Thought you might like to know about these wonderful assistance dogs for the disabled. They are used by people with RA (and others) whether confined to a wheel chair or not. they have to learn over 70 commands, to be able to help people get up and dressed, remove clothing, shop, open doors,operate traffic lights at crossings, empty the washing machine, fetch their own food bowls from a cupboard, pick up things dropped etc. I have seen them in action and it is fantastic to see them working. They have a website on which there are some short videos of the training involved - worth a look. anyone needing this sort of help can contact the charity by phone, e mail, letter or their website. All enquiries are acknowledged and the people from the charity will arrange to visit. Recently they have been helping our soldiers returning with terrible injuries from Afghanistan. I don't need one yet but if I do, I know I will have a canine partner who will make a tremendous difference to my life and make it worthwhile. LavendarLady
Canine Partners Assistance Dogs: Thought you might like... - NRAS
Canine Partners Assistance Dogs

They are amazing arnt they my friend trains guide dogs for the blind, its amazing what they can train then to do.
I have two little pug dogs and although they cant do any off these tricks there comforting skills are so good xx
Hi RA-Fibro. I have trained my labrador Tilly to stand still by the side of the bed if I have difficulty getting up. I can then put my hand on her back to steady myself getting out of bed and she stands like a rock. If I drop something she will also pick it up. I am also training my 5 month old lab to pick things up and bring them to me. (He gets a bit confused at times!).
I agree dogs are so comforting - I love mine to bits and they are great company as well. The 7 yr old goes to work with my husband but the pup stays with me and is like a little shadow. LavendarLady
love labs,, xx
Hi Lavendar Lady
What is the criteria to own one? Do you have to have sustained significant joint damage or can you apply if you disease is aggressive but hopefully being held back by drugs/biologics?
I would love one
Id like one too. or to help train one .. they must like cats lol!!, had asked / thought about training guide dog puppy you can volunteer but I MIGHT not be active enough for a young puppy sadly
Have always found our canine friends very theraputic. They are used a lot in Ireland, especially for visiting the elderly, and in rehab for addiction. I have actually met the rehab dogs and they are fab. Woof Woof! love all dogs, such unconditional love! I have trained dogs in my previous life, mainly GSDs maybe I'll get back to it - no that would be actually too hard and riskey!
Talking about Canines and their uses reminds me of the airport and drugs dogs.
Nearly died on the spot one time, when sniffer dogs started sniffing round my usual suitcase full of prescribed drugs !!!!!! felt like a real smuggler.
Most embaressing. Doggies were only doing their job bless them xx
Hi all, if anyone wants to enquire of Canine Partners about getting an assistance dog, you need to contact the charity itself. They will arrange to come and see you and find out your needs and how much you can manage. You don 't have to be confined to a wheelchair to get an assistance dog. I can't walk much or stand, bending to pick things up is difficult and when I spoke to the charity some time ago, was advised I would probably qualify for a dog but decided against it then as I could manage. Worth looking at their website for more information. Gina K - We also have Pat Dogs in England who visit hospitals and hospices and retirement homes and bring a lot of comfort to someone who may have had to give up their much loved dog. I have been told that 5 month old pup has all the makings of a Pat Dog so we shall see when he is older, but he is basically a gun dog. Must admit Sparkle, not had the drug dogs sniffing round my luggage yet but there is always a first time! Hi Summer, you can become a "puppy parent" but you do need to be pretty active to cope with the puppy training. LavendarLady
Hello Lavendar Lady
I was lucky to have one of the first Canine Partners, Alfred.
Not only do they help with the tasks that we find difficult to do, they are great as a bridge between a wheelchair user and able-bodied people.
They make it easier to communicate.
Also because of what the dogs do for you, the bond is very deep.
Anybody who is interested, please check the website:
Tel: 08456 580 480
Hi David, so pleased you had one of these fantastic dogs. It is a charity I support. A very old friend of mine's daughter is confined to a wheelchair and has been since birth. She has one of these dogs and recently completed walking the Ridgeway with her dog, wheelchair and her dad. Do you still have a Canine Partner? Or is Alfred still with you and a great help? LavendarLady