Minka you owe me......: Minka has dared me and though i... - NRAS


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Minka you owe me......

sylvi profile image
49 Replies

Minka has dared me and though i feel like rubbish i must oblige. Which part of your body is the best bit,one that doesn't have aches and pains in. I think mine are my ears as i can put all sorts of earings in them and they don't hurt.... Over to you all.....xxx

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sylvi profile image
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49 Replies
minka profile image

right i will donate to this body my head along with brain cos its cooking on gas

sylvi should have said one body part per person ONLY and it has to be a good part.

wee dont want parts that are affected with RA OR ANYTHING ELSE WHILE WE A RE MAKING UP A GOOD BODY OUT OF THE LOT OF US

My boobs are still half way decent, as are my feet, so you can take your pick Sylvi - but give John's man brain the boobs as punishment for saying he thought I had no sense of humour please! TTx

minka profile image
minka in reply to

good one tilda

:D I like this blog! I'm donating my shoulders :) x

minka profile image

come on we need a kneck from somewhere

Well mine's a bit short but if no one else offers you can take it as an extra with my boobs! X

minka profile image
minka in reply to

come on tilda this is going to make the head a bit floppy cos i got your boobs in my head dear

nellysgran profile image

You can have my neck !! and find a good head to go on it ;-) xx

Well we've got Minka's so heaven knows how we will be received but with Sylvi's ears and your neck and my boobs and Swiss Miss's shoulders its just the lower half that will make or break us! X

minka profile image
minka in reply to


miss profile image

You can my thighs as be told their slim no saggy bits !!!!!!!!!!xx

I've just found a small portion of my inner arm that really nice in the right light & does not currently have any health issues. It's the thought that counts, right?

in reply to

You can have my womb, too as it is currently underoccupied & the gov. might stick a tax on it.

minka profile image
minka in reply to


aligator profile image

my bum is quite reasonable, at least so I'm told!!

Happy Sunday. Alison xx

boobs and brain x

alibonura profile image

love that comment, that your ears dont hurt xxxx

minka profile image

please please we are in deperate need of a good spine

sholders and hands not to mention legs in good working order preferably hairy

minka profile image

oh and a decent pair of feet no second hand ones as these could give the upper parts no stability

Okay go on have my feet - I think I'm the only RAer in the world that hasn't got foot trouble currently and the early stuff didn't seem to do any damage - feet and hair are my prettiest features I'm told - have 'em and be done! (but they are awful wee - only size 5 and very think so you'll have to watch what they are carrying or they'll be knackered in no time. Anyone got a nice smooth and untroubled belly and some nice knees and knees to offer? TTx

sylvi profile image

You can have my hair as it is multi coloured.xxx

My spine's in good shape, so I'll let you have that as well :D Any good wrists and hands on offer??

dtech profile image

My hands are good. They have to be in my job. So you can borrow them for the weekends if you like. And my legs are good (andhairy) Except my knees are knackered due to too many years of sunday league football.

nottsexsportfanatic profile image
nottsexsportfanatic in reply to dtech

U can have my knees then. A little clicky and did help with my initial diagnisus but they have held me up ever since.

petalnumber2 profile image

Hi all,

It seems to me as I've shown up rather late, that there is only one bit missing which is below the belt ! You're very welcome to have it on loan as I might find a need for it in the future, (some chance!!) It's in good working order :-)

P.S my eyes are good, if you need them.

earthwitch profile image

Well, my neck is no use, and at the moment most of my joints are acting up fairly well. Guess the only good thing I have right now is my lovely thick hair - and in my 50's even though its got a bit of grey, it has really held its colour well, and you only notice the grey up close - I get that from my mum - dad's family all went grey really early.

dtech profile image

Don't give up hope Petal.Lol.

petalnumber2 profile image

One positive and keen sense of humour for sale, but free to a good body! :-) x

dtech profile image

Don't think any of us need to buy one of them petal, we all seem to have good ones already:-)

petalnumber2 profile image
petalnumber2 in reply to dtech

Yes, your absolutely right about that dtech :-)

justlizz profile image

I think the only part thats good are my toe and finger nails get them done monthly got pretty flowers on my toes at the moment I will willingly donate part of my belly as after 4 girls got plenty to spare


petalnumber2 profile image
petalnumber2 in reply to justlizz

I love the idea of flowery toe nails, perhaps I should get mine done and then my toes might feel less painful. It's worth a try, isn't it :-) xx

petalnumber2 profile image

Thank you Minka & Sylvie for another bit of good fun and banter. I hope your feeling better sylvie, you sound it but are you just putting on a brave face as always!! Lol June xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to petalnumber2

June you know me too well. I do feel rubbish,have a cold and i am putting of going to the drs as i need my mtx before i go there.xxx

minka profile image

well sylvie body looks as good as we are going to get i shall see what pic i can find to put up to show you what it looks like

many thanks to all your donations

i fear we may have a problem with what toilet block to use male or femal

but it just goes to show its hard to put a decent body togeter bettween the lot of us lol

and im finding it hard to think as im a bit wobbly this morning cos tilda t has taken my brain out and put her boobs in their instead.

i hope you all had a good mothers day

regards john

sylvi profile image

John, we have another problem and it is what to call this body. We all have a sense off humour,lets be honest without it where would we be as you need it with our condition.xxxx

Excelllent, fun blog to start my day. Now chuckling to myself I can head to hospital in positive frame of mind to tackle the question ( which body part gives lowest score).

dtech profile image

Name for the body: how about ' Bride of Rheumostein'. Assuming it's a woman of course! Lol.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to dtech

Now that is a good one. John has put the site at which his model is and it is definitley different.xx

I am sorry to join in so late. I have done a quick audit of all my bits and bobs, and I can honestly say that the only bit of me that causes no problems is my left elbow.

So that's my contribution, does any one have a right elbow to offer, as mine is almost always hot and painful!

I love the name.

I wonder if any one is an artist and could illustrate this creation?

They might already be a member of the RA - Royal Academy.

lynn-bel profile image

My lips and nose are fine and am told I have a nice mouth and the nose isnt too big!

I think Bride of Rheumastein is brilliant!

Oh, I also have good teeth; very lucky with them so you can stick them behind the mouth!

I cant draw a straight line so wont volunteer to illustrate but I'm sure someone can have a stab at it.


Neonkitty profile image

My face defies age. People say I look mid thirties and I am 53! (They are probably thinking poor ol Git and sniggering really!) Seriously face is very young and it often goes against me, not that I want to be older looking, but I get treated quite badly as though I am some little flower who won't answer back. Ooh not the way at all! Many many crocked joints but my back has been very strong and is what keeps moving. Love Bride of Rheumostein. ;-)

dtech profile image

Glad you like my naming of the new body! Bit embarrasing I forgot the teeth as I am in the dental profession! So I could have made a set for it if needs be, any size or colour you like. Lol.

dtech profile image

Glad you like my naming of the new body! Bit embarrasing I forgot the teeth as I am in the dental profession! So I could have made a set for it if needs be, any size or colour you like. Lol.

allanah profile image

Mine is not spare, think i'm leaving it to medical science, they would have a field day lol xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to allanah

And mine too Allanah too.xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to sylvi

lol xx

lorann profile image

Haha, regarding body donations: I remember my son in medical school in Anatomy class, they had to disect and identify all the internal organs. When I said I would donate my body to Medical Science, he said, " Don't bother, too many missing parts and artificial ones. He's so right! My knees are my best parts, and they are only 5 years old! That was fun, Minka and Sylvie :)

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to lorann

It is nice to have a laugh about our ra isn't it. Minka has posted something regarding this in another blog,you want to go and have a laugh. You will wet yourself laughing at the body he has produced, Love sylvia.xxx

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