don’t want to cause a riot..genuine question but worr... - NRAS


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don’t want to cause a riot..genuine question but worried because it’s such a contentious topic…

Bon1 profile image
47 Replies

I am wondering who out there (other than me!) wears a mask on a regular basis?

As a teacher in a huge cramped secondary with windows that barely open and packed corridors I do…but I’m the only one. The one other “clinically extremely vulnerable” person stopped ages ago but I don’t think her kidney function is as poor as mine 🤷‍♀️. Or maybe I’m some kind of dinosaur who should have moved on my now.

genuinely don’t know!

I also wear one on the tube/ train and in shops.

One of a tiny minority at best.

I alternate between feeling that I am the sane one and that everyone else is living in denial…and feeling like a fool who just needs to get over it!

My lovely family have had enough and want to get back to “normal”. My pleas that 2019 is over and not coming back any time soon make me sound even more feeble to them, and I have become a person who rants! Not who I used to be at all!!

I would love to hear other immune compromised takes on this. Hoping everyone well…

Bon xxx

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Bon1 profile image
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47 Replies
HeadInASpin profile image

I think this is personal choice. My understanding of the science is that unless you’re wearing a FFP3 mask you are protecting others rather than yourself. Having said that I usually carry a mask with me in my bag but I rarely use it these days. I personally think worrying about it isn’t healthy anyway…I have enough trouble trying to get on with life coping with uncontrolled RA without thinking about more potential problems. If it makes you feel more comfortable, wear whatever you like and don’t let anyone tell you differently but as you’re asking for my take on the situation - I just accept that germs and bugs are part of life and even though we’re immunosuppressed we have to accept that.

I do tend to choose tables near doors or less crowded train compartments etc just because I think ventilation is a good idea but I wouldn’t spoil a night out about it. I recently caught Covid after a trip to a busy Blackpool hotel. Would I repeat the trip…damn right I would…we had a fab time and had the best laugh I’ve had in ages. IMO there’s no point in taking the meds if it means I can’t live the best life I can.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to HeadInASpin

Thank you: genuinely want to hear others’ views. Much appreciated.

Bon x

Runrig01 profile image

I personally stopped a long time ago, when evidence re those of us with inflammatory arthritis, using dmards and biologics weren’t at increased risk of serious illness. Hopefully this paper reassures you. My husband had it twice, as he had to continue to work. The first time he was very poorly, and I had to care for him, and never caught it. My rheumatologist said it was probably the tnf inhibitor that helped me, as they were starting to use it for some covid patients.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Runrig01

Hi Runrig

Thanks for posting this study I am going to read it carefully. Much appreciated.

Bon x

KittyJ profile image

I stopped a long time ago. I see many people at work ( who in turn are in close contact with many others every day) but I don’t feel the need to wear one any more and neither do those I see. You definitely do what makes you feel comfortable but not rant and try to get others to do the same. It’s a personal choice, live and let live, life is too short and the stress isn’t good for you.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to KittyJ

Thank you. Really appreciate your thoughts and input.

Jimminey profile image

I am immunosuppressed and always wear a mask when others are present indoors - shops, trains etc with the exception of the dentist where I ask them to wear one.

I am retired and live alone which I suppose makes things easier for me. A few (and only a few) of my friends have made indications that 'I should get back to normal' which, to be honest, coming from people who are not immunosuppressed, I am not very keen on. I do not personally know others in my situation.

I quite understand how you feel and I often feel conflicted too.

I've caught covid once from a friend whilst outdoors and do not want to get it again - I got an antiviral infusion (the process for which is a real palaver) but it was still very unpleasant and I have had long covid - continual headache/loss of taste and smell/swollen throat - for 7 months now.

I feel that we live in a society where those at the top are more interested in getting things running without restrictions than in the health of its members. I definitely think that I am sane but the social pressures are heavy. But, at least in my position, I can withstand them.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Jimminey

Thank you so much for your candour. I am sorry your bout of Covid hit you so hard. All the best.

Bon x

Madmusiclover profile image

I wear one in any situation in which I feel unsafe. Cramped, not ventilated etc. You must do what you need to do.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Madmusiclover

Hi MmL. Thank you for your reply. Bon x

lupus_01 profile image

I still won't go to restaurants that are packed. I always where a mask on London underground. I couldn't care less what other people think or say. I am cautious but that doesn't stop me from going out and about

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to lupus_01

Hi there thank you. I think on balance I do more because I wear a mask than I would without, but I have lost my footing a bit. Appreciate your reply

Bon x

AgedCrone profile image

Do as you feel comfortable ….it’s your life…..enjoy it.

I’m old, & I live alone. I was of course sensible during the pandemic but now I don’t feel it necessary to hide myself away or to wear a mask. I had covid once very mildly, & I intend to enjoy the rest of time I have left in this world.

I reckon if I have beaten all the diseases I have experienced already including cancer,I will not let fear of a Chinese virus spoil the time I have left……& I honestly don’t think wearing a face covering will help me achieve that.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to AgedCrone

Dear AC. Thank you for your reply. Have a great day. Finally some sunshine where we are!

Bon x

bpeal1 profile image

I’m on Rituximab and have had covid several times. Each time I have felt really rough with it, however antivirals have always worked really well.

I stopped wearing a mask ages ago for two main reasons. First I’m an outgoing person, I love interacting with people and I find wearing a mask feels like a barrier, I want to be able to smile at people. Secondly I live in a house with two teenagers and a husband who travels the world with work, unless I wear a mask all the time in my house I’m not sure it would make much difference wearing one out and about.

Having said that I do still prefer to sit outside at cafes etc. if the weather is nice, or at least choose the least crowed area.

At the end of the day it’s a personal choice. If wearing one makes you feel more confident to face the world then wear one.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to bpeal1

Thank you so much. I hear you and am aware of the irony as I have two grown kids who are very much out in the world! But to be honest I worry about them too! Have a great day.

Bon x

Fra22-57 profile image

personally I would prefer to breath in the fresh air.I hated having to wear one anyway.I am a bit of a rebel 😆 You see lots of people still wearing masks but don’t wear them correctly which makes me rant inside.I have had covid twice . It’s every ones free choice

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Fra22-57

Thank Fra. I must admit I know what you mean about people not wearing masks properly. I often see a couple of really elderly and frail ladies in my area on the buses with them around their chins. Have a good day.

Bon X

GinnyE profile image

Being on methotrexate has meant I have had about nine vaccinations and am involved in antibody response research which has shown I have produced normal levels of antibodies. Because of this I feel happy without a mask and I mix. I caught covid once, got antivirals, only mild symptoms. I feel this is my protection, not a mask. But I do understand the psychological reassurance a mask can gjve. We have been very frightened haven't we.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to GinnyE

Hi Ginny. Yea I feel I have got some lingering trauma. My husband was terribly ill march 2020 with Covid and then my mother died of it. It’s hard to let go of all that. Appreciate your reply



Blackberrywine profile image

Ultimately the choice is yours. I've never actually worn one, but understand why others might wish to.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Blackberrywine

Thanks Bbw. I think I’ve been sucked into a lot of reading about it and not sure now if it has helped… thanks for your reply bon x

Tkat10 profile image

I were mine on the tube still and last time I went to the London offices for an away day I wish I had done in our meeting room as 4 of us came home with Covid! Do what you feel is right for you.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Tkat10

Argh I’m sorry to ear that. It’s storednloke that that make me feel I might be fling the right thing! Hope all well with you now.

Bon x

Lizard28 profile image

It’s a personal choice and if it makes you feel safer just continue. I have never had covid (touch wood) and it seems to be going about in my little town again. I would actually body swerve someone who is wearing a mask these days as I often wonder if they have covid and that’s why they are wearing one. It took me a while to stop wearing one but we have to live with this virus, my vaccines are all up to date but know loads of people (my daughter included) who won’t get another one as she thinks it’s something we have to live with. She is a teacher and is mixing with a lot of people. Best wishes x

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Lizard28

Hi! Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your input. The other day someone in a waiting room looked at me and then went and loitered outside that door. It was only then that I realized they must have thought I had COVID due to my mask! Have a great summer

Bon x

Haz58 profile image

I wear one still on occasion. If I go to a big superstore where there's lots of people etc. I still wouldn't go to an indoor concert but that doesn't bother me anyway now. Hospital and GP appointments I always wear one. I'm going on a cruise in October and if it's busy indoors in the evening I'll wear one. But it's entirely up to you. You have to do what YOU are comfortable with and ignore everyone else, it's not their life or body. I don't want to get flu or anything now so I'll do what I'm happy with and s*D the rest of them. I've had COVID once, very mildly no anti virals needed. Hubby has had it 3 times twice quite bad, I put him in the spare room and stay away from him😁

weathervane profile image

I still wear a mask in shops or anywhere busy . I was freaked out by a rheumatology nurse who told me I could die if I had covid because im on rituximab and my white blood count if always very low .

I have had covid once and got antivirals and felt awful but recovered well. Its part of my routine now so I will continue to wear one as I feel more comfortable.

Scottishlad profile image

The only time I've worn a mask recently was when I had to go out shopping briefly while I was COVID positive. I used hand gel and avoided touching anything I wasn't buying and scanned at self service till.

cyberbarn profile image

My son wears one still. He said he likes not getting ill. He has severe chronic fatigue and he really doesn't want long covid on top of his long fatigue.

Covid isn't over, and this new variant seems to trigger long covid just as much or more than previous variants.

Despite a lack of widespread testing, rates are rising in the UK for both the numbers of cases and deaths. So if you choose to wear a FFP3, now might not be the time to stop wearing.

Ant457 profile image

I generally wear one (FFP2 or FFP3) in crowded indoor settings such as public transport and healthcare, and prefer to eat outdoors if visiting cafes or restaurants. It does feel uncomfortable if I’m the only one wearing one, but there’s a lot of evidence of the long term damage Covid can cause even if the acute symptoms are mild, and I have too many things wrong with me already! It’s maddening that schools, hospitals, etc., could be made so much safer for everyone if HEPA filters were used to clean the air there. That would help reduce the amount of sickness due to all air-borne pathogens (not just Covid) in society in general, so the financial investment would be of economic benefit as well as improving public health.

CarolKate profile image

I figure nobody is going to look after me but me so I wear a mask when I am in public except in a restaurant. I'm also immunocompromised and have a have a few other medical issues.

My friends are accepting of my choice. my caregiver wears one when she is here to and isn't required to, bless her. I've had a few muttered comments from the public, a few eye rolls and sniggers and I really don't care what other people think. I'm not the only one to wear a mask, a few others do.

Take care, all the best.

aliplayspiano profile image

I think it’s just a matter of individual choice. I stopped wearing a mask a long time ago. I am immunosuppressed and my white cells/neutrophils are always lower than they should be. I have just retired but was working on the reception desk in a busy university building; it was hard to communicate with students wearing a mask and through a screen! I avoided going to restaurants, concerts etc for a long time but now don’t really think about it. I have had covid twice, both times caught from my husband who caught it at work! So I feel that even if I never went out or always wore a mask whenever I did go out I would still have caught it anyway!

sunshineday profile image

I would continue wearing a mask if it helps you feel comfortable. I am not immunocompromised but hubby is. Sadly we both caught COVID when he had a cataract op a couple of months ago. It was the only place we had been in weeks so had picked it up there. Hubby had infusion within 3 days of being positive but still ended up 999 to hospital. He was already on his rescue meds for Haemophilus influenzae but on admission still had that, COVID, pneumonia and after a day in hospital MRSA. Out of hospital now but his breathing is still very poor despite nebulisers etc, his neuropathy and RA are at a high. Neither of us were wearing masks. I think when hubby has his other eye cataract op we'll be wearing the FFP3 masks, especially as people are coughing without covering their mouth and nose with no thought of other people who may be vulnerable!. Take no notice of what other people think it's how you feel that counts. xx Joy

benhemp profile image

I don't bother with masking. Haven't worn a mask since about 3 or 4 months after covid hit, except for cases where an establishment (nursing home, hospital, etc.) required it.

Pooch22 profile image

I stopped, but, first train journey in years this week, train was hot and packed, and have ended up with a nasty cold, wish I had wore a mask now, I have rituximab plus other meds. There are still a few people around wearing masks on shops and there were a few on the train .


Yeh very few now, you are the tiny minority If you feel comfortable and it is your choice

I stopped after it was now compulsory

Do wot you feel comfortable with

There only 1 out my way the lady has always got it on walking and working

There's onecmore I can't get head round I sometimes see

Only 1 person in car with mask on

Covid is bad hear just now

dickfend profile image

Good morning Bon

During the lockdown period, I never went anywhere without a mask and because like others I am extremely vulnerable due to age, taking RA medications etc., I followed the rules. Even then I found it a real problem to hear and understand what people were saying as I am very badly affected with deafness and rely on being able to read peoples lips. With a standard mask it prevents this function and particularly if the people you are talking to have a strong accent. I tend to have one in my pocket but don’t wear it unless I find it necessary.

Alabamadingdong profile image

yes! I’m still a mask wearing inside any building or transport, I’m on methotrexate and humira and covid makes me housebound for 3-6 months so, although I am extremely bored or wearing a mask it does make sense still to! On the plus side I haven’t had a cold in four years!

Cat-E profile image

Not worn one since forced to. Had covid 3 times, twice pre RA diagnosis and once since, hit me quite hard all 3 times, but no worse since on meds and a similar illness and recovery period to flu (3 days not able to get out of bed and 4 days slowly getting better) I don't think masks protect in any way unless used alongside very regular hand washing and disposing of mask after each wear.

Hisue profile image

I stopped wearing a mask asap - I use fresh air & distancing (staying out of peoples faces). I avoid handshakes.

Mostmoses profile image

I wear an N95 mask on public transit and in elevators and anywhere there’s a crowd. I don’t care what people think. I have more than enough health issues without exposing myself to theirs.

Leics profile image

I’m extremely immune suppressed and my RA is raging atm and has been for a few months so I don’t go out very much at all. When family come to visit I don’t expect them to wear a mask either unless they want to. A member of our family was in hospital after a fall and my hubby visited the hospital and brought Covid back home to me. His symptoms were very mild and I was very poorly for 10 days but even then I didn’t have the antivirals as I had a really bad intolerance to them the first time I had them. I’m at very high risk but after 10 days I was as right as rain. It’s an individual choice but for me no more jabs and I will still think twice whether I wear a mask or not but some medical settings still require one so of course I comply to that. After so many years of being afraid of all things virus I’ve taken back control and now do what I’m happy with. So what I’m saying is do what’s right for you.

medway-lady profile image

My GFR is 20 so CKD is always a priority. But I’ve not worn a mask for past two years and I don’t work in a school. That is probably the real issue although treatments are now good and Covid will be less and less an issue. That is not downplaying your worries as really only you can decide to continue or not. I got Covid after the worst first year, have had all my vaccines and now feel it’s just a fact of life we will have to adjust too. So whatever you decide is right for you is right for you. I don’t think that helps but having CKD I don’t think is really an issue unless your on dyalasis.

Poshcards profile image

Yes, but i tend not to be amongst big groups of people, always wear it to doctors, hospital and if I had to go on a bus or train then definitely would xx

Lolabridge profile image

You have assessed your risk based on your health conditions and are doing what feels right for you and that’s what matters. Wearing a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated spaces, such as your school, is very sensible in my opinion. Public transport is considered high risk. I wear a mask in these situations and always when going to hospital or GP appointments.

RAstruggle profile image

I stopped wearing a mask ages ago. I have been to lots of big crowded events and been fine, I caught covid from my family! Shielding ruined my mental health and I won’t go back to it. I had to have treatment for anxiety disorder. Nowadays I keep my hands clean, carry wipes with me too and try to keep away from anyone coughing - all good things to do when you have RA anyway as you’re likely to be on medication that suppresses your immune system. I still see a few people out and about with masks.

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