Hi peeps! I just made a batch of water kefir and it is soooo good I have to share the recipe with you so you can see how easy it is to make. Hugely beneficial for healthy gut ecosystem and much less expensive that buying it. This is my friend Rachel de Thample's recipe from our collaboration book Tonics and Teas:
Water kefir - so easy to make at home... - Nutrition and Yog...
Water kefir - so easy to make at home and great for the gut health!
Thank you for sharing! Question. Since this has a lot of sugar, how much should one take per day? Also, I live in the desert. Nothing is cool here. We don’t tend to put the air on until later in the day so will that affect the fermentation?
HI there. The sugar is less of an issue as the fermentation process eats it up so after the 48 hours of fermenting, the sugar content is less. I agree though there is still a sugar element to consider with water kefir so you might also prefer a dairy kefir which is less and in this case the kefir grains feed off the lactose. Balance is key with everything in life hence just about 150 mls serving perhaps every other day is a good place to be alongside a whole food diet, enjoyable activity and regularly intermittent fasting. Fermenting is an experiment and you get to know the various factors in your own environment. Likely in the desert the process will be quicker so you may get a fizzier, more potent kefir after 48 hours. I often recommend goats milk kefir to clients however myself with kidney issues prefer the water kefir as much less phosphates. So it really is about discerning which feels best for you. Make sure to include plenty of fibre to sweep the bowel on an ongoing basis. You can also enjoy fermented foods which are then less of a sugar issue such as sauerkraut and kimchi. Hope this helps!