So many Covid cases daily, but no mask mandate, what'... - NRAS


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So many Covid cases daily, but no mask mandate, what's that all about!?

Deminem profile image
137 Replies

The UK GOV obviously wasn't thinking of us CEV.

Have we been cut loose?

It's a survival of the fittest strategy I guess!

What do you all think?

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Deminem profile image
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137 Replies
Lolabridge profile image

The decision to reduce restrictions from next Thursday is, in my opinion, probably a political move to mollify some of The PM’s critics within his party and to try to avoid a vote of no confidence in his leadership.

The scientist experts are not happy about it and are especially concerned the NHS will struggle to cope because so many people will now think it’s all over and they can lead their normal pre-Covid lives.

Yes I am very concerned that the CEV will feel abandoned yet again.

For those who are told that they have to return to the workplace now, perhaps having to use public transport too, it must be an anxious time with masks and social distancing no longer a legal requirement.

Take care everyone!

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Lolabridge

Couldn't agree more! Thank you for chiming in.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

But we can still wear a mask if we wish.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

Yes AC but the problem is that many people will choose not to and we are all more protected when everyone does.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

But we knew that masks would have to become optional….. and now the time has come. We are going to have to make the decision for ourselves whether to use a mask or not.

We can’t just wait to be told what to do forever…now can we?

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

I disagree and think it’s too soon.

in reply to Lolabridge

I agree. Masks are simple and easy and effective and personally I don’t think it is a big ask of the general public to wear them on public transport and in crowded spaces to look after themselves, others and the healthcare system.Fine opening up other things and some things I think should def go sich as the travel testing but I don’t quite understand why the effective basics need to be thrown overboard.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

I suppose we have got to start somewhere & maybe now is the time?We can still carry on taking all the preventative measures we personally feel we need…..but unfortunately as we all know, there are people who never did & never will think of anyone except themselves…..they haven’t worn masks thinking it’s “their right”….& I don’t think there is much to be done to change their attitude….so we have to lookout for ourselves.

in reply to AgedCrone

I think there is a lot of truth on that and there are many who won’t change their actions or look beyond their own personal comfort and the goings-on in government aren’t exactly helping. And I do think overall now the expectation for most people who catch it who have been fully vaccinated is that it should not be a severe illness evening they if they do have underlying conditions. But that doesn’t mean no pressure on hospitals and a lack of significant health consequences for many who do catch it.I‘m still not sure the learning to live with covid had to mean disregarding all basic public health measures though?

Or that is needs to be done when cases are very high and frontline services are still very much at capacity - this is going to mean that the care for all other problems remains worse for longer, too.

Or that we can’t wait for warmer weather and the benefits of outdoor socialising and making it easier to ventilate places.

And until the vaccinations for the 5-12 year olds which include those with underlying conditions and those living with the immunosuppressed have been at least rolled out. They haven’t even started as there has been a delay with he Pediatric Pfizer-BioNTech Dose arriving in the U.K.

Obviously we can continue to take personal precautions but many of us can’t completely stay out of society and have frontline jobs, need to use public transport and children that have to go to school.

I am all for making life more pleasant and more „like it used to be“ I‘m just not sure it need mean getting rid of easy and sensible measures and disregarding the vulnerable quite so significantly.

Ah well, we can only do our best in the set of circumstances we are given so I guess everyone will plod on. Let’s just hope it was based on true expert analysis of data rather than a desperate attempt at survival….

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to

I agree with you Gif and you make many excellent observations.

Many people would like to make their own decisions to protect themselves but may not be able to do that, as you point out. Those vulnerable people who will now have to return to work places and travel on crowded transport to get there are not well protected if those around them do not wear masks.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

There is no denying Covid is causing huge upheaval in the health service…not helped by the completely unreasonable regulations about recently retired, very experienced clinicians refused licence to come out of retirement to help.I know two retired consultants in their 50’s who on seeing the petty inclusions in the forms they were sent- just gave up.

As the time now seems to have arrived that we are going to be able to make our own choices…I just wish people could take a step back & decide how to go forward safely rather than concentrating on how they feel conditions are too unsafe.

in reply to AgedCrone

Pragmatically yes, not much choice. And with fairly manic double masking, hand gelling, showering as soon as I get home, windows open etc I have neither caught covid not brought it home so let’s hope that continues. And everyone does need to find a way to move forward that feels right and manageable.

That being said I think there are still concerns to be raised and questions to be asked and no doubt there is room for improvement of the regulations to protect those who do still remain very vulnerable and so think more could be done (eg family members of those with an obliterated immune system who are still unvaccinated who can’t work from

Home still have to go into work with no legal protection. I know a few and they are barely alive from stress and worry).

And if we are going to be a free for all can we please have the blasted travel tests and restrictions lifted 🤣

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Read my reply to Lolabridge.I’m retired, no family, living alone, Cev & l know I just have to get on with dealing with the position I’m in.

But as you say, there are many many people far worse off than me,

Yes I could just sit here saying “what if”…..but I have learned in life that if you face up to anything that worries you…there is usually a way to deal with it.

Agree 100% on the travel issue.

Every time I look at “the rules” I glaze over & think I’ll wait a bit!

in reply to AgedCrone

I hope you get to sit in the sun soon!!!

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to

Excellent points raised gif. Thanks x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

It is too soon, Lola, as I just said too, separately. Much too soon. It’s not about being told what to do either.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

We are all dealing with everything to do with Covid in our own way - which is just at it should be.Just because we don’t all agree is human nature… let’s just hope we can very soon say goodbye to it.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

Many here on HU seem to disagree with you AC.

I opened the site just now and found 43 alerts. Of those 42 had “liked” or responded positively to my comments on this post. The other 1 was your comment directly above. From this I conclude many people here think the restrictions are being lifted too soon.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

Everybody has the right to their opinion LB,….including little old me.I read of other people’s feelings…but I don’t have to agree with them……as they don’t have to agree with me.

We are all dealing with the situation differently & trying to change people’s minds about masks or anything else is futile.

I am just saying we now have a choice…what that choice is……is up to each individual….I am not trying to change anyone’s mind….just saying make your own choice ……but don’t expect everyone to agree with your choice……..not much else we can do is there?

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion AC and I have never said or intimated otherwise.

You are able to make your own decisions about how to protect yourself but not everyone is in that same fortunate position. This is the point I am making and with which so many who have responded on here seem to agree.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

Why do you perpetuate the myth that I ……very elderly, no close family in this country, classed CEV, had really bad reactions to my Covid vaccinations, living alone in a new area where I don’t know my neighbours & struggling to sort out my home after moving - is in “a fortunate position”?

Just because I don’t have to use public transport?Do you really think that is fair?

Believe me…if I am fortunate….it’s because I just get on with looking after myself & not imagining what could happen to me.

I don’t have family who I can call for help or shop for food…..or any of the everyday rights others have……and at my age my friends are often worse off than I am… please ……live & let live without implying what is not the truth.

Let’s see how things are a month or two from now….when things have settled a bit & hopefully people have managed to safely get on with their lives..

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

We are both fortunate that we are in a position to make our own decisions. I’m in much the same situation as you AC but I empathise with those whose circumstances are different and are feeling anxious.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

There you go again….implying I don’t empathise with those worse off than me.I was in a caring profession & understand only too well other people do not cope as well as I do.

But that does not mean I don’t care.

I care enough to bother trying to explain that things will get better…even if not as fast as we would like…..I think some people, especially those living alone with no one to bounce off are being scared by all the ideas being thrown around that are just speculation.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

You understand Lola just as I do how not everyone is able to go out freely and not everyone has had an adequate response to their vaccines. Not just on here, but re every vulnerable option/health condition. xx

CagneysMum profile image
CagneysMum in reply to AgedCrone

I agree with AC that sooner or later we need to start making decisions for ourselves … so why not now. Covid is still very scary and I was terrified to begin with but over the last year have started to take some control back and even went on holiday to Spain over New Year which has started to rebuild my confidence. I’m lucky that I’ve avoided covid so far and that my RA is behaving at the moment with the help of methotrexate and Amgevita… and I don’t want to jeopardise that so will continue to avoid overly busy public spaces and wear a mask when I decide it’s required. But otherwise I need to reclaim my life now and start living. I know not everyone will agree and that’s what this platform is about - to support each other and share views and not shout each other down. We’re all different but we all want to stay well whatever that takes.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to CagneysMum

And we shouldn’t presume we know anything about each other’s personal circumstances, until we have walked a mile in their shoes.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

I don’t think people want to be told what go do. Immunosuppressed generally want more reassurance until Omicron has gone down more. In some regions and in my area it’s increased.

in reply to Neonkittie17

It certainly looks like a largely ?maybe purely political decision.And the health service is pretty much stretched beyond capacity as it is. Relaxing restrictions is always going to lead to a period of increased cases….

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

I like to think numbers are plummeting naturally but I feel it’s the reduced number of PCT tests too.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Neonkittie17

Same here it has increased and I am hearing of more people I know than ever getting it. All jabbed but been ill with it.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

Exactly, Pip.

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Pippy25

That was me! Had covid 22december and still coughing 😏

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Green230461

I'm sorry to hear you are still coughing and hope that each day it will get better for you xx

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to AgedCrone

Masks protect others more than the wearer…

Maggsie profile image
Maggsie in reply to Haz58

I think that masks also protect the wearer. I've noticed how much less I touch my own mouth and nose whilst wearing a mask and have not even had a cold since this all began. I sanitise on entering and exiting shops etc. so I'll continue to wear my mask for a little while yet. I can't control what others choose to do so therefore there's no point in worrying about it.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Maggsie

At last a voice of reason….if only everyone did what you are doing, this post would not be necessary!

GlamNana profile image
GlamNana in reply to Lolabridge

I think it is too soon. Iam still going to wear my mask on public transport. We have to look after ourselves.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to GlamNana

Ditto!Surprisingly I know…I have actually ventured on to public transport & survived.

Evie3 profile image
Evie3 in reply to Lolabridge

Totally feel the same but we are the minority☹️. I shall be wearing my mask forever and be careful where I go.

Joanneforbes profile image
Joanneforbes in reply to Lolabridge

Agree I freaked out to be honest ! Here we go again ! Stay safe one and all 🤗

3LittleBirds2 profile image

I agree and I've been saying it for weeks, People are not taking the mask wearing seriously after what has been happening in the news very recently..without getting political. I had a much needed evening out at the weekend to a pre booked event, I wasn't going to go but thought I needed some normality, thought I'd be "safe" but 50% were not wearing masks even though it was mandatory and the theatre was not enforcing it and can you blame them. All we can do is keep ourselves safe and consider our own risks.

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to 3LittleBirds2

So dissolution when I see lots of ppl not wearing masks.

50% cant all have an exemption.I got tired also of hearing how we wear masks to protect the other ppl around us and not ourselves. So I got some ffp2 masks to protect myself first and others. I use the rotation method so don't waste them on one use. Glad I have them now after today's announcement, we need them more than ever with high cases and no mask mandate.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Deminem

I used to but what's the point I can't change it..the news that has come out over the last few weeks is truly shocking , with the queen sitting there alone at her husbands funeral , while the idiots partied the night before..and everyone else who was affected in some way which basically is everyone, they have shown they don't care. That's good you have some ffp2 masks to help keep you safe and to manage the risk.

Frances_UK profile image

It's about getting the support of his MPs so he keeps his job. It's operation save big dog.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Frances_UK

Yep I think it is! ☹️

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Mad Dog

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Neonkittie17

lol your funny 🤣

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Deminem

That is the polite version ......

in reply to Neonkittie17


Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to Neonkittie17

Haha - nice one NK!!😁

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Frances_UK


dawkin_S profile image

To be honest, it’s made me feel really down - and there’s talk of stopping isolation if you’re infected too! Feels very much like the vulnerable have been cut loose to take their chances. It’s going to make me feel even more stressed about going into places - I can only hope my dentist/GP/pharmacy keep asking for masks at least, but with no mandate in place what can they do?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to dawkin_S

Yes, come the end of March isolation is coming to a halt if not sooner.

Deminem profile image

Sorry it made you feel down, we can all relate. As far as services, If I was going to docs or dentists I definitely wouldn't shrink from requesting that they wear one as we are CEV. Get yourself some FFP2 masks, you feel much safer wearing them when out compared to any other masks, and are recommended by WHO.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Deminem

Yes I would do the same and I buy the FFP3 (non respirator) type for maximum protection. They’re a bit uncomfortable to wear all day though.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Deminem

It should be law for Dentist's, doctors etc to wear FFP2 or better still FFP3 masks or respirators when seeing CEV people. There's no excuse as these types of mask are readily available and not expensive like earlier in the pandemic. I've been to two dentists over the past past couple of months and both had those blue surgical masks on....I let one know that I was none too happy. This just proves to me, not that any was needed, where we truly are on the governments list of priorities.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to wishbone

My doctor's and dentist have never stopped taking precautions and insisting on patients wearing masks. Although if it's no longer mandatory, no doubt many people won't wear them.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to wishbone

Dr Mark Porter, a GP who writes in The Times every Tuesday, said a couple of weeks ago that he had upgraded the masks in his practice to FFP2 or FFP3 and he recommended everyone should do that too. That standard mask is recommended in the USA too.

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Lolabridge

And in Germany ffp2 are the only ones allowed on public transport.

I asked my GP if they were wearing them, I knew they were wearing only blue surgical ones when I went but broached it nonetheless. It may make him think as he is a senior partner.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Deminem

I jolly well hope so!

Potatos profile image
Potatos in reply to Deminem

FFP2 are mandatory in France but their case rate has been over 400000 for the last two days. Austria's rates are now higher than ours per capita and they also insist on FFP2.

Neonkittie17 profile image

I’d be axed off the board if I said what I felt. x

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Neonkittie17

Hehe! Received loud and clear, say no more!😜

I think it‘s so reckless and personally it‘s so upsetting.I work in a clinical job singable to commute to work and even with the mask Mandate in place and the work from home order currently trains and tubes are quite full and a significant proportion of people are unmasked (although more than in the summer). Often with symptoms of a respiratory illness.

I find it incredibly stressful and spend most of my commute trying not to cry. People are incredibly rude if asked to put on a mask and I‘m also wearing a baby on board sign.

I suppose this is just a political move in the hope he can stay in office.

Ironic that the one measure that may stay is the entirely pointless day 2 test for those entering the U.K…which seems to be a money making scheme rather than an actual public health measure.

I do wish though that the phrase „needing to learn to live with the virus“ meant taking sensible precautions eg masks, hand washing, social distancing, protecting the vulnerable etc and not ignoring the virus and hoping nobody you know does from it.

I totally empathise with you - it’s left me feeling even more worried and vulnerable.xx 🤗 xx

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to

I do sympathise with you. 🤗xx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

Virtual hugs to you.. this should not be happening. I’m so sorry this is stressing you and I fully understand. I’ve no vaccine antibodies and have been shielding since early March 2020. I don’t expect the world to stop or anything but, but as we know before, the BMA called Boris and Co “willfully negligent” re his previous lack of rulings. The case numbers are plummeting also due to much reduced testing, and the numbers going down are all to coincide with local elections. Boris wants it to appear it’s all going great. Hope it is going down genuinely but I’m reserving judgement when suddenly the PCR testing was vastly reduced.

in reply to Neonkittie17

I def agree that the numbers falling are also to do with reduced testing. And I also agree that I don’t expect extra special treatment. There are just a lot of things that as a family we still don’t do at the moment because it doesn’t feel safe for us currently but many of our friends do. But I don’t understand not keeping the easy basic and effective things in place - to look after everybody.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

Boris and co detest masks. If it gets in a very bad place again he’ll not do much to restrict again. Javid said he is proud that England is the “free-est in the world” and “we are leading the way to live with Covid”. I had friends from America message me today saying what is he doing? Or words to that effect.

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Neonkittie17

Yes, and whenever they say..."We're the best in Europe at this and that" I shout at the TV saying.....Yea and the best at deaths, we have the most in Europe bar Russia so we win!

Look at the table of deaths in the link under here. It's In Europe by country.

Who's at the top, and who's at the bottom, and who wants to move to Monaco with me :)

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Deminem

Absolutely agree and I don’t like living in England anymore.

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to Neonkittie17

Me neither!

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Haz58

I’d be off to a small Scottish island which was a retirement plan but won’t happen now.

Maggsie profile image
Maggsie in reply to Neonkittie17

Why not NK?

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

Me too.

aliplayspiano profile image
aliplayspiano in reply to

I totally agree with you and sympathise. Luckily I don’t have to use public transport to get to work but I can’t work from home. I work on reception in a university and am CEV. At the moment mask wearing is mandatory in all buildings unless seated at a desk. And hopefully the university will continue this policy but it’s going to be harder to enforce when it’s not mandatory elsewhere. I think it’s certainly true that those who are CEV and aren’t retired/not working/can’t work from home are being totally ignored.

in reply to aliplayspiano

I’m sorry - it is really stressful. I suppose at least I‘m lucky in as much as within the NHS in the clinical setting it really still is masks 100% of the time at least amongst staff and those who work with me try and protect me as much as they can because they understand.Reception must be the worst place - in my experience everyone walks up to reception only to pull their mask down and shout at the receptionist 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

aliplayspiano profile image
aliplayspiano in reply to

Yes a lot of people do that! I have asked to work in a couple of the less busy buildings which my boss has tried to accommodate as much as possible so I’m thankful for that. I hope that you stay safe and pleased that your colleagues are protective of you.

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to

I do feel for you. That sounds really tough and very anxiety inducing. Hope you stay safe xx🤞

AgedCrone profile image

But people are surviving…even the CEV.Do you really think we should still be required to wear masks by law?

For how long?

We can now choose…& personally I shall still wear a mask if I think the situation demands it.

The latest figures are now out on the number of reported Covid deaths …and the figure up in the 150,000’s is a trifle exaggerated.The number of people over the whole Pandemic in UK who died ONLY of Covid19 is hovering around 19,000.

The other victims …mostly in the age group 70+…..all had underlying conditions that contributed to their death. …any if which could have caused

their demise.

Professor Karol Sikora was commenting on the these figures tonight…& said the true figures will be published shortly.

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to AgedCrone

Good points well made AC.

I guess I feel uneasy about no mandate while we have 100,000 cases a day and in the dead of winter months, and the strain on NHS who deal with other respiratory illness just bcz its wintertime when theses viruses gain oxygen and spread when ppl don't isolate or wear masks.

I'm just repeating what the GOV has drummed into us for the past 2 years, they can't have it both ways, they just did a u-turn to suit their narrative me thinks.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

As I’m CEV and if I had to travel on public transport, especially on the underground, and work in a crowded and poorly ventilated workplace I would be anxious about the removal of restrictions.I’m lucky that, like you AC, I’m retired and I can choose where to go and who to mix with. I sympathise with those who can’t.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

Well time will tell if the number of infections shoot up…..but if those who do feel vulnerable can go on wearing masks until they feel comfortable to stop.

Whitegate profile image
Whitegate in reply to AgedCrone

Members of this forum are articulate and considerate people but some members of UK society with lower instincts may need better guidance.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Whitegate

But if theirs instincts are so low…will gghey listen?I think maybe not?

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Lolabridge

Same here. Is it really that difficult to wear a mask on a 20 minute bus ride or whatever.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to wishbone

PS....I am retired, but don't drive so have to use public transport for medical appointments etc,

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Where is the evidence? I don’t think anyone can say tbh the exact numbers of deaths. I believe it is much higher than 19,000.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

The evidence is in all the autopsies being carried out …..showing that underlying health issues were quite likely to be the major cause of death.I believe Prof Sikora said the final report would be out in March.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Not sure tbh

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

Nobody can be sure until the report is finalised can they?

in reply to AgedCrone

Sorry I don’t understand your point? How does it make any difference to rules if most of those who have died or are dying from Covid have underlying health conditions? There are loads of people in the population who come under this heading ie all with diabetes, obese, heart, hypertension, asthma, cancer not just CEV. And it’s not all about death stats it’s about long Covid and other determinates. Also lots of people don’t know they have underlying health conditions until it’s too late.

Decisions about what is mandatory should be made based on those of working age who have no choice but to travel on public transport and work alongside others - not around the well off retired who have choice. Also even we who shielded have a basic human need not to stay at home forever. So decisions should always be made based on the idea that many - the majority even - have underlying health conditions. It’s not okay to say “well yes they died of Covid but they had underlying heanth conditions so 🤷🏼‍♀️“

To quote someone in an article I read somewhere last year “by protecting the most vulnerable in society we protect everyone”.

in reply to

Well said 👍🏻

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

My point is that the media keep emphasising the number of people who have actually died only from Covid19 rather than with Covid alongside other illnesses…or maybe in my case because of my age?Surely this ads to everyone’s anxiety?

For those who are very anxious about these stats….…when this report is published & it’s conclusion is the numbers are far less than previously thought - it might make Covid 19 less threatening - to everybody?

After all….when there is a year with a very high death toll from Influenza there is this not this anxiety is there?

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to

I agree - well said!

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to

Very well said! X

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

I think on transport and in shops that people should mask, yes. Of course, medical and dental circumstances should wear them. As I said, cases are increasing in the NW, NE and Yorkshire. It’s scrapping everything too fast to please his cabinet members and so they’ll not want to vote to get rid of him. So transparent.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

Even though BJ setsnout the rules….the public are the ones not taking the situation seriously ….the same as him & his immediate staff.I think today has proved he’s on his last legs.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to AgedCrone

Let’s be honest this is a political move to save Boris’s skin. The point about other underlying conditions is ridiculous, it includes many conditions that people would not expect to go into hospital and die from, rheumatoid arthritis being one of them. It’s a phrase coined up to give the vast public the sense that it’s only those with medical conditions that are at risk, which is absolutely not the case. Many of the frontline workers who died were fit and healthy, although exposed to a higher viral load than most of the public. Remove mask wearing and the viral load that people will acquire will increase. Putting the immunosuppressed in particular at a higher risk now. Wearing masks is hardly a hardship and for many countries it was a way of life before the pandemic. To remove these rules in mid winter is reckless, when people are still socialising indoors, and windows being kept shut. If he had a shred of compassion he would delay removing mask rules till spring, when pressure on the nhs will have reduced and people are socialising outdoors again. This chart shows why the statement “underlying conditions” is ridiculous.

Chart highlighting what is classed as an “underlying condition”
Madmusiclover profile image

I’m back to my wee Scottish flat on Saturday. Can’t get there fast enough.

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Madmusiclover

Can I come too?

Neonkittie17 profile image

Your numbers in Scotland? I think it is hopefully naturally declining as it has had a faster rise and peak but I’d say very much due to PCR reduction too. So have other medics and health correspondents. It’s increased in my areas and I read yesterday in the NW it’s one in ten have the virus and they’d started way too soon to lessen restrictions and If you look at the Gov map of cases the north east and Yorkshire are still very high. Depends which professors? ... as if it’s some semi retired guy in East Anglia, then I don’t take much notice and apparently neither do the BMA! Let’s wait and see but Boris is pushing all of this as a distraction for his Party’s partying. Sadly the Professor I took notice of has left. JVT.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to Neonkittie17

The other concern I have about people relying on the daily case numbers as an indication that the virus is under control or ‘in retreat’ is the fact that I read the other day that other than in Wales, the daily case numbers do not include re-infections, I.e. people who have already had COVID. So in other words they only report people who have been infected with COVID for the first time. My experience locally is that many people I know who have recently tested positive with what we assume is Omicron, have also tested positive at an earlier stage of the pandemic, and so they wouldn’t even appear in the daily case numbers. As we move through the pandemic, there will be fewer people left to be infected with COVID ‘for the first time’, and therefore these numbers will reduce by default! I think it gives a very misleading impression of the level of COVID that is actually out there, which then potentially impacts on the way that people behave.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Monkeysmum

Makes a lot of sense re-infection. I do feel that it is intended that way to say there’s less covid. Hard to know how they will try monitor it in future or if at all? Hopefully ZOE continue to collect data.

Neonkittie17 profile image

I am in one of those areas so know so very well.

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Neonkittie17

In that case keep safe and well as you can🌟

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Green230461

You too. 💗

Blueskysunshine profile image

I’m angry at today’s announcement and think stopping Plan B is happening too soon. In my mind, it’s politically motivated to try and save the PM rather than science led. The BMA has said the the changes have not been guided by the data.

Where does this leave the immunocompromised and the vulnerable? They seem to have been thrown under the bus so that some people can cheer about freedoms and not having to wear masks anymore. What is so hard about wearing a mask to protect other people? It is commonplace in Japan to wear a mask, as a courtesy to others.

Yes, I’ll continue to wear my FFP2 mask to protect myself and others.

Take care everyone and be kind xx

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Blueskysunshine

I totally agree with your analysis.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Blueskysunshine

Excellent post. You speak from my heart. 💗 The BMA called Boris & co “wilfully negligent” last year and they were and they still are.

in reply to Blueskysunshine

Totally 👍🏻

Stowe profile image

Hmmm it does worry me, I know that some may think we have to live with it, but I think the numbers are still very high to be getting rid of the guidance,

Sheila_G profile image

I have just, this minute, send an email to my MP saying the same. We have become an irritant in society and have been left to sink or swim. God help us. No-one else will.

RootsToots profile image

Another Bonkers decision from a very suspect government.

recorderplayer profile image

I'm also concerned about reports that the requirement to self-isolate will stop in March. I know we don't have to self-isolate is we have a cold or flu but surely noone can argue that this is the same.

Stayloose profile image

When masks were first introduced I was sceptical. In the health service staff are familiar with wearing a disposable mask, are instructed how to wear them properly, resist touching them when worn, taking them off by ear loops, safe disposal etc. Many of the general public wear some covering, often not covering their nose or hanging round their necks. They get stuffed in and out of pockets etc. I doubt their effectiveness. However, to me they demonstrate that people do know that there is a virus out there. Many people in my locality in the NW have given up on them weeks ago. I would like people to wear them as a mark of respect to others. Is it too much to ask?

Haz58 profile image

I have gone into a depression again because if this. I was just starting to go out to shops at very quiet times as masks were compulsory but now I feel back to square one. We don’t seem to come into any equation do we. I’m scared for us and very very angry. We were even looking at a possible holiday in Spain in May for our 10th wedding anniversary but now… I just don’t know.

AgedCrone profile image

But in this country everybody has the right to decide how they deal with Covid…….& being anxious or not….. is some people’s way of dealing with it …….. if people decide to throw caution to the wind…..although I disagree with that…..there is nothing anybody else can do except ensure they keep themselves & their loved ones as safe as possible.If I worried about what everyone else does….that for me would encourage anxiety - which I don’t need.

in reply to AgedCrone

Oh Jeeps there’s no reasoning here. It’s libertarianism you’re promoting along with those who are running this country. My position is that there are the rights of the individual yes - but during the pandemic these had to be counterbalanced with the responsibilities of a civilised society. The pandemic isn’t over yet is all most of us here seem to be saying.

For you and those in charge it would seem that personal freedoms and rights come first. I’m just hoping you’re in the minority 🤞🏻

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

People in this country who kick and scream about their personal rights and freedoms should try living in a country where they really are stamped on.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Read my letter yayoisfab….I said I disagree with people throwing caution to the wind….but unless all those who are doing that are locked up… do you suggest they are dealt with?

They don’t have a conscience…so those of us who do care about our fellow citizens have to continue being careful….we shouldn’t need government to tell us how.

Gilliancheche profile image

Definitely a political decision. As a result I will avoid shops again, revert to online instead. Also am less likely to eat out or use coffee shops etc. I realise masks will not be worn forever but another few weeks until weather gets milder and people are more willing to open windows or mix outdoors would be a safer option

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to Gilliancheche

Agree with you.

ProudYorky profile image

It seems as if we've been swept under the carpet after all the seemingly false care they showed for us .Yes it's time to relax some situations but there are certain places where masks should be mandatory eg Hospitals ,Doctors and public places especially supermarkets the Government and lots of the public are acting as if it's gone away ,which we know it hasn't .It's probably all been rushed through to take the heat of the party revellers who were whooping it up when our Queen was preparing to lay her husband to rest

Deminem profile image

Let's face it, the GOV has hit play on the herd immunity button!

The no isolation will come to pass in weeks, IMO.

Cases will rocket bcz of no restrictions, schools and NHS will come to a grinding halt if that many more staff will have to isolate, so it'll be "chocks away" with isolation rules(the last hurdle to herd immunity will be removed)

Plus who thinks LFT tests are going to be binned soon? That would really screw us CEV up! I have one employee who works with my husband and me. He's constantly out on public transport, the sort of person who never stays at home for a single day of the week, always out at shops, etc. We rely on him taking a flow test for the 3 days he works. It'll really cause stress on us all if he can't test anymore, but somehow I feel this is coming.

Beverleyo profile image
Beverleyo in reply to Deminem

Hi, I read yesterday that the public will have to pay £30 for LFT from July. I really don’t think very many people will even bother with testing.

With no masks, no testing and with no need to isolate anymore we will be extremely vulnerable.

Most of our immunity if any from boosters will also be reduced now so I believe we need to be more cautious and protect ourselves now more than ever.

Take care.

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Beverleyo

Oh gosh, funny that you read that, the phrase...There's no smoke without fire comes to mind. We have to restrict ourselves dramatically so everyone who is "normal" can live their lives to the max.


Deminem profile image

Hey guys, can we not make this quite so personal between us.

Some may only have this forum for support or venting their thoughts.

We are all in this together, all have different approaches, let's be inclusive and accepting of all persuasions, not least for fear we will be shut down by mods 😱

CagneysMum profile image
CagneysMum in reply to Deminem

Well said Deminem 👍

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Deminem

Ahh if only people would play nice. I think my time on this thread is now coming to its end very soon. I find it all so distressing what has been proposed and to see others feeling it too is making me soak it up too much.

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Neonkittie17

Sorry ❤️

greynot profile image

Meanwhile the US is making free N95 masks available. For everyone as I read it.

I'm scared!

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to greynot

Yes, I heard that too, weljel!

Green230461 profile image

My heart sank when I heard this news! Just when I had started to consider going out and about again I hear this. So tortoise me going back into her shell and not going out AGAIN until the sun is shining!

Keep safe and well everyone 🌟

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Green230461

That’s a lot of us I think. 😑x

Green230461 profile image

Back to the original herd immunity that we all heard two years ago!

Knit12 profile image

Everywhere you go in the world you see Chinese and Japanese people wearing masks. I think those of at risk will continue to wear masks

Ascidian profile image

I fully understand the concerns of those who are CEV, especially those who know they have had a poor antibody response to the vaccines, so I shall continue to wear my mask in crowded indoor spaces for some time yet, and continue to sanitise etc, and keep a bit of distance from strangers.

However, one of my concerns has always been that the longer we all continue to keep ourselves isolated from others, and masked up when we do see people, the less immunity we will all have to OTHER illnesses. So will we all effectively be MORE vulnerable when we finally get back to a more "normal" life, because we will have no immunity to anything?

I also worry about how people who have been isolating for so long will ever break the fear cycle. I know a man who has still never been in the same room with one of his daughters, never mind friends. If she visits, she has to stand in the garden, while he sits at the back of the living room, with the patio doors open. I can understand his reasoning as he has multiple health issues that make him CEV, whereas she and her children all work in customer-facing roles. But I find it hard to see how he will ever now get back out into the world, given that COVID is never going away completely. That is, of course, his choice and he is not terribly sociable at the best of times, but his wife is much more sociable, and active, but is staying home for his sake (which I can also understand).

I need variety in my life, so my personal strategy has been to gradually increase the places I go, and number of people I see. So I go to certain restaurants, but not to crowded pubs for example. I can't (and don't want to) tell other people what risks to take, and will continue to do what I can to protect those who are more vulnerable, but it is time for me to return to normality. But I consider myself less vulnerable than many of you, so that makes it much easier. We all have to, at some point, devise our own exit strategies, and decide what risks to take but you have my complete sympathy if you are unable to do this yet.

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