We're not all benefit cheats!: emmadoree.wordpress.com... - NRAS


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We're not all benefit cheats!

little_em18 profile image
5 Replies


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little_em18 profile image
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5 Replies
shirlthegirl profile image

Well said, I have never claimed any form of sick benefit in my life and I can't believe the amount of paper work and proof i need to receive something that i have paid into for all these years,

allanah profile image

Good item, I have just been ranting on about it especially when I saw the programme where ATOS described clients as LTB's ( lying thieving ba.......) disgusting how we. Being made to feel guilty now, far way from the Olympics eh! Hope u r well and not too stressed with the exams coming up Em. Will you message me ur mam 's number as I lost it if poss, cheers Axx lol just had to retype this as it read your mans number lol could have caused eruptions lol xx :)

Riedenise profile image

This whole business with Atos makes me so angry! My OH is disabled after breaking his back twice in RTA'S caused by other people, we have had to fight to get DLA for him, after being turned down four times & finally after appealing we had to go to a tribunal to get the decision over turned in his favour. We attended a medical assessment by an Atos Doctor, lasting an hour & three quarters, What he eventually put down in his report was Nothing that he said in that room! My OH cant walk very far is in constant pain, needs help to dress/undress, bathe etc & isn't going to get better/ improve since his accidents 1999 & 2004 but he was turned down because of what this doctor had put down in his report. we finally went to the Tribunal with the help of Oxford welfare rights, won.

Sorry to rant. All Id say is don't give up with it, keep appealing & get help from the CAB or Welfare Rights People with filling in your forms.

Rita56 profile image

Very well said.I worked all my life until the R.A crippled me and I could no longer look after myself,let alone work.My husband had to give up work to care for me too.I hate being made to feel like a scrounger whenever we have to say we are on benefits.I would love to be able to have a job and be doing something constructive than just existing in enormous pain,extreme fatigue and unable to do anything but sleep(when the pain allows me to) .To just live a 'normal' life again.xx

Neonkitty profile image

ATOS tried to put me in a jobseekers' club despite two consultants' letters to say I wasn't capable of going to work with my RA as it is or in the near future till it is under control much much more. They explained also the level of joint damage I have sustained and limited mobility. Didn't make any difference to ATOS. Called me for assessment. Doctor had to get quite heavy with them and then send another letter. When the guy at the job centre saw me he shook his head and he said .... Why are you here? He was so annoyed they had sent me. Said it was unnecessarily stressful for me to go through it. I was in agony just getting there as I was in a flare. He read to me what ATOS had written about my RA. "Has a bit of stiffness in some joints in the mornings!!" It would actually be nice if it was as simple as that. (I thank her for my miraculous recovery!) Totally clueless about RA and even hurt me getting me to step up onto a stool and climb on a couch. Not impressed with ATOS. (Only good thing I can say is they paid my taxi fares quite promptly.)

Redenise - I immediately challenged the ATOS decision and spoken to the DWP several times. They got a three page typed letter which took me forever to do and stressed the hell out of me and made me flare. I was so damn angry I was determined. Within one month it was changed back. Just the same as you said too .... Nothing was put in the report of what was said at the assessment. Was told by DWP appeals that under the new system almost everyone has to appeal. It is to put people off.

Rita - so sorry to hear you are in pain. I hope there are much better days. A gentle hug to you. ;-)

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