need new knee but went to app and Consultant is unwilling to do so. Says risk of infection high and replacement won’t improve my mobility!!! . What do you suggest
replacement : need new knee but went to app and... - NRAS

See if you get a second opinion.xxxx
Exactly. Took me 3 attempts before I got a consultant who didn’t gaslight me and who I could trust. Ask around for recommendations.
I was due to have a replacement in 2023. My rheumatologist found me an orthopaedic surgeon who works mainly with RA patients who are also on steroids. I was due to have surgery in June 2023, but unfortunately I was already in hospital, where I stayed for 10 weeks so the op was cancelled! I still have a pressure sore on my hip from that time, but I’m hoping to go back on the waiting list soon.
Thank your Consultant for his honest and sound advice ~ personally , I would definitely , definitely take it !
I was a care assistant on a Burns and Plastic nhs hospital ward ~ I seen first hand a patient ( on total bed rest ) with an open knee infection after having a knee replacement carried out ~ simply ~ you would NOT wish to run this risk … Remember , your Consultant has your best interests at heart ~ It’s their Job !
Hello Definitely get a second opinion I had an extremely painful knee and had an xray and there was no cartilage left !Eventually had a total knee replacement and it took all the pain away and that leg is brilliant Theres no reason yiu should grt an infection.You may not need a replacement but definitely get an xray and 2n d opinion via GP Hope this issue is resolved for you
thank you. Had x ray and no cartlidge left. Going to discuss with GP. Fed up of pain
btw had both hips replaced and new knee will be this summer.all whilst ‘on’ Immunosuppressing drugs: with the relevant break. Just for info.
So I worked as a ward sister on an orthopaedic ward, and can definitely say the vast majority do have improvement in mobility. It’s really a case of if you can put in the effort with the exercises, you will benefit more. I’ve also nursed many on immunosuppressants without issue. Yes, the risk of complications is slightly higher, and infections in the knee, carry the risk of the metalwork needing to be removed. You don’t say what age you are, that can play a factor, as generally. You can only have revision surgery once, and knees last around 10yrs, especially if still quite active. So if you’re on the younger side, they may try to delay. However, they should be upfront about that. Unfortunately, some may be coming under pressure, not to add to the waiting list, as it could reflect badly on the Trust.
I myself was referred by my rheumatologist for knee surgery, as I have a lot of damage, mainly caused by my ankylosing spondylitis. Both knee caps are subluxed due to the tendons stiffening as a result of calcified deposits. My patellofemoral joint is bone on bone, due to the knee cap not sitting in its track. Unfortunately I have a condition called adrenal insufficiency, where surgery can risk an adrenal crisis, which is life threatening. I’ve already had a severe stroke due to a crisis, so he felt it wasn’t essential yet, and referred me for lots of physio. In fairness, the physio has improved the pain and mobility. My feet are also a mess and the foot surgeon was happy to do surgery, and in fact should be going in next month for further surgery, but that’s a lot less invasive than knee surgery. I did have complications with infections and delayed healing after last years op, and had to be off my immunosuppressants 12 weeks, so hoping not to repeat that this time. Your entitled to seek a 2nd opinion. Meantime do exercises to strengthen your quadriceps, that takes the burden off your knee, and makes recovery after replacement easier, if your muscles are already strong. Good luck 🤗
Totally agree about requesting a second opinion.
I had a knee replacement in 2023 whilst taking steroids and Methotrexate…no problem with being accepted for the operation.
I had both hips replaced last year…not on steroids…and no issues again.. To be free from the pain is amazing.
Whereabouts are you in the UK?
I would agree about asking someone else.... however I know three people who have had knees replaced. The lady was very diligent and did her physio great result. The two men but farmers probably not as diligent and not on immunosuppressives both significant infections, one eventually lost his leg. Infection in knees is not to be taken lightly.
Hello kathgallagher,
I take it you have rheumatoid disease? In which case, I’m not surprised you have been advised against the operation. The thinking these days, as far as I’m aware, is that operations on joints for those with this disease are rarely successful and only cause disappointment. Operations were carried out in the past because there were no truly effective drugs.
You would be better advised to go along the medication route these days. No doubt, for those who have long-term damage, some operations may be advisable but they won’t increase mobility. I was diagnosed in 1967 and was operated on my right knee in 1969. Not a replacement. A synovectomy (removal of the lining of the joint). Unfortunately, these operations were rarely much use as the lining of the joint can grow again if any tissue is left in situ. I was lucky and had years of relief. But I don’t think they are popular these days as there is such a good choice of medications available - although it does take time to find one that suits the patient.
Good Luck - I wish you well; you should have advice from your rheumatologist as to which path to follow.