Not sure If this is linked to RA. Anybody experienced this
Struggling with mouth ulcers lately: Not sure If this... - NRAS
Struggling with mouth ulcers lately

Yes it is common, especially for those taking Methotrexate

Yes I am taking methotrexate, what do I do please
As suggested below, folate is good. Rinse your mouth with water after every meal. Use a teething gel when you have them. Pineapple juice is also good, unless you are on antibiotics or blood thinners. Also if you have a mouth ulcer, it will sting....
I put pieces of chopped fresh pineapple in ice trays and then I have ice cubes to suck on!

A defiency in folate can can cause mouth ulcers.taking mtx or sulfasalazine can interfere with folate.
Not yet thankfully, but am only on 4th week of methotrexate and know they can be a common side affect. Could they increase your folic acid dose, I see you are already taking them on all days Barr the MTX days , but I it may be possible or needed to have the dosage upped?Hope you find relief, they are not nice at all!
Since Lupus decided to join with it's 'friend' RD I have started suffering with mouth ulcers which I was told isn't uncommon. So I can sympathise with you Mani.
The thing I found worked best is salt water gargles....simple, cheap but can really help!
I get mouth ulcers regularly too but like Pippy I have Lupus and RD so quite common but blinking sore at times. x
Yes get them quite a lot xx
I got mouth ulcers whilst on MTX, I found sugar made them much worse (sugar still plays havoc with my mouth) and avoiding anything sugary whether it be cake, sweets or processed food with added sugar really helped.
Same as you Mmrr
I have suffered with mouth ulcers most of my life, taking RA drugs has slightly made it worse. After seeing my GP, the best he could do was prescribe difflam (an oral anaesthetic) and advise me to use bongela (the stuff that you rub on babies gums). This did help a bit, but didn’t seem to stop the ulcers frequency.
The most effective method I have found is really strict oral hygiene, brushing my teeth after every meal, and using a stronger mouth wash - corsodyl (any generic mouthwash with chlorohexidine an anti bacterial will do).
Also as some of the other people on this site advise, avoid foods that irritate your mouth - such as crunchy toast.
I suffered with terrible mouth ulcers on methotrexate tablets, I eventually changed to injections and they disappeared, may be worth asking if it continues but in the meantime I also recommend difflam mouthwash, my gp prescribed it as it's quite expensive to buy over the counter
I suffer more in winter and lately I've getting them regularly, I use the adult bonjela and take folic for 5 days, I have Sjogren's , RA and COPD, I'm on Methotrexate and Baricitinib.
As 99Michelle says - when I switched to injections the ulcers disappeared. Injections were overall much more effective for me anyway.
Yes, I was very prone to getting mouth ulcers and tried different mouthwashes and also salt water gargles and bonjela but they didn't help much. I then found something else called Gengigel which comes as a mouth wash and also a gel and it has been amazing! It is a bit expensive but for me definitely worth it. It took about 4-5 days to work but then healed them completely and they don't recur as often now. XX
Yes I do too . I use a mouth wash and keep rinsing between meals I also use igloo paste
Yup get them from time to time.Was highlighted by my RA nurse as well as in leaflet info, problem is can't recall if WBC to low so it happens or side effect of MTX?
Hi there I eventually got some cream from the gp for mouth ulcers that just wouldn’t go away with other treatments, it worked but can’t remember what it was called but I am sure they will help
I used to get them regularly and found liquorice helped for some reason. If I noticed one was forming early enough it could often stop it from fully developing. You have to let the liquorice dissolve in your mouth, on the ulcer if possible, for it to be really effective.
Yes. Plain liquorice sweets do the job for me.
I will definitely have to try liqourice, I get loads of ulcers. I had lots when I was diagnosed with RA 10 years ago, they then increased again when I started methotrexate. I haven't had methotrexate for about 7 years as I couldn't tolerate the side effects, I tried for 3 years, I now have Abatacept injections and hydroxchloroquine but still get lots of mouth ulcers!!!
Someone said about increasing folic acid tablets maybe talk to your Gp. I have increased to 10 mg coz I felt like I was dying
I was told that I didn’t need folic acid anymore because I am no longer on methotrexate!! At the moment I seem to get rid of them and then 2/3 days later they return!!!
How are your mouth ulcers, mine are absolutely awful right now nothing is working and my mouth just feels raw. Hoping that you have found a miracle. Xx
Sorry to hear that, must be awful. I feel much better as my doc increased my folic acid intake to 10mg a day . I don’t get much of that now. Talk to your rheumatologist and see what they can do. Hope this helps
That’s brilliant news, so glad that you are not suffering anymore. I have about 15 right now even sent my husband to Boots on Saturday to get vitamin B12 and zinc supplements. I have an urgent telephone maxillofacial appointment next Tuesday 😬
Aww really sorry to hear that, what has your rheumatologist said, am sure there’s a solution somewhere, I know how awful the pain is