I know this question probably gets asked quite a lot but what do people do about drinking on methotrexate? I never got told not to drink but I havn't. So does anyone have the odd drink or have you binned it completely? Thanks
Drinking on methotrexate?: I know this question... - NRAS
Drinking on methotrexate?

I stopped drinking completely for the first 6 months or so to give my body the best possible chance of adapting to the MTX, and tolerating it. Since then I do have the occasional drink, but never more than one or two (bingeing is the worst thing you can do with MTX) and never on MTX day or day after. But recently I've found that I've lost my tolerance for alcohol, so more than one drink and I get a pounding headache.
It seems to be quite an individual thing as different docs say different things, but I've never heard of anyone recommending that you drink more than the national guidelines! Polly
I also have the occasional glass....but it is getting to be a rare thing...no longer enjoy the taste

I had a glass and wanted another. I miss it
I'm not on MTX now but when I was I was told too drink as little as possible. Because of that I didn't drink at all.
Now I'm no longer on MTX I can enjoy a little drink now & then. xx
I find that I try (and I love a glass of white wine, still love the taste) but I feel so rough the following morning if I have literally a drop more than a (properly) small glass of wine. And I need to have it with a meal as well. I really noticed that when I was off the MTX for 2 months because of an op, I felt completely fine if I had a drink.
Many years ago my consultant said I could drink, but not more than 1 or 2 in a day and only a couple of days a week. I have also completely ignored that on occasion and felt beyond dreadful the next day. I have been on MTX since 1999 on and off.
I didn't drink when I was on methotrexate but as Polly says different docs say different things, so probably worth checking again with your rheumatologist / rheumy nurse. I've actually been teetotal for a year now & drink Shloer sparkling grape juice, fruit juice, mocktails, Sorelle non-alcoholic wine etc - lots of choice! I think the occasional glass is ok but if in doubt speak to your rheumy/nurse.
Hi I didn't drink for 1 st 6 months but dr did tell me up to 10 units a week but never on mtx days and all going well with blood tests.i drink every sat night either couple of glasses of wine or a few malibus.i have been taking mtx for a year now and all good with blood tests.my consultant said we all have to live and he would be in touch if blood tests showed different.so enjoy and keep an eye on things love Michelle xxx
Well I still party lol maybe now only twice a week but I always have had a good tolerance where alcohol is concerned and don't get hangovers thankfully now I do take mtx on a tue to give myself 3 days clear either side. I don't drink to excess although I do occasionally binge which I am trying to stop but it's all about lifestyle I was diagnosed 4 years ago but have had ra for 5 I really haven't adapted my lifestyle much apart from when the flares hit and I must say so far so good lol apart from I currently have an infected joint which isn't fun!
I think it depends a lot on the MTX dose, and also if you have tablets or injections. My doc said never binge, that's the biggest risk. Also your blood tests will be a useful guide for you. I often have a glass of red. But never binge and never around MTX day.
Thanks everyone for the helpful replies!
I started mtx this august and like you I was worried that I wouldn't be able to enjoy my weekend wine. Rheumy said it was ok to drink within normal limits. I felt it would be sensible to abstain until I had my first lot of bloods through to make sure my liver was coping ok with the mtx. Had this done last week and all clear so, as everyone seems to be saying, no more getting tiddled but I will enjoy the odd glass or 2 a few days a week ... in fact I'm enjoying one right now!! Rx
I was told not to drink at all while on it, as I don't drink it wasn't a problem anyway! xx
When I went on mtx I stopped drinking that was 14 years ago now.i don't miss it just a couple for the new year but don't think I could handle a hangover.hard enough getting threw the day.
I am on 20mg. I didn't drink at all for the first few months to make sure that my bloods were OK, then started having the odd one or two. I'm not a big drinker anyway, so I tend not to think about the amount I'm drinking - any more than a pint and I'm feeling wibbly these days. I make a point of not drinking on mtx day, and if that coincides with something social where I might want to drink a bit, then I take the mtx 24 hours later.
Hope that helps,
Dotty x
I'm on 25mg a week and was told when first taking it, no alcholol so if my liver test showed anything untoward they would know it was the mtx and not drink! But after it had all settled down (about 3 months) they said to be sensible and don't overdo it - I do drink but keep it down as much as I can - always have 3 days with nothing and then try to limit it. I found each cons. is different - neighbour's cons. said NEVER drink but mine is more tolerant (thank goodness) and as my bloods are taken every month, any problem would show up.
I'd say go with what your cons. and GP tell you - as with others, I can't tolerate booze as well as I used to so I do cut down a lot.
Lynn x
Hi, i've been on MTX for around 3 years now. Dosage 12.5 mg. I do drink (wine only, hardly ever spirits apart from G and T v occasionally) My Consultant said that the liver is like a back pack on the back, and each time you have a drink it fills the pack up and it becomes heavier.
He didn't say not to drink at all, but to drink a little if the monthly blood tests continued to show up fine. I really enjoy red wine mainly and find a very small amount can actually settle my tummy. (literally a couple of glugs). As long as all is fine with the blood tests, i will continue to enjoy the very small amount i drink - which is most days,with no binging. Everyone is different and you have to find a balance with whats sensible but still enjoying life..hope this helps .
I've always loved my glass or two of vino of an evening and was really upset to think I could never indulge again. I've been on MTX for just over 4 months and have full bloods every 2 weeks. It does not make any difference to my blood tests/liver function results or how I generally feel wither I have been drinking or not, which I find very strange. I'm in no way advocating drinking against your Rhumy's advice but it doesn't appear to be making any difference to me.
I was told a maximum of two drinks per week. I hardly drink since the inset of RA in 1995. Made me feel worse thsn ever in early days. Not too great now. I had three drinks at a wedding weekend in August and won't likely have or want any more till Christmas. Just got used to not having it.
I laid off alcohol for about the first three months on MTX. Now I have the odd glass or two of wine, and occasionally a peg of whiskey. No drinks on MTX days. So far there have been no ill effects, so I think moderation is the answer. Best of luck.
I wad told I could have 5 units a week while on methotrexate. Most weeks I don't have a drink anyway but for those times that I wanted to drink some wine I got small wine glasses from my family living abroad which made it easier for me to keep count and space it out. Although I am off methotrexate now I would struggle to go over the 5 units. Just don't think it's worth risking a hangover headache. At least that type of pain I can prevent while no control over RA pain....
i was only prescribed methotrexate last week - i'm currently just finishing my first term of uni and i'm literally gutted about the no drinking thing. I'm aware it sounds slightly pathetic - there are far worse things in the world i know-but drinking (as you can imagine) is a huge part of my social life !! i feel i need to 'test my limit' on it but i dont want to over do it etc. feeling v glum about this, right before xmas too :'/ ...
Just want to start off by saying I'm a social drinker. Weird because I didn't even like alcohol in my 20's or even early 30's but now as I'm in my mid 40's I enjoy a couple of drinks with friends on a Friday & or Saturday night.
I was diagnosed with RA March of 2013. Started taking MTX around September 2013 after being on Prednisone to get rid of all the inflammation & stiffness. I've been on MTX ever since. I got up to around 15mg but the nausea was too much for me & my blood tests came back fine for months so my Rheumy started backing me off & now I'm on 7.5mg. During this whole time I still drink on the weekends. I admit at first for maybe 2 months I didn't drink or I had no more than 2 beers the whole weekend (I don't drink during the week).
But I'm back to drinking socially again & my blood work comes back normal. I do notice that after a binge my cervical area get's tender maybe some mid back pain but no small joint problems.
I've done a lot of research back & forth from US forums to UK forums & it appears that US doctors are MUUUCH more conservative on the drinking suggestions than Euro doctors. Euro doctors are telling their patients no more than 10 units which I believe to be about 3 strong lagers (beer) or 2 mixed drinks. That's typically what I've been adhering to & I blood test every other month & no issues.
Keep in mind the highest on MTX I've ever been is 15mg so for those who are taking like 20mg + maybe there's issues & in the end everyone is different. I've read posts of those people who have been on MTX for 10yrs & drink 2-3 times a week & no issues. Others lost all taste for alcohol & they even get sick from the taste.
So you just gotta test, watch & measure for yourself ALONG with your Rheumatologist.
I was told no meth.
Have understood, reading research studies, that the liver is not the only problem when taking alcohol when on mtx. Mtx toxic effects on the GI tract are increased when taking alcohol. So better to be carefull.