Calming meditation...not: Started meditation today, u... - NRAS


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Calming meditation...not

allanah profile image
27 Replies

Started meditation today, u know they say its good for stress, stress doesn't help RA etc, so I went. The teacher was lovely, we did some gentle stretches which made me realise how much movement I lost. Then 21 minutes of!? Well I managed, I kept having to bring my thought back to my mantra, instead of the ironing. Had to ignore my screaming joints, aching tonite.....but can't wait to try again next week. Xxx

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allanah profile image
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27 Replies
sylvi profile image

I once started yoga and it was good,but the group of people were very clicky and so far up themselves it put me off. Please let me know how you get on with this as i would be interested as i am always stressed for the least little thing. I was going to go to pilates,but the instructor wanted £20 just for the assessment and i couldn't afford that sadly. I go into the garden and i get screaming joints,but the sunshine does me good,but arthur always kicks me up the backside and says i will make you suffer for this and he does for days afterwards. xxxxx

tiger profile image

Hi Allanah, I do Yoga and another relaxation/de-stress technique called sophrology (used a lot here in France), both use a form of meditation. When I was doing my nursing finals I was taught how to meditate using a mantra. Not easy at first, but the more frequently that you use the technique the easier and more effective it becomes. Really hope that it works for you as yesterday I went into my sophrology session with pain in my lower back/hips and came out an hour and a half later feeling on top of the world and no pain!

Take care

Wendy xx

cathie profile image

Have you tried mindfulness meditation? It's become quite the thing recently. There's a website at uni Oxford connected to psychology and they have free downloads of exercises. What I like about them is that they encourage you to breathe air into your joints - in your mind- and that seems to help you relax and eases pain. And they encourage you to see thoughts as little clouds going across your brain, but you don't need to worry about them, no mantra just your breath. Worth trying xxx

lynn-bel profile image
lynn-bel in reply to cathie

Hi - I was going to mention this as i think i am going to try it. I know someone who says it does work as long as you stay at it (like anything I guess). There is a website that was mentioned in Holland & Barratt magazine that gives you 10 free sessions on line beforeo you pay for it, but dont know how much that costs. I think I'm going to give it the free trial. I will also check out the Oxford website. As Allanah says, I'm a bit like her - find it hard to get my mind off trivial everyday things!

The website I read about is:

Lynn x

miss profile image

Sounds interesting this meditation anything that helps with RA is a positive thing. I have also been told to try reflexology. Think i could spend a fortune on this disease. I really must go off to work now xx

Am off to Tai Chi this afternoon hopefully. Did try it before but have now had time to work on the instructor & get her to understand bit by bit that I actually do have a few little health probs!

I think it's good to try things that don't at first sight seem to fit your personality 'cos they might be just the medicine you need. So glad you enjoyed meditation.

Luce x

allanah profile image

Wooly, I went to tai chi but as I can't stand too long , I sat on a chair at the back and tried to do the arm movement. The teacher at the end of the class came up with a phone no for seated if to say go away! Think I was ruining her chi or something! Cathie the teacher did tell me about mindfulness, will look at the site thanks! And tiger I will have a look at sophrology too. Miss don't work too hard!! Sylvie, this group were very chilled and friendly so hope it's better than he tai chi one!

miss profile image
miss in reply to allanah

Allanah i had to work to hard now feel exhausted!!!! The normal with RA. I would like to start alternative therapy its the cost. So i think will try internet for some ideas!!!!!!!!!!!xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to miss

This is 22 pounds for a eight week term at a local school, so not too bad compared to our local gym.

miss profile image
miss in reply to allanah

That sounds a very good price. Keep me updated on how you are feeling. If its all good will try something like it xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to miss

Will do! Knowing me but be exhausted Monday and not go Hee Hee xx

miss profile image
miss in reply to allanah

Now thats naughty!!! Mind its always more fun to be naughty then good xx

allanah profile image

Wooly, I went to tai chi but as I can't stand too long , I sat on a chair at the back and tried to do the arm movement. The teacher at the end of the class came up with a phone no for seated if to say go away! Think I was ruining her chi or something! Cathie the teacher did tell me about mindfulness, will look at the site thanks! And tiger I will have a look at sophrology too. Miss don't work too hard!! Sylvie, this group were very chilled and friendly so hope it's better than he tai chi one!

Caza profile image

I met a lady who is a yoga instructor & also taught meditation, she offered to give me a free lesson said I could bring a friend along. The yoga was brilliant, she learnt in India & still spends time there every year, but at the end of the lesson she taught us meditation techniques. My friend loved it & went home slept for hours but I just couldn't relax enough & didn't enjoy it. Would definitely try it again though. Your have to keep us up to date with how you get on. Good for you for giving it a go. X

allanah profile image

Will do Caza xx

lynn-bel profile image

Tai chi is sposed to be really excellent for us arthrities! I took a few lessons once and enjoyed it but couldnt afford them anymore so am looking now for some that are either free or inexpensive, now I am retired I can attend during the day. i do have trouble meditating as my mind races all day (and into the night) thinking about absolutely everything and nothing! But as I said above, I am going to to try the mindful meditation sometime soon.

Good luck with it all everyone - relaxing and meditation should be helpful for anyone, arthritic or not.

Lynn xx

cathie profile image

Since I've been doing tai chi I've been able to stand longer. Did your instructor show you the sitting standing position where you focus on your tan tien (however you spell it)? This position does make it easier to stand longer. But the quality of the instructors varies enormously. I've been lucky to have had two really good ones, one near Edinburgh, the other in Oxford. If you're in a group its not terribly expensive - but these days that's not enough is it.

The Oxford mindfulness centre - which ought to be reputable is at

and the downloadable exercises dont cost a penny. The meditations I've done (with tai chi) encourage you to let go but not to be uptight about focusing on things. It might help you sleep. I know a child who had difficulty with this and it helped him drop off from being really fidgety.

Hope this helps

in reply to cathie

Cathy I tried last year to do a course on mindfulness but it was so so expensive I just couldn't afford it so thank you so much for these downloads. Going to show my daughter as well.

Allanah I love the meditation part infact that is the only thing that I do, as I can't do any of the exercises at all now. I love my mind being quiet. Would really like to do mindfulness.

JudyL profile image

Allanah, I can appreciate how uncomfortable you might find the meditation If, like me, you need to constantly change position and feel concious of 'fidgeting'. I use visualisation when in situations where I have to lie still i.e during my MRI scan. I expected to have 40 mins of torture lying in the tube in a confined space, totally still, but by visualising a favourite walk to a beach I was able to reach an almost trance like deep relaxation (maybe even fell asleep- tho no one mentioned me snoring!) after the first 3-4 mins. I have also tried Bowen Therapy which left me so relaxed I nearly floated home, and was pain free for several days after. unfortunately cost prevents further sessions. I now swim at least 3 times a week, doing gentle stretches and slow lengths at first. So long as the water is warm, I can manage 800m on a good day. Of course, on those 'other' days its just the stretches, then jaccuzzi and into the sauna to unwind. Its not a luxury, but a total essential, and im prepared to forego other treats to pay my membership.

allanah profile image

I am just about to start hydrotherapy so hope that helps. MRI aaagggghhhh. I had to have an anaesthetic, no not joking ! maybe if I need another one I will be a meditation expert, or take my teacher with me .

Ye but she said it was ok o change position but then take my mind back to the mantra xx

sheenerweener profile image

my friend goes to zumba,but stays in her mobility scooter she said it gets her out and she is doing exercise lol,suppose it could work xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to sheenerweener

Zumba!! Well she is brave !!

emmajj1971 profile image

I am going to try yoga I think. There is a healthy wellbeing centre in the village and its £15 a month for use of the gym and all classes will let u know how it goes.x

magglen profile image

I have been meditating for many years,TM [Transcendental Meditation]. It is very expensive to learn and there are so many other forms. I don't think it matters which one you do. Some concentrate on a mantra, other the breathing etc. I do mine 20 mins twice a day. Often I can't get thoughts out of my mind but that doesn't matter...just gently bat them away. You may not feel a difference at the time but it is only when I look back I see how I have changed and become generally more relaxed.

allanah profile image

Thanks, got flu and couldn't sleep so tried during the night to relax and meditate with some success

allanah profile image

Thanks, got flu and couldn't sleep so tried during the night to relax and meditate with some success

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