Hello Everyone,
I last posted on here about a month back when I was awaiting a referral to the Rheumatologist. I had the appointment to see the Rheumy Dr a few days after the posting with an appointment date for November 29th!!! I sort of panicked (was in quite a lot of pain) as I thought that the app date was so far away, so I rang NRAS for advice. I spoke to a lovely lady (same name as mine) who advised me to get onto my GP to push for an earlier appt'. I followed this advice ( initially spoke to a miserable receptionist at the medical centre as my Dr was on holiday, whereby she questioned why I thought I needed an earlier appt!), however, my Gp's secretary picked up the message and, along with my Gp, got me an app on October 18th.
So, I went to my app last Tuesday, spent three hours at the hospital, (almost one hour of this with the Rheumy Doc), had bloods taken, xrays done and a meeting with the Rheumy nurse.
The Doc's out come was that I need to be treated for RA and to start on methotrexate, starting at 7.5mg and increasing by 2.5mg a week until I get to 20mg a week. The nurse gave me an injection of IM Depo-Medrone 120mg, which worked lovely for the first 4-5 days but now the pain in my joints has come back :(.
Anyway, sorry, I know I am probably just rambling now, I received a copy of my letter today which states the following:
"On examination on a 28 joint count she had 18 tender and 7 swollen. her wrists are synovitic, her PIP joints synovitic, her right shoulder is painful, with an effusion and there is a small effusion in her right knee. She has bilateral positive metatarsal squeeze. There is no doubt that she has symmetrical polyarthritis. She does not describe any significant extra articular manifestations, has no significant seronegative features and no connective tissue features. We are awaiting her antibody test but I think this typically represents rheumatoid and I think we should get on and treat as such".
So, I am off to see my GP tomorrow to get my prescription for methotrexate and folic acid and more pain killers and I have just spent about an hour searching for the idiots guide to what my Rheumy Doc has written so I know what my Gp will be talking about!!!
Really not sure how I feel about all of this, somedays I am ok and think 'Oh well, best get on with it" and some days I think 'Oh my goodness!!"
Well, that's it for now, so sorry to bore you all, but I really needed to tell someone whats happening. (I have such a loving and suportive husband but I'm worried about moaning to him all the time about my aches and pains)
Kind regards