Woke up today with the dreaded jaw pain..got to be one of the worst pains this RD can offer...not to worry soup and ice cream through a straw today
My Jaw!!: Woke up today with the dreaded jaw pain..got... - NRAS
My Jaw!!

You have my empathy, it's horrible, and so are the ear problems that go with it. Hope you feel better soon.
Not experienced the ear pain with it tbh just incredible pain up the side of my face and jaw whenever I talk or attempt to eat
I agree. That's gotta be 1st or 2nd to foot pain. Even though I'm not in pain now I noticed my struggle opening my mouth wide enough to eat a donut hole! I can take that....hoping not to get the pain back no time soon. Sorry you're hurting but you will see the other side of the rainbow! Count your lucky stars you've haven't experienced the ear pain. That's
bad too. Feels like 9 months of labor pain going on in my ear!
Hi 1 min, do you get Tinnatus as well as the ear pain? .hope you don't mind me asking and sorry that you're sufferering to.
Hi! No I don't mind. I had to google that. Lol! Anybody that minds shouldn't be on this website! Ha ha! My jaw is locked to where I can't open it like I used to be able too. Before I was diagnosed I was going to the dentist complaining and then I out two and two together after my RD diagnoses. I've gotten two bad flares before diagnoses and both encompasses jaw pain and the parting prize was shingles. It can always be worse! I've been getting shingles since 1993 after my daughter gave me chickenpox at age 25. I get it once a year on average and to get it two months in a row from RD pain was excruciating! Anyway that's my story
Thanks... I agree but just thought id ask coz maybe some people don't like giving out too much details :). Blimey shingles every year plus RA...that's tough. Your symptoms sounded like mine, first to the doc to see if it was ears, then the dentist and then confirmed it was my jaw :(. Thought I'd ask about the ear ringing as sometimes it's all connected.
No problem! I went to the orthropedic too for my knees! He gave me two cortisone shots Lol. I tried but it none of that would help until inwas finally diagnosed with the dreadful!
My mouth feels fine absent I can't open it all the way! That might be the case today but i might be on here like Lain complaining! Jaw pain sucks.
Poor you!! I didn't have ear problems at first but have now. Hope yours improves quickly though and at least you've got an excuse to eat icecream
Hi there
Jaw pain can be such a misery. I had a long period of suffering. To the Dr then the dentist, then to the maxillo-facial department at the hospital. Then through the whole process four times. I like my GP was convinced it was an abcess, but a very deep one. Since being on anti-tnfs' I have had quite a number of episodes of sepsis that have needed surgical intervention. If my memory serves me right 7 in total so far. It was just the worst time ever. Eventually my GP and I were proved right it was an abcess under a tooth. Not the one that was exquisitely painful, but the one next to it. It did mean having all my lower right teeth extracted, and dentures which I rarely use. But I was glad to have to have them. I had to become very vocal, and short and sharp, in other words I almost lost my temper, to get someone to believe me. I believe most people know their own bodies better than most health professionals. This has been proven to me so many times. I may know all about the lower limbs ie: structure, function and pathologies. If my original diagnosis and treatment did not show signs of improvement or perhaps deteriorated, then questioning the patient in great depth could often reveal that vital clue that could lead you to a correct diagnosis. It is a minefield, but go with your gut feeling even if you don't actually know what the problem is. More often than not the patient knows because they know their own bodies so well. I truly hope you get some answers and more importantly some relief.
Have you tried putting voltarol gel over the area? Thats what I use, though you might want to ask your GP about it, being on your face. If you do use it, you need to be very careful not to get it near your eyes.