Never had any issue with methotrexate injections before, but my latest supply sting like hell! All around the injection site for a gud 5-10 mins after. Just me, or has anyone else noticed a difference recently?
methotrexate injection stinging: Never had any issue... - NRAS
methotrexate injection stinging

Yes, the new ones do sting a bit whereas the old ones were painless. I find that it lasts less than a minute, though.
Try using San I've cube to numb the site before injecting
Yes same! Even the new style injections were ok, but my latest batch has been more stingy for some reason. Hopefully the next batch will be back to normal.
Sometimes my injections sting and sometimes not … not sure what causes it but it never lasts more than an hour.
It is entirely possible that the manufacturer has added something new to the formulation. I react really badly to sulphite preservatives for example and they sting like crazy. It might be worth checking the full ingredient list to see if you can spot anything new.
There are preservatives used in many injectable solutions, particularly those where multiple doses are drawn from a single vial. They ensure a safe product, but most of them will sting a bit. It's a lesser of evils, better a hot moment than an infection.
I noticed this too.Also get a yellow 'ink blot' stain under my skin around the site about 5 mins after my injection. Its gone by the next morning. I asked the rheumy nurse who suggested holding it in longer and presding harder but it still does it.
Yes, I find the stinging lasts about 5 min. I used to prefer injections to swallowing pills but now I'm not so sure. I have to brace myself for what feels like a wasp sting. I also find I bruise more often at the site of injection too.
I’m finding it’s a bit hit and miss , some sting done don’t , I guess it comes down to the quality in the manufacturing
Hi, yes I am having the same problem, stinging around the injection site for at least 10 minutes, never used to bother me taking my injection but now dred taking it 😩
I find the same with adalimumab