Can Methotrexate cause you to gain weight: - NRAS


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Can Methotrexate cause you to gain weight

rosedale profile image
11 Replies
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rosedale profile image
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11 Replies
LavendarLady profile image

Hi Rosedale. Not heard that MTX can cause weight gain and it is not listed as a side effect on any of the bumf I have. It can cause hair loss though. Steroids will cause weight gain so have you been on those at all - either by injection or tablet? MTX is a chemo drug which had the side effect they found of helping RA sufferers. Most chemo drugs make you lose weight not gain in. LavendarLady x

Christine44 profile image

Hi Rosedale.

I have gained weight over the last 12 months but wasn't diagnosed until Dec last year, started on MTX in January. I am sure my weight gain is due to the decreased physical activity because of RA. Used to dance three times a week and walk my dog four times a day. Forgot to adjust my intake of food! :)

Take care


LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to Christine44

Hi Christine, I agree - you do get decreased activity with RA as everything is so much of an effort, even taking dog for a walk. Somedays I can walk for about 10 minutes, other days I can only stagger to the end of the drive. Unfortunately with RA what causes one thing to get better, causes another to go out of control. I used to love dancing but cannot do it now unless it is a slow shuffle with hubby. Sometimes I will have a bop round the room if a particularly bouncy tune on the radio makes me get up to boogie but I then collapse with exhaustion! LaqvendarLady x

Christine44 profile image
Christine44 in reply to LavendarLady

Hi LavendarLady

You have described it perfectly! I still go out on Saturday nights with my 'dancing' friends: waltzing in sensible shoes fitted with orthotics isn't exactly my cup of tea! Slow foxtrot looks really good in flat shoes :) as for the quuickstep ... forget it! Sequence dancing is a little better and line dancing is made for flat shoes: pity my feet and knees grumble so much.( However, I can't sit down ALL night) Last night I wore flat sandals, no orthotics, felt a little more lady like but I knew I would pay for it today: worth it though!

So I am having a 'do nothing ' Sunday: can just about find the energy to see to emails and answer bloggs! Soon be bedtime .. :)


Gina_K profile image
Gina_K in reply to Christine44

Me too having relaxing Sunday!

rosedale profile image

Thank you everyone And yes my hair has gone very thin so I can put that down to Methotrexate I really hate the fact my hair is getting thinner I was told folic acid was to help with hair thinning I do take folic acid 5 days a week i wonder if i increase my dose would that help ?

Gina_K profile image

Steroids & lack of activity with RA, typically cause weight gain. Try to refine your diet to compensate, I know it is difficult, especially if you need steroids, but try get off those little red miracles/ devils as soon as you doc says you can.


I'm not yet on anything and have only had a few quite aggressive spells of not being about to walk at the start - now I find if I don't walk about all the time I freeze up and everything goes hot, stiff, tingly and sore. This has convinced me that I must keep walking whenever possible because the pain to date may well be the tip of the iceberg and I might find that the walking miles ceases again one day soon. Also good to keep trying to lose weight if possible because of the strengthening of leg muscles and the lessening of pressure on load bearing joints. I hate the thought of hobbling about with people making assumptions.

It was a battle to keep food intake down when on steroid though - now appetite on the wane again thankfully because I've got two and half stone to lose before I can say I'm right for my age and height. I was near enough to clinically obese when all this kicked off though. I have been hoping that if I am put on MTX i will lose more weight from nausea so hope the answer to your question is no because weight gain from it would be the last straw for me - dread dread and worried silly about the possible hair thinning as my hair is my best asset these days (covers the weight loss sags and wrinkles nicely for starters!).

Babs321 profile image

I've lost 2 stone since this all started 18mths ago, mainly because I don't have any appitite anymore. Only on diclofenac and the co codamol 30/500 I have for my chronic back pain. Suppose if it does turn out I have ra then I have all these joys waiting for me. Hate the thought of loosing my hair, it's never been thick and seems to be getting thinner. Babs xx

Not every one loses hair on metho and it is some times not a huge loss. they may also chose a different med for you there are several


Zena profile image

I wonder if anyone has gained weight on Plaquenil? I am still active in between flare-ups and these do seem to be under control too since starting this drug last March, but in spite of lots of gardening and tennis I seem to be struggling to keep my weight down even though I eat healthily and few treats. Will have to count points again (can recommend WeightWatchers - I lost 17lbs lst time I went).

My hair started thinning when I was Hypothyroid (very tired) before being diagnosed and have taken Levothyroxine supplement for maybe 10 years. My hair is fine now. Might it be worth getting a blood test as it is vry common and not all GPs seem to recognise this I found.

Thanks eveyone.

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