Does anyone on methotrexate suffer irregular periods? - NRAS


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Does anyone on methotrexate suffer irregular periods?

21 Replies

I'm usually on a regular 28 day cycle but have had breakthrough bleeding since starting treatment. This month my period has arrived after only 15 days :-(

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21 Replies
Mags126 profile image

Yes I have been all over the place since starting on mtx last year and like you I was a pretty regular 28-29 days previously. My rheumy nurses think it could be the menopause (I'm 46) but to be honest I know my own body and I'm pretty sure it's the medication. I can go anything between 3 weeks and 13 weeks!

Just another jolly side effect of the blessed pills and potions!

I don't think it should concern you unduly but if you're worried I would suggest talking to

your gp. When I mentioned it to my rheumy consultant he was pretty sure it was the pills as the change in my cycle coincided with the start of my treatment.

Take care, Mags xxx

Thanks Mags, I had a thorough MOT about a year ago and all was found to be ok except for a fibroid. I feel certain the bleeding is mtx related and I've had accompanying pelvic discomfort for weeks. I'm seeing the specialist nurse on Tuesday so I'll add it to my list of questions lol. Shame we can't get sanitary products on prescription as it's costing me a fortune!

Paula x

That sound horrid Paula. I am glad that periods seem to be a thing of the past for me although I'm sure the RA and menopause are connected with me. I'm only 49 which maybe a bit early to have done my meno but my mum had hers at my age too so guess it's a family thing. I'm sure that it will be the MTX because I've read of others on here experiencing the same thing with periods and as it's such a powerful drug and can bring on abortion and other stuff so why wouldn't it affect periods also? Good luck getting to the bottom of it and hopefully it will settle down for you. Tilda x

Thanks Tilda, I'll try not to be jealous of your menopause because I know that can have it's own problems. I'll have to ask Mum when she had hers as it may give some idea how much longer I've got to put up with this.

Paula x

in reply to

Yes do ask her - my mum died suddenly 3 weeks after I asked so very glad I did now as these things become important somehow. Tilda xx

jaqi1 profile image

hiya paula i have asked this same question several times on here, because since being on mtx my periods are all over the place. i asked my consultant about it and he says no it can't be the meds, but i think it is x

Rockpool60 profile image

Hello Paula..yes I have...get periods at normal time and mid cycle. Asked the rheumy nurse and she didn't know but didn't think it was medication. Although my friend who is on doxy her periods stopped completely. Take care xxx

Beth58 profile image

Hi Paula, I was on MTX for a few year and never had any period problems 4 wks on the dot in fact I could almost set my watch by it.

Though I did have terrible pelvic pain during periods. I always blamed inflammation in my SI joints and hips, never had a period for over a yr now and don't get the horrendous monthly pain either just occasional flares so maybe there is some connection?

Beth x

126Jessie profile image

Yes. i started metho when I was 32 and my regular as clockwork periods started arriving a few days early every month until I was 35 I had them pretty much no stop and suffered a prolapse of sorts.Unfortunately I ending up having to get a hysterectomy but it was a blessed relief in the end. I mentioned all through my early years of taking methotrexate that my periods had changed and it was never really taken seriously until I needed urgent medical attention. You know yourself if it is a change or not so don't be fobbed off. If it is some form of menopause than can do blood tests to check. Ask and ask again until you feel you have enough information so that you can deal with an additional health concern. I just got on with it for a bit too long and ended up with not much choice in the end. Hopefully yours will settle and it is just a wee hiccup! xx

Thanks for all your replies, I'll definately mention it at my appointment. I was advised I may need a hysterectomy about 2yrs ago because of a fibroid but things settled down and my cycle was like clockwork. Don't know how I'd feel about having such a big op with RA.

Paula x

Jane06 profile image

Funny you should ask the question. My periods started to be erratic after being on MXT but it didn't occur to me that that could be the reason at the time! I eventually had a blood test that showed I was borderline peri-menopausal - I was only 43 at the time. I opted to go straight onto HRT which I am still on more than 10 years later, and it has been great. I recently changed to the one that you don't bleed with so even better. I do think the premature menopause may have been autoimmune in my case though, as I also have hypothyroidism, and more recently, autoimmune hepatitis!

topcat111 profile image

Hi guys , I have also been asking this same question and not getting any answers, I was going to ask my nurse when I see her next! I started MTX in may this year, my last period was in April, I never had another one until last week and it's still lasting now, 10 days later! I think it must be medicine related surely?

Tracey. Xx

So pleased you asked this question as was not sure if my problem was due to steroids or the mtx. Since my MTX was increased to 25mg I have had permanent breakthrough bleeding. On stopping steroids a week ago this has just got worse - havnt spoken to rheumy or doc yet.

parkie profile image

Hi Paula, can't help you on this one as I had a hysterectomy years ago, Idon't think I could cope with that as well !!!!!! Hope you get it sorted, Take care Ann x

little_em18 profile image

Hey Paula :) my periods have always been irregular and it has been put down to my medicines. The doctors were unsure whether it is as a result of my methotrexate or the copious amounts of steroids that Ive had over the past couple of years. Try and regulate my periods, I was put on the pill. It was quite a scary thought at first because obviously the pill is associated with contraception. I take a small tablet every day for 3 weeks and then take a week off which is when my periods fall. It really works for me because I now know exactly when my periods are coming and dont need to worry about starting suddenly every week or so. I would go and speak to your GP/Consultant about the problem and see if youwould maybe be able to do something similar instead of having to worry about the possibility of an operation :)

Em :) x

Thanks for sharing all your experiences, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this :-) I think we all know our bodies quite well and there does seem to be a link evident here. I'll speak to my nurse at my appointment on Tuesday and if this happens again in the next month I'll go back and see my GP. Thanks again

Paula x x

It caused irregular periods when I too it x

Ecbibby profile image

Hi I am on the contraceptive pill, I started taking mtx about 5 weeks, I've just had first period since on mtx, and I have had really bad period pains (I never get these) in my tummy and back. I can only assume this is related to mtx as I never have any pain or problems. I have a hospital appointment next week so will ask then x

masymae profile image

Hi, I started taking methotrexate three weeks ago, and I have now had a period two weeks early. I have never had that before, ever, I am sure it is the medicine that is causing this. I will be curious to see what happens next

NeonkittyUK profile image

Have you had any hydrocortisone injections recently? They can affect the menstrual cycle .. very much so. Then, so can stress. Always does it to me. MTX has never done that to me .. but we are all different. Hope you are back on track soon and your MTX starts to improve you. ;-)

boc02 profile image

After light periods every 28 day my whole life, after taking 20mg/week methotrexate I'm at 23 days with very heavy flow.

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