I have been diagnosed with neuropathy in my left leg. Has anyone else with RA been diagnosed with this and how do you cope with it. My physio diagnosed it. I find that I can't walk a fraction of the distances I was able to walk at the beginning of the year.
neuropathy: I have been diagnosed with neuropathy in my... - NRAS

I'm glad you've posted about it- I've just looked it up .I was going to raise it with the rheumy at my next appointment,as I've been struggling to walk for more than 10 mins at a time. It suddenly came on when I was out for a walk.Some days are easier than others. It's predominantly my right leg, and at one point it was so bad I was using a walking stick. Thank you - I'm definitely going to mention it.
I've been using a walking stick for some time. It wasn't too bad at first but since Christmas it's got worse. Originally diagnosed with sciatica by the GP. It was only when I self-referred myself to the physio that he diagnosed it. Brilliant physio - just seems so young!! Pain killers don't work against it because it's nerve damage. Good luck with the rheumy MadBunny.
I wish GPs weren't allowed to use the word sciatica. All it means is 'a pain in the leg', it says nothing about the cause. I am glad you have a cause for your pain now, I hope the physio continues to help!
Thanks cyberbarn. Seeing him again in a couple of weeks. At the moment being kept on my toes by GP. Finally got a script from them only to find the tablets contained lactose. Now waiting for them to change script for liquid version. 🙄
Sciatica strictly means pain due to presure on the sciatic nerve, the long nerve that runs from your lower back down to your toes. If you increase the pressure by lying on your back and raising your straight leg in the air vertically and it increases the pain (and stops you raising your leg any further), then you can diagnose sciatica.
But I would agree that many people sloppily call any pain in the leg sciatica - or worse still 'a touch of sciatica'!
Omg that's terrible! It doesn't give you any confidence in getting help when you're treated this way 😔 hope your gp can help x
If it’s nerve pain like Shingles is would Pregabalin help? I’ve never had it but that med worked well for my Shingles nerve pain.
Would you mind me asking what symptoms you have with this as I'm interested to know because of symptoms I have atm. Mainly pins and needles, loss of feeling etc?
Link to the NHS site that explains it. Any problem let me know. Good luck
Hi,I have ra and neuropathy in foot and bottom of my leg.
Numbness and tingling in toes.
Cause unknown apparently.
I suspect it is med related when they hit the disease hard in the beginning with methx, hydroxychloroquine and prednisone.
I've had Numbness for 3 years now so no improvement.