I have had RA for 14 years. My joints are not too bad, but RA has affected my lungs (bronchiectasis) and eyes. I have read that Costochondritis is felt in centre front of chest, and I have had this, but, my constant pain is in lower left of lung. I have also been told I have aspergillus rast ??? The pain waxes and wanes and is excruciating during a 'flare' painkillers, heat and massage help a bit. GPs and consultants have not given much help with this, concentrating on joints. any idea? thanks x
Costochondritis: I have had RA for 14 years. My joints... - NRAS

Hi Aunty
I get costochondritis in varying degrees (had it Thursday badly), sometimes it's mild sometimes its debilitating and feels like I'm having some kind of "attack" it's quite scary.
I find my pain can be down my sternum, ribs, where ribs attach to my spine at back or where they attach on sternum.
Sometimes it feels like a crampy feeling sometimes it's so painful I find it hard to breath.
When it's bad I lie on the floor, hot water bottle on the ribs alternating from side to side, try not to panic and think to myself this will soon pass!
I spoke to my consultant about it and she wasn't that Interested😬 I found that a little unhelpful as the first time it happened to me it really upset me. Now it's keep calm and carry on (which is hard when it hurts so much).
Does your pain feel like its in your actual lung or the ribs ? My lungs don't hurt its very much in the ribs. It's not constant either it comes and goes to mayne just for peace of mind go and get it checked out? If you are on medication for RA maybe its not controlling symptoms well enough?
I don't much about the Aspergillosis, I know it's from mould (they use to use something called a RAST test in immunology to test for it I think) but that can cause pain in ribs too can't it ? Don't know if the pain would continue after you've been treated for it ?
Hope you can get things sorted and get some peace of mind, sometimes you have to keep pushing for answers which is tiring in itself !
Take care
Thanks ! I sometimes feel so alone with this. My pain is in the ribs. Having bronchiectasis as well complicates things. My GP sends me to the Hot clinic diagnosing a heart attack, and they treat for that. I then feel silly for bothering them! Rheumatology, meanwhile look at joints, which mine are ok-ish, and no one gives any advice on inflammation in ribs!! And no -one has mentioned Aspergillus for years and I have had no treatment for that. This last year I have seen no-one due to Covid. I have a zoom appointment with Rheum in April. I will note what I want to tell them. You have to be assertive! I have lived with this body for 70 years and know it well.
I wish you all the best, thanks for reply. x
You shouldn't feel silly at all as the first time had it I very nearly got my husband to ring an ambulance, it's so bloody painful!
I'm kind of chunky so being able to see my ribs would be unusual but I don't half know I've got them when this starts !
I remember I did speak to the physio about it and she said there are joints in the ribs, so that makes sense that they can hurt with RA.
By the sounds of it alot of people are being overlooked, if you feel you can't wait I would get in touch with rhemy.
You definitely aren't alone with this, I can totally sympathise.
Gentle hugs 🤗
So sorry to hear that - but April is a long time away so I would phone the RA team soon - take care
Hi,Sorry to hear of your pain.
I suffered this many times before my legs swelled up and couldn't walk. Finally diagnosed with ra.
You're right, it feels as you imagine a heart attack when you first get pain.
Even a and e once.
No one ever made the connection and it was happening every month..
Joints are what they look for.
Take care
There's some information about aspergillosis here: nhs.uk/conditions/aspergill... you probably know all the basic stuff already.
If you are getting a lot of chest pain, it really does need investigating more to sort out which condition is causing the pain and what could be done about it, so I think you are right to be persistent with your questioning of your medical team.
hi folks! Does anyone with RA relate to stress flares? I had a week of extreme pain last week and have figured out that it was stress caused by letter and texts from doc and NHS re: vaccine. I have a Covid support number and she was marvellous! she said they lost my details and told me I had missed 2 appointments!!! booked me in for the next day. Had it done and stress gone. and pain. good luck everyone. go to support team.
Stress loves RA.. I found if I push through a stressful situation then my RA goes off the scale .. slowly learning to step back. Good job you got the mix up sorted