Here again - still atroshing.: Atroshing is a phrase... - NRAS


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Here again - still atroshing.

LavendarLady profile image
20 Replies

Atroshing is a phrase used in Norfolk to mean keeping going. Seemed appropriate!

Well the hand is settling down although the thumb joints are still very painful but the swelling and pain have largely gone. The tendons in the palm were standing up as well so had to keep bending fingers back to relieve the tension. I collect the increased dose of MTX today (now at the maximum of 25 mgs) and the driver has been with my delivery of Enbrel. He was early this morning and very cheerful as usual. Forgot to give him my full sharps box so that will have to wait another 6 weeks!

Painter is here painting the kitchen ceiling which is giving me a headache and causing problems with the asthma - chest is getting tight so will have to open a window for air. I am in the dining room and the kitchen is just across the hall. Feeling a bit dizzy as well. I do react to paint very rapidly.

Have a job interview on Friday afternoon - only 2 mornings a week but it is paid so hope I get it. I can manage that but will have to cut down the other days at CAB as can't manage 4 days now. It is the sort of job which can be built up into something worthwhile given a bit of enthiusiasm. Will let you know how the interview goes.

Have just registered for the last year of my OU Degree course. I start a 60 point module in October on Crime and Justice which finishes May 2013 and then start another module for the final 60 points to get the degree. It is a BA degree course to add to the ones I already have but keeps my interest going.

And keeps me out of mischief.

BBQ on Friday evening at Anmer Club as the forecast is supposed to be a heatwave - I'll believe that when I see it. Beautiful day yesterday but guess what, raining and drizzly again today. I am sure the weather doesn't help our joints. Did my nails last night - a lovely shade of deep pink. Had to put a tip on one as broke the nail and I hate having one nail shorter than the others. Vanity, Vanity, all is Vanity!

Berry being helpful (or not) to Kevin the painter. He (Berry) is so curious about what is going on and keeps bringing his toy to show Kevin who is really trying to get on. Had the kitchen measured yestereday for new cupboard doors and worktops. Nearly died at the price so getting another quote to compare. Also getting someone in to do new blinds for the kitchen and conservatory. It's all go. But the new kitchen and blind people were recommended by friends who had used them and were very pleased with the results.

So that's the news from the castle for the time being. LavendarLady x

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LavendarLady profile image
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20 Replies
sylvi profile image

You have been a busy lady LL. Pink nails eh! trying to keep up with me lol. Your doing better than me on the nail front as i've had to have all mine off due to hospital next week. I can tell you though as soon as i get out of hospital i am going to get them redone and i am going to get hubby to repaint my toenails.

Surely you can get paint that is non allergic or is that so expensive to use. Asthmas no fun as i well know. Mine i'm happy to say is not too bad thank goodness. All this lovely work your having done is the queen popping in to open it all when your finished!!!!! I try to be cheerful,not sure if others find my weird sense of humour funny. Work tops and cuboard doors are not cheap these days. We had our blinds in the conservatory redone a couple of years ago and they cost £2000 then so i dread to think what you will be spending. My motto is you can't take it with you so you might as well spend while your here to enjoy it.

Love sylvi.xx

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to sylvi

The quote we had for the kitchen was, wait for it, £4500! And all I wanted was 8 replacement doors (not the whole units) and a new worktop. So Himself wants another quote to compare. The friends who recommended the man to do the blinds paid £400 for their blinds in the conservatory and bathroom. So will see what quotes we get. LL x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to LavendarLady

Go to b&g i'm sure you could get something of good quality at a more reasonable price, there's also homebase and theres wickes as well. Like you i think that is too high a price for a few doors and a worktop.

My son only comes home every 6nths now and like you all he won't hear of me changing his room. They can't wait to leave home,but they don't want you to change it either. Boys hey!!

Love sylvi.xx

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to sylvi

That would be fine Sylvi if I had the sort of do it yourself hubby but unfortunately he would just mess it up (his own admission he is not a handy man - must be a cerebral thing!). LL x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to LavendarLady

Yes but you could get them and get someone to come in and fit them for you,i'm sure it would still cost less than what you were quoted.


LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to sylvi

You're probably right re the cupboard doors but the work tops were to be granite which is expensive and have to be very carefully fitted and sealed. LLxx

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to sylvi

Apparently it was the solvent he was using to clean the walls which was causing the problem. The paint he uses is low smell or whatever that is caused. He has finished the ceiling today and the smell has been very faint. LL x

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to LavendarLady

Should have said called not caused. !! LL

codliver profile image

There must be something in the air lavender lady! I replaced all my worktops and cupboard doors last month and i ended up replacing the tiles too as some of them cracked and i couldnt match the shade that were on. Im still licking my wounds at what i forked out lol.My cat (obi wan kenobi which my then 4 year old son named him) was not amused and sat in the pose of a frozen chicken under the conifers in the back garden in protest everytime the joiner arrived.I dont think hes quite forgiven me for the upheaval yet.xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to codliver

love the cats name!!!


LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to codliver

It hasn't affected our cat yet MinnieMae (otherewise known as just Minnie - she is a brown tortie burmese) but Berry has been doing his bit to hinder the decorator who fortunately likes dogs. We have to replace 4 tiles where the fittings for the old boiler were but Kevin has managed to near enough match them so they won't show much difference and it won't be noticeable where they are either. It is really so expensive for what should be relatively simple jobs. Still I suppose someone has to make a living! I llike the cat's name. LL x

allanah profile image

Hi ll, gosh u r bright with all your courses,

Got to talk the OH into decorating, as just ordered a new couch due to arrive august, want the lounge doing and my son who moved out 5 years ago to go to Uni and now lives in Newcastle wont hear of me decorating his room, cos its HIS!! So its getting done first ha ha


LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to allanah

I thought your couch would have been here by now allanah. Didn't realise from your earlier blog you were having to wait so long. My son left home many years ago (he has been married 8 years) but also won't hear of us changing the decor in "his" room. My husband has turned it into his study. The time will come when it will need decorating whether son likes it or not - bless him. LL x

Hello LL, great word that, atroshing - never heard it before at all.

I thought i was busy, you make me feel as though i am dossing about.

We need quite a few bits and pieces refurbished and painted - OH painted bedroom over weekend but it seems we just finished one thing before another needs to be done. Girls had a project for the guides - produce something to sell at craft fair. Well OH saw this as a challenge and to our amazement, produced quite a nifty wee bird box. For the past few weeks he has been experimenting with carpentry and he has now got another new hobby and is going to make some frames for his astronomical images. I have been trying to get him to frame them for ages so i am delighted....Maybe this hobby will save some money as opposed to the major expenses that comes with telescopes.

forgot to say good luck with the job interview

Hi Lavender

That does seem quite expensive for a few doors. Hopefully the fumes from the paint have eased.

I used to live in Dersingham, so I know where you are. Sometimes wish I was still there, although the Lavender fields used to make me sneeze!

Hope you can find someone a bit cheaper to do your kitchen.

All the best


Well we had a quote back for a new kitchen at 8K and that was just to buy the stuff never mind install - which my hubby reckons would take it up to about 14 grand!

Basically we had a leak going into our kitchen wall which it took about 3 months to finally work out was the builders who had put a nail through a hot water pipe when putting in our new bathroom above 2 years ago. They have organised to re do it all on their insurance but we have discovered our 1970s kitchen has no insulation behind the plaster board which is why it's always so cold in the mornings. So have been swithering about taking it all to bits and starting again - no wonder it would be so expensive but finally decided we could face the upheaval nor can we really afford to do this so it will just be a patch up job when they can do it.

Anyway I'm really glad everything is going to be so posh in LL world - very best of luck for the interview. TTxx

You are one busy lady!. good luck with the interview I am sure the job will be yours xx

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to

Thanks Alison. LL x

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Everyone, took the first increased dose of MTX yesterday, and today feeling nauseous again. I suppose it will settle down once I get used to the new dosage but not much fun when I had an important meeting at lunchtime today and only drank water (!) and the interview tomorrow as well. Keep your fingers crossed it will pass off very quickly until next time. LavendarLady x

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