I have the chance to tell dr and ot what adjustments I need and would like. Please can you tell me adjustments you have made at home or things that make life easier? Eg adjustable bed, splints etc??
What adjustments has everybody made?: I have the chance... - NRAS
What adjustments has everybody made?

Hi Marnie,
Ive made so many and its made life so much better, heres some off them:
Mattress variator- lifts you upright in bed and lowere you down again at touch of button.
Stair lift
level access shower room- can get access in a chair if needed but generally easier easpeically if you need help
toilet grab rail- highers the toilet up makes it easier to get back up off the toilet
rise and recliner chair- helps me get up out off chair
electric wheelchair- this way you can get out on your own and dont have to wait for others to push you
dressing aids- vairous gadets to help you dress
picker upper- a grabber if you drop anything on the floor
cutlrey- large handled so easier to hold
one cup kettle - boils the water into your cup at the touch off a button less chance off spilling and burns
hostess trolley- for moving items round the house
shower chair- better to sit than stand well is for me
loads off grab rails to help me round the house in shower outside front door etc
ramp- so i can get wheelchair in and out
big handleded keyholder- no fildling trying to use keys
perching stools- helps when getting dressed or in the kitchen when making food
one touch can openers- no trying to open cans with manual openers
electric knife- makes cutting easier
loads off various electric kitchen utensils like whisk etc
long handled sponges and moisteriser applicators
comode if you struggle getting to the toilet in the night
bed rail to grab hold off when getting out off bed.
There is probably more I have but cant remember lol, Ive found using all these aids makes life so much easier.
Not all are available on the NHS but just to give you an idea off what you can use.
Take care
Julie x
Hi Marnie, I can't really add much more to what Julie said above (well put Julie!)
Your OT should give you a thorough explanation of your needs and go through everything with you.
Like Julie said think about bathroom needs, raised toilet seat,bath seat, shower stool.
Kitchen aids too like, kettle tipper (no need to lift the kettle to empty just tip forward when making tea etc)
Kitchen stool,there are lots of gadgets available too.
Hand grabber is one of the most useful things I ever use, long shoe horn too.
You may need rails fitted around the house to help you, and outside your front door too.
Like Julie said not all available on the NHS but most you can buy from good disability shops or even Amazon.
Another thing I also use is a electric toothbrush! a normal shaped brush is very hard to grip whereas an electric one as a bigger handle and most of the work is done with the vibration cleaning.
I don't want to repeat what Julie as said, but if I do think of something she hasn't mentioned I'll PM you, don't forget to get some hand splints too!!
Get a referral to a Podiatrist too to look at your feet! you may need some insoles made for you to make walking better, sticks also, so you don't have to rely on your wheelchair, or for the better days.
You will find lots of things out for yourself as time goes on too, you will begin to adjust your life to live with RA and Fibro.
I do hope your starting to feel a little better.
Take care, thinking of you.
mand xx
Oh well put Mand I forgot about my electric toothbrush I dont know how I lived without it before!
As for the kettle tipper, not sure if either off you have seen these but my half bought one last month and it really is great.
Like Mand says also get a few pairs off splints save you spending £20 a time on them, if you see a good OT then they can advise you on more, to he honest most off the aids Ive got now I use without thinking, but Mand is right get some sticks also it will help you walk around a little more.
I have moulded ones that your hands just sit in so you dont need to grip as much, (less painfull) also I have the hostess trolley and use this for getting about the kitchen/ living room.
I even have a zimmer frame hidden away upstairs (no one else sees this) but I use this for the days I really struggle shuffling to the toilet/ this is normally during a flare etc.
If there is anything you need any advice on buying or were to buy etc, please PM me and I will help out if I can. But see what your OT can provide first.
Take care
Julie x
I think your so right Julie, we use the gadgets without even thinking about it. Part of our lives now I suppose.
There's probably loads more too, we'll think about them as the week goes on, or as and when we use them. lol!
Take care
mand xx
Oh God! I make such a song & dance about doing without these things, some of which are great!. My best gadget is my walking stick umbrella (I feel self conscious about using a conventional walking stick). I do have a lot of other bother, but you'll decide yourself how much you need to use it.
My consultant said hopefully somebody will be round to see me today so only time will tell now.
Thank you for all your suggestions. X
That should be the OT, Occupational Therapist.
Hopefully they will help you with all you need.
Take care
mand xx
One if those tower lever taps for sinks
Level entry shower
Walking pole, like Andrea I prefer not to use obvious stick
Hi marnie, your local social services can help as well. I contacted them when first diagnosed and they supplied me with special toilet seats and grab handles to get in and out of the outside doors.
I also have a recliner chair which will lift me up to enable me to get out of the chair more easily,
The others have covered everything else. Hope you are feeling better.
LavendarLady x