Arthritis : Hi I’m birdbeak male 68yrs I’m new here I... - NRAS


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Birdbeak profile image
46 Replies

Hi I’m birdbeak male 68yrs I’m new here I have rheumatoid and osteoarthritis since 2018 and I’m looking for any help or advice in coping with this condition

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Birdbeak profile image
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46 Replies
vonniesims profile image


Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to vonniesims

Thanks you

Sheila_G profile image

Hi. Where do I start? Well, I would say first and foremost follow the advice of the Rheumatology team. They are the experts and are best able to give you the advice you need for your condition. We are all different and require different treatment etc. You must also listen to your body. It will tell you, in no uncertain terms, when you are overdoing things. I wish you all the best and hope you find what is best for you.

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Sheila_G

Thanks Sheila I know what you mean with the over do it part it certainly reminds you it is still there.

ABwn profile image

Welcome! We all seem to cope in different ways. I try to take as much exercise as possible. I stiffen up very quickly. Good luck.

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to ABwn

Hi ABwn thanks for the advice I do try some light exercise but sometimes it doesn’t help the physio team are helping.

ABwn profile image
ABwn in reply to Birdbeak

That's ok. Just take care of yourself.

Fra22-57 profile image

Is your rheumatologist a good one who has put you on treatment to dampen down the disease. are you on a biologic.I do agree to try and do some kind of exercise if you are able ,even just stretching exercises.My complaints vary from day to day which can make you very miserable so it is good to have people around you to keep you cheerful and busy. A lot of of us on here can always help with advice

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Fra22-57

Hi Fra 22-57 thanks for your reply it does get me down at times and have a big family and friends that are always there for me.

precious123 profile image

Welcome you will find lots of understanding folks here. And some good advice. Hope you are having a good day or night. Lol

Leics profile image

Hi Birdbeak welcome to the forum. There is a wealth of knowledge here and we generally look out for each other. Lots of tips and experience in all things RA from people who know have been there and got the t-shirt. NRAS are the forefront of practical advice with information about all the drug treatments and much more including work related issues if you work or benefits or whatever. Sometimes if your RA or RD (rheumatoid disease) as some chose to call it can get you down and that’s where the forum comes in. If you need to let off steam need to rant or just want to feel you’re not alone you can post a message here and you will receive a friendly reminder that you’re not on the journey on your own. So keep us posted whenever you want.

Lolabridge profile image

Hello and welcome. You make no mention of what treatment your consultant has prescribed for you. If you still have inflammation, swelling and fatigue then it’s not the most effective treatment for your RA and you should contact your consultant and ask for it to be modified or supplemented. If you don’t do that further irreversible damage will occur to your joints.

Osteoarthritis is often the result of uncontrolled RA and many of us with RA have that too. Gentle exercise definitely helps so look on the NRAS website for suggestions or get some physio. Some people find heat or ice packs help, perhaps a TENS machine.

I have various gadgets that help me too, especially with food preparation.

Finally, do take it easy when you’re struggling, rest and get plenty of sleep.

Good luck!

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Lolabridge

Hi lolabridge treatment in the past was steroid injections which worked really well the 1st injection lasted about 13 months the 2nd About 8 months and the 3rd about 3 months then couldn’t have any more at that time. I then had various other pills but can’t remember what as they had no effect and my doctor gave my me duloxotine, codine and tramadol for really painful attacks. All are under review since I was admitted to the hospital with extreme pain to my knee after X-ray and scan it was treated as septic arthritis which was drained off and I was on a antibiotic drip for 6weeks at home now with 2weeks antibiotic pills, morphine patches, oral morphine and paracetamol. Arthritis is not so bad at the moment but I also need new knees as they are bone on bone which gives me more pain than the arthritis at the moment. Just waiting now for follow up appointments with the hospital. Since I’ve joined this group I have been amazed at all the responses thank you 🙏

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Birdbeak

So are you not on any medication to control the Rheumatoid Arthritis? It sounds as though it’s only painkillers and steroid injections which are more suited to osteoarthritis. Had the Rheumatologist told you your RA is in remission then?

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Lolabridge

Not in remission but I’m getting more pain due to the condition of both knees which are bone on bone no cartilage as such, I’ve had X-rays, ultrasound and MRI scans which he said shows ra/oa it’s my own doctor that’s giving me pain meds at the moment until I can see the specialist.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Birdbeak

I do think you should contact your Rheumatologist or the patient helpline at the hospital as you are not on any medication for the rheumatoid arthritis. You shouldn’t wait until December as uncontrolled rheumatoid arthritis causes damage to joints (and you don’t need yours to worsen further) and organs.

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Lolabridge

I’ll call them and see what they say I’ve not been confident with my own doctor this past few months I had a kidney problem so he gave me some water tablets while I was already on regular tolterdine tablets to stop me going so often so ended up in hospital, also when he gave me codine for regular pains and tramadol for severe pain I wasn’t told to stop taking the codine as they cancel each other out I found this out talking to the hospital pharmacist last time I was admitted. At the moment I’m still on antibiotics for 2weeks and morphine patches when that’s done I need to find out what Meds I can have with regards to pain management. 😂👍

Mmrr profile image

Welcome, the best medicine I have found is acceptance of your diagnosis. I don't see myself as a warrior or someone who fights RA, I simply don't have the energy to spare. I find the idea of 'fighting' a chronic health condition unhelpful. Rather, finding a good balance between keeping mobile / occupied and quiet activity, having something to do each day if possible is the way I manage best.

Taking pleasure from a short trip to the country, having a picnic, photography, reading, meeting a friend/family member, just simple things, but keeping occupied is best.

I used to be a late bedder sleeping for around 7 hrs, but find that if I go to bed around 10 pm, I sleep longer and better, and am less fatigued during the day.

You will find your own way, but it does take time and life does change.

Best wishes to you. Keep posting.

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Mmrr

Thanks Mmrr I’ve always had a positive attitude and I won’t let it get me down although I do feel depressed sometimes but snap out of it. My wife and I joined the national trust 3years ago and it was really great for getting out and getting exercise at the same time but Covid stopped it for a while now we can start again. 👍🙏

Goldsky profile image

Welcome Birdbeak, you have certainly come to the right place 🙂We do not know all the answers but there is an excellent chance that several people will know exactly how you are feeling.

Helen-NRAS profile image

Good morning. If you would like support, information or just someone to talk to, our NRAS helpline is open every weekday from 9.30am to 4.30pm 0800 298 7650. Or have a look at our website Kind regards.

tangolil profile image

Welcome. Like you, I have both osteo and rheumatoid arthritis ... Both keep me 'on my toes' because I never know which bit of me is going to give me cause to complain! Every day is different. Be vigilant with your meds - exercise as much as is possible for you and be assured that your Rheumatologist and the folks here are rooting for you. Good luck with it all.

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to tangolil

Hi tangolil you just scored a hole in one that exactly what happens to me and my rheumatologist says it’s a palindromic type of inflammatory disease 🦠 and I have strongly positive CCP antibodies I’m waiting on a follow up appointment with him closest I have is a phone call 29th October I guess Covid is playing hell with all appointments etc 😂😂👍 thanks

tangolil profile image
tangolil in reply to Birdbeak

Hole in one, eh? It's a long time since I did that! I was hospitalised exactly in the same way with a swollen knee thought to be septic arthritis but aspiration proved it wasn't. Neverthelee I was given IV antibiotics just like you! It's a long time to wait to see your Consultant (or speak to him) but that's the way it is, generally... I see (speak to) mine every six months and the next is December 6th. This time she says she is actually going to see me face to face! I can't wait!

Chin up - you are not alone.

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to tangolil

Ok thanks 👍

JGBH profile image

Welcome BirdBeak, you have found this wonderful forum, the members are so helpful and supportive as you have already found.Yes, RA is tough….. and osteoarthritis doesn’t help. I have these too and osteoporosis plus other autoimmune issues, have hypothyroidism, Sjogren’s, etc. So of course the on-going pain and loss of mobility/ independence make it difficult to cope at times and depression creeps in from time to time, it’s a fact. We feel so frustrated also not being able to function as we used to.

As many people have already mentioned, exercises even light are important IF you can. When in a flare best to rest for a few days but always follow your rheumatologist’s advice and that of the physios. Healthy food is important as well as as much rest as possible (good sleep if you can but that’s not always possible because of pain, as you no doubt know). Having some interests is most helpful too.

It’s lucky you have family and good friends around you. More difficult when living alone and far away from family. Do make sure you get the best possible treatment though.

I understand that patients can now be started on biologic treatment much sooner than it used to be and that the outcome then is much better. So perhaps you could mention this to your consultant if you have not done so already.

Take care and good luck.

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to JGBH

Wise words JGBH it says it all ref the pain and frustration of not doing what was once taken for granted, sleep gets difficult as most nights someone comes along and stabs a knife my knee and I shout out loud involuntary which my poor wife has just about got usurp it but still wakes her.

Evaflo10s profile image

Hi and welcome x

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Evaflo10s

Hi Evaflo10s thanks for the welcome 👍

Carolsos profile image

Hi and welcome, this is an amazing site! I found this site a life saver when I found I had this horrible condition. Take care

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Carolsos

I’m certainly getting a lot of advice and tips on here all are welcomed

Retirednhs profile image

In my area you can self refer to a Rheum physio to help you progress worth asking if there is one in your area as the right exercises really do help also are you on any RA meds if they are not helping let your RA local helpline know . Mobility centres are great places for aids to help you cope with life as well as the Internet. Not much help but you have not given us much info to go on . Good luck and better health

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Retirednhs

Thanks retirednhs I’ll certainly look into it.

Lovetodanceto profile image

Welcome here they are really lovely folk

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Lovetodanceto

I totally agree I’m amazed at the responses I’ve received 🙏👍

Klutzy profile image

Hi Birdbreak,

Welcome! Unfortunately I can’t give you any RA advice since I’m waiting to find out if I have RA. This is probably the most helpful and nicest of the forums here.

All anyone can do, regardless of disease type, is live in the moment and appreciate each day. Yes some days suck and are painful. But when you see an amazing sunrise or sunset, it helps to remind you of the beauty in life, despite the pain and uncertainty. Best of luck!

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to Klutzy

Hi Klutzy I agree totally I also have 10 wonderful grandchildren ranging from 29-4 years to look forward to seeing on a regular basis and I love . 🤣🤣👍

Klutzy profile image
Klutzy in reply to Birdbeak

Lucky you!!

springcross profile image

Hi Birdbeak and welcome to the forum. I really hope you can get some help soon as it sounds like you could really do with some. Keep at your GP as you need to see your Rheumatologist asap. Also, the NRAS Helpline can offer advice if you ring them. Good luck. 🤞

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to springcross

Hi spring Ross I may on holiday at east coast for 10 days to chill out with my wife and a couple of dear friends but when I get back I will start making calls etc to things sorted I keep everyone informed on any progress etc thanks 😊

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Birdbeak

Enjoy. 🤞

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to springcross

Will do now England have won thanks 👍😄

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Birdbeak

Yes, absolutely brilliant - did you see the game?

Birdbeak profile image
Birdbeak in reply to springcross

I certainly did I think I meant pace maker fitted now never mind the new knees 👍🤣🤣🤣

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Birdbeak

Yes, it was very tense but we got there!!! 💪 I was going to post the St George flag but it comes out black!!!! Now all we've got to do is win against Italy. 🤔

Birdbeak profile image

Hi everyone back from a very enjoyable holiday on the east coast,as suggested by the group before I went on holiday I put a call out to the hospital and the doctor I saw while in the hospital called back to ask how I was after telling her I was no better after discharge in fact worse she listened to my problems and she agreed that a call back at the end of October was not good enough as all that would happen is an appointment to the hospital would made due to the problems so the good news is I now have a hospital appointment for Thursday 22nd July so hopefully things are moving in the right direction. I’m so thankful to her as she said she would get something sorted asap.

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