Further to Cathie's question on 'RA info for children' I thought I'd write about RA through the eyes of my wonderful 4 year old (five years old next weekend I keep being told to remember he is a big boy now!)
The thing that has always upset me most about having RA is that I feel that I am not able to be the mother I want to be, going to the park and playing rough and tumble, going for bike rides, the list is endless. But I had never once stopped to think what it must be like for my children having a mum that can't do the things that other mothers do, that is until about 6-9 months ago...
Firstly I'll just say my children are the most important thing in the world to me and they give me a reason to live, I am in no way being horrible about them, I just thought it might help some families to know about how my son has reacted to having a mum with RA.
My son had been through a lot in the last year; new baby in the house, starting school, grandfather in hospital for six weeks, poorly grandmother and then his great grandfather died. We put all the behavior that followed down to these things, but then he started directing his behavior at me and me only. It started with just being rude, then not following instructions, being messy in his room (emptying his book selves everywhere, toys everywhere, etc) then he started being a bit physical towards me knowing that I could not do anything about it. In the end he would be coming home from school and saying "I wish you would die so it is just daddy, baby and me" In the end it seemed as though we were always shouting at each other.
Then out of the blue he opened up to my mother about what was wrong and why he was being like this. Simply, he did not really understand what was wrong with me and thought that God was doing this to me to get at him He felt that everyone he loved was getting hurt so if he started being really horrid to me then God would think he did not love me and leave me alone. It broke my heart to hear this, I felt as though once again I'd let him down.
After this we sat down and had a really honest chat about my health. As I say he is a clever boy so he was asking about different types of bloods cells, immune systems etc. His way of understanding it all was this: we have two types of blood red and white. The white ones are our special knights who carry shields to fight infections and all the bad bits so we stay healthy, however my knights attack me so they are bad knights.
Now whenever I'm not feeling too good he all but gives me mouth to mouth to try and give me some of his good knights! He is caring and kind and when is is horrid now we just put it down to his age!