily diet

*Inherited patterns of genetic expressions (diet and lifestyle changes absolutely influence changes in genetic expression)

We could sit down and ruminate over this for months, and there will be more to learn. So don't be overwhelmed. Take small steps and action to begin to encourage a healthier ecosystem in your belly.

Some tips to nourish your gut and connect more with your gut instinct.

*Introduce intermittent fasting - start with 12/12 pattern - so eating within a 12 hour window and fasting for 12 hours. This is actually very easy. Say you breakfast and 7 a.m, the last thing you eat is by 7 p.m. Make it work for you. Check yourself for late night snacks! Build up to then 10/14 and eventually 8/16. Start easy. Fasting rests the body. It also triggers autophagy - the body's clever way of cleaning house.

*Include more fibre in your daily eats - leafy greens, apples, cherries, berries, cruciferous veg like cauliflower and broccoli. Follow the rhythms of the seasons. Eat with nature. Cold potatoes are also a form of resistant starch. In moderation!

*Ease off the sugar hits! Switch to dark chocolate and a few dates to wean off. Sugar is highly addictive so get underneath the psychology of what's driving your desire for sugar. Maybe it starts with dropping sugar out of your coffee or tea. And please. No artificial sweeteners. These disturb the gut and also are questionable irritants to the nervous system. Plus, the brain reads the sweet signal and can still trigger insulin release.

Let the fire of August light you up. Inspire yourself! ROAR!!!!

Because. You can.

Stay tuned for more amazingness about your gut.

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