CBD oil is a wonderful therapy to take for any ailment however it is showing particular promise for pain relief. Having spent time now listening more about the amazing cannabis plant, I understand more how it is a beautiful medicine. Do note the the CBD oil has none of the psycho-tropic properties. Cannabis has been distorted through the media over the years which is a great shame as it's a herb that offers us so much and in fact has always been close to human evolution so our ancestors would have used this. In the UK it is legal and can be purchased quite easily. A 5% oil is a good place to start and if you are new to it, just start gently at about 3 drops daily.
I am taking it myself and find it calming and grounding. My Mom is also taking it as she has glaucoma and cannabis has been shown to have positive effects for that too. When pain or any illness is in the picture, anything that is safe and soothing to the nervous system will always be helpful.