Is there a national biologic/bio similar protocol?
Just wondering if there is a protocol that Heath authorities have to follow when choosing biologics or bio similars
Is there a national biologic/bio similar protocol?
Just wondering if there is a protocol that Heath authorities have to follow when choosing biologics or bio similars
I don't know but it could be the local health authority. The NRAS will know so might be worth ringing them. An interesting question and I know hereabouts its case by case for approval by put forward by RA consultant but I don't who else agrees or disagrees. I do believe here its failed on 2 DMARDS one of which must be MTX.
Yes, there is an agreed pathway. It is not mandatory, so health trusts can vary but should have a reason...
Yes as Helix as linked there is a NICE guidelines for biologic/biosimilar use.
Read the Nice regulations..they are a good guide. But basically it seems to come down to the Consultant’s recommendation for each individual patient....but individual HAs also have different criteria. Are you having problems accessing a particular drug?
It’s just the order that they come in, I have the nice guidelines and I have failed my first biologic so I am just wondering what’s next
My first one hasn't worked either unfortunately. I had a f2f yesterday and my consultant said there was just too many inflamed joints and after 6 months on imraldi it's time for a change. Next on my list it's erelzi. She told they have a list of one's they have to use first. So once I use up my imraldi injections I have to leave 6 weeks before starting the next one. But everywhere is different and have their own list. Maybe a quick call to your team and see what they suggest might put your mind at rest.
I had 4 biologics-the fifth one worked. Trouble was it took 6 years to get there
Found the following from nras, it explains nice guidelines about being prescribed anti tnfs. Doesn't state that you have to have two consecutive das scores over 5.1 about 5 weeks apart.