Hi all yet another question,anybody got or had stiff & aching jaw ??(sorry about spelling)
jaw: Hi all yet another question,anybody got or had... - NRAS

I have a clicky jaw, am wearing a gum shield at night as been grinding my teeth when in pain - a sight to behold as you can imagine!

thanks,mines stiff and sometimes have trouble eating to start with,didnt think RA could effect all joints
Yes it does One of my friends (with RA) has problems with her jaw but you might find you're doing what I do and clenching / grinding your teeth when your sore, particularly at night which can make jaw achy.
Yes, RA can affect the joint that controls your jaw. But since you're at early stage of RA (I think?) it's most likely to be as CptJn says and be because of clenching/grinding your jaw. RA can go just about everywhere, but not that often and only for the really unlucky folk, so try not to worry.
Oh yes. I've had that problem in the past. Touch wood , not for a while. I found I couldn't open my mouth more than a centimetre or so. The pain was really bad, but it does pass, so bear with it!!
Both my sister and I (both of us have RA)have problems sometimes with inflamed jaw joints. Have to eat soft food for a while as chewing is painful.
The worst thing is going to the dentist when it's like that - mine is very good and lets me have frequent rests, and manages with not too big a stretch open too.
Hi. I have had this problem occasionally. The first time it happened I couldn't bite an apple. I blamed the apple for being too big.
Then the dentist was annoyed as I didn't open my mouth wide enough for him.
It recently got so bad I could only eat soft food.
But it only lasted 4 or 5 days each time.
One thing I have learned from RA is patience.
My friend who has osteo went to see a jaw doc today with same problems as you've been having. He told her that it was nothing to do with arthritis in her case but just the shape of her mouth/ jaw. This means that she has to be particularly careful not to clench or grind her teeth and mustn't grit teeth when lifting heavy things etc. This might not be relevant to you but thought I'd mention just in case it helps. TTx
Just recently I have noticed a kind of clicking sensation when I eat sometimes - feels very strange!