Truly I love the practise of yin yoga. It is so important we find ways to slow down and yin yoga offers that. The poses are Hatha based however are held form unites at a time. Note this is a passive process so is not about holding muscles and becoming fatigued. It is the softer side. It is about releasing tension from muscles. This is key for athletes and dancers and the like who work a lot on intense physical training. There needs to be a form of practise that acts as a beautiful antidote to high activity. A client recently gave me feedback from a yin yoga workshop she attended as I had encouraged her to come and try it with me to see if it would relieve some of her ongoing chronic pain issues. This is what she said: ' Just a little note to say how much I enjoyed your Yin workshop, for the first time in seven years, I had immediate pain relief after the class and was pain free for 10 days after : I feel like a new woman.'
This is indeed the magic of yin. The body loves to receive your attention. Yin yoga provides the opportunity to just be in your body and all its thoughts and sensations. It is powerful and I encourage people suffering with chronic pain to give it a go.