Hi everybody,firstly thanks for all the well wishes for today's interview with my local paper and also many thanks to shirl for her blog:)))
I set off with a load off thoughts,questions in my head wondering what the experience was going to be like,and it was so much easier and so much more relaxed than I imagined it would be so fantastic for me,as my nerves suffer with any worry or stress.i came home thinking I had just left a group of friends,we had a lovely time.
We all met in a large office and was all introduced to each other,there were the two reporters,a photographer,2 consultants,2 rheumy nurse and 2 other patients and myself,our 3 journeys were all so different so it was great for the reporter.they spoke first to the consultants on the whole RA thing,in our hospital they are very much for treat it aggresively ASAP,hit it hard etc etc,so they highlighted this and started telling us of the start of their treatment plan,firstly mtx,and apparently 60%of RA patients at my hospital go into remission on this alone.then another dmard is added if fails,then biological are introduced,quickly they went onto symptoms and diagnosis of RA.us 3 ladies spoke of our journeys,I am the newest diagnosed and only one on mtx alone,one lady is on enbrel as couldn't tolerate mtx or sulphasalazine,quickly was moved onto enbrel.the other lovely lady was on infusions and has had RA for 14 yrs so diagnosis and treatment then wasnt as good as it is today,she too had tried mtx etc but all failed her sadly
We each in turn spoke of our own journey and all could only speak highly of our hospital thankfully.the nurses then spoke,one of which was my nurse who deals with early RA patients Nd ongoing and another nurse who specialises in biological,both spoke highly of RA patients saying we are the most lovely positive kind patients they have:)) I think we all need a bit of sense of humour don't we girls lol !!!
Well then the camera came out so I rushed to my handbag for hairbrush and lippy,and yes I'm telling the truth,we all laughed a lot at my expense but who cares we all had a laugh !!! At the end one lady and myself did a video for their website which I will be able to see via Facebook and twitter,through the herald and posts newspaper website,
It was such a lovely experience and yes shirl I wore my sparkles and yes sylv I wore pink lipstick :))) i came out happy smiling and positive and I also had a chat with my new consultant who takes over from my present consultant,he told me hes on the ball and upto date with it all so fantastic news for me.i will put the link on so you can all read and see me hopefully she said it would be in next weeks paper :)) lots of love to you all Michelle xx