hi ihave been on mtx 10mginjection for a year now and last tuesday the r.a.doc said to up the strength to 15mg as my joints are v.bad at the min.noticed i am very breathless now told her and i got a ecg done and a chest x.ray.wont see the doc for a least 3mths.suspose to take my injection tonight but i am thinking of stopping it as i am worried about my breathless.very depressed not sleeping.
mtx?breathless..: hi ihave been on mtx 10mginjection... - NRAS

Poor you. Can you see your GP about this maybe? You should not just be left feeling breathless without knowing how serious it is - your GP or rheumy nurse should have access to the results and be able to advise on what you should do. I've just had a month of my MTX injections and learned that life without it isn't much fun - but you do need medical advice as soon as possible I would say. Tilda x

Unless you have had a doctor talk to you about the results of the ecg and chest xray and confirm they were totally normal, then I don't think it would be safe to take the MTX without further medical advice. Can you try and get to see your GP or talk to the rheumatology nurse tomorrow? If you do get badly breathless though, don't wait it out - get to emergency straight away and make sure you tell them what meds you are taking.
I suffered with extreme breathlessness after taking MTX for a couple of months. I was told by my consultant to stop taking it immediately., and that he would never put me on it again. I was told it was pneumonitis, a rare side effect of MTX.
Carolyn x
I had gradually worsening breathlessness and saw my GP about it. I have a family history of lung cancer so he was more concerned about that than use of MTX and ordered some tests - the xray came back clear thank goodness but he ordered a spirometry. I felt almost like I had a fake cough, every time i opened my mouth to speak it caught my breath. The spirometry results showed that I need an inhaler which has made a huge improvement.
I was on Methotrexate, 15mg, injections, and I began to have awful breathlessness after being on it for a few months. They took me off it immediately. Please do not use it and get in touch with someone immediately. I'm now on Sulfaserazine, two weeks in. Few side effects, painful legs, cramp in legs and feet and headaches but I'm going with it for a while as they said I would get used to it. We'll see! anything's better than the pain. Good luck.
I'm on MTX 15mg. Experienced asthma type cough 2 yrs ago. Had x-ray which was clear. Turned out to be unseasonal hay fever. Started usual hay fever meds and cough went immediately.
Whatever the cause, you need answers so be persistent x
Methotrexate is so horrible. I had a ton of side effects and felt like I was alive but not living - so horrible. I was on it for a couple of years, eventually was able to get off the drugs. If you're still taking the drug then here is a recent blog post about Methotrexate and RA side effects - rheumatoidarthritisprog...
Hope this is useful x