A different post to what you will normally read but please, if you have any information or experience, share it with me.
So I'm 24 turning 25 in a few months, and for the last 5 years I've been struggling with severe pain in my feet and knees. It was only last year in May that I got my diagnosis and since then I've been on Etacernept injection therapy that I inject weekly. It's actually been helping a lot, before every second of my life was pain but I know have some comfort and strength back. Going to gym and building strength back into my legs. All positive on that end, except the long NHS waits between each appointment, last August was when I was last seen and I got booked in for February 21st 2025.
However, a week before I started my injection therapy, my job of 2 years let me go. I was with an agency which they cut ties with and they decided to not sign me on fully due to low attendance, which I knew was an issue, always has been especially through the years where I had no idea what my condition was. This didn't stop me from being the best employee I could be when on the job, I always gave 110% because I always knew I was a liability. This was last August since I lost my job and due to having a better understanding of what my condition is, I resorted to PIP and Universal Credit.
Before I get to my question, there is another thing you should understand about my situation. I'm 24, and I still live with my dad. The last 5 years I haven't been able to settle with a career nor have the ability to gather funds to move out. As you can imagine, keeping a job was hard. My father and I are not close and he's mentally in a worse place than me, for an example; He took an early retirement in January 2024 and since then all he has done is sleep and avoid the world. It's come to a point where he won't accept help or listen and my other family members tell me to leave him be to do what he wants. So with everything I have been through these last few years, this is the person I have around me and I've reached a point where I'm absolutely desperate to escape. Start fresh and surround myself with good energy where I am motivated every single day to strive to be better. He's recently spoke to me and admitted he is broke, he has spent all his money on dodgy watches and some other stuff that I rather not discuss as its an embarrassment. So I now can no longer trust him and I cannot spend the rest of my life looking after him.
So here's where I'm stuck and need guidance. I have no money except the £900ish income I get from PIP and Universal credit. I've been banging on the door at my local council to get seen for help about my situation but I still have no date set. So I am lost and don't really know how to get out. Who is best to speak to. Is there any sites that will help. Has anyone here been in a similar situation and could advise me on what I can do. I have been searching for jobs ever since I lost my last job but where I am located, opportunities are slim. I really want to relocate and start again.
Thank you to those who took their time to read my story and I look forward to hearing from you.
Jack x