Hi everyone just decided to join the forum and hopefully it will answer a few questions in the future. About 5 months ago started to have a problem with my little finger giving me pain and not being able to bend it. Finally got in touch with my GP who arranged a blood test had a reading of 20.7 (don't know what it really means) which he used to confirm RA. Because of covid nothing is happening at present the GP arranged for me to see a rheumatologist had an appointment though for Feb next year spoke to the GP who spoke to the hospital and then had a an new appointment arranged for last Monday that was then cancelled the previous day Sunday as the consultant has Covid. I am struggling now it started with one finger but has not started to effect both hands wrist and elbow its driving me mad. With covid everything has ground to a halt. The hospital have enough to cope with dealing with this awful virus.
Newly diagnosed: Hi everyone just decided to join the... - NRAS
Newly diagnosed

Hello and welcome to the site!!! I'm sad you are struggling to see the doc. Maybe his registrar could see you instead. Lots of advice though on nras.org the rheumatoid arthritis site. Painkillers especially anti inflammatory one ( if you are allowed them ) are helpful as is ice or heat pads xx Keep chatting here x
Hi Dragon bad timing 🙄to be diagnosed.
My advice would be to contact consultants secretary and get a new appointment or ask to be put on the cancellation list. Be proactive kept reminding them or unfortunately you will just be left in the queue. I no longer worry about being a nuisance and to be fair generally the clinic team understand.
In the mean while contact your Gp if ibuprofen and paracetamol are not helping they can give you something stronger. Rest ice/ heat pads can help. I like a warm Epsom salts bath it can help ease the ache and reduce the swelling. RA feeds of stress so try relaxing.(easier said than done)
So sorry you have had to join us but this is a fab place for advice or a laugh or a moan. We understand .

Thank you for your reply's have been put on naproxen which has helped, 6 months ago I was fine we moved house just has the march lockdown started could not get any help so moved ourselves between my wife and 21 each old daughter don't think I could do it now.
Yes it’s amazing how it takes such a hold. The right treatment may take some time that’s the hard bit but eventually people do find it and do well. Do contact the consultants secretary cut out the middle man this has worked for me. Do stay in touch and let us know how you get on.
Here is my bossy advice, which I would give if you were my husband:
The stated medical aim for RA is to intervene early into diagnosis for best outcomes. Ring up the medical team at your hospital and remind them of this.
Point out that the country has been told to continue accessing medical services.
Your health issues have to be addressed despite COVID.
I too would push. I have just recently been diagnosed but it took me 2 1/5 years to get to the point my, quite obvious ,signs of RA were not down to my Fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis. Only then were blood tests done. Unfortunately damage has already been done! My hands , wrists, elbows started out the same but got progressively worse quickly. Also knees, feet etc. I did have to wait to have the blood tests but once done, got to see a Rheumatologist within 4 weeks! He was shocked I'd been overlooked for so long. I'm not sure what my blood results were though, other than him saying ' through the roof, so am not sure if that was why I got seen so quickly?
As others have said, the sooner you get seen and started on meds, the better.
I double down on GinnyE's recommendation. Early early treatment! I was given long wait time for NHS appointment with no chance of moving the date. Took the decision to find private Rheumatologist (who happened to be Clinical Lead at local NHS hospital) She started me on hydroxychloriquine immediately, plus short steroid course. Disease was under control within 12 weeks (all drugs take time to take effect). Total cost approx £160. NHS consultation did not take place until 10 months later because of waiting lists and then Covid. Early intervention makes the world of difference. If you get no immediate joy with the NHS and can afford that initial outlay please consider private.
Welcome to our lovely site. You will find a lot of lovely people with plenty of good advice here and you make friends for life here darling.xxxx
agree with all above, you need proper diagnosis,I was lucky and treatment started pretty quickly. That was 3 years ago, have been in remission now for a year, but you learn what you can do withou t aggravating your condition. I love gardening and going for walks which keep me as fit as possible. On methotrexate and sulfasalozine which keeps me stable so far.
Welcome quite new myself they are a lovely lot on here🤩
Keep a diary too as in the beginning you can swing from one joint to another or brain fog etc and so it helps to keep it in order, I found with work too I could see stress impacts etc so again another good way to see what kicks off pain etc.
Sorry lots of etc on that one!🤔
Hi Dragon1988🙂and welcome to the fold. We are a friendly bunch who feel your pain...literally! You've done a fab thing finding this forum - it's a world of caring and knowledgeable peeps who have a good mix of humour and empathy. You have had some great suggestions on here already; I would also suggest that in your diary, you write any conversations you have had with medical people, what tablets you take and when - along with your feelings and what you've been up to. Sometimes we don't remember what might have a positive and negative affects us - we are all individuals on this path - unique in our reactions. Writing your feelings will help: it is a way of accepting your feelings and you may find if you're particularly stressed, it might make you more sore. I also take photos because they are a good visual record which will back up your written evidence.
Find time to have fun and relax- doing things you love and make you smile. Try not to let RA define you - you are still you. Keep talking to your friends and family - you don't have to pretend to be ok if you're not, but at the same time, don't ostracise yourself from normality.
Reading that back, I've realised that I've lectured you somewhat! 🤣🤣🤣
One more thing though, if you're spending more than £10/ month on prescription s, get yourself a prepaid prescription certificate which you do online - can be paid monthly or upfront.
I wish I'd been told this at the beginning because I spent loads!
Wishing you a happy day 🙂
Aleve, ibuprofen, heat, ice. Until you get to dr.
Thank you all for your kind comments. It good to be able to share experiences and how we cope with RA. Its funny how over a weekend it can give me pain but go to work and it improves. ( Run a carpets cleaning business with my wife and 2 daughters I work every day) Glad I found this forum and the help it has given us so far. The point about prescriptions, set that up a few weeks ago so now pay by D/D.
Hi how do I lock my post please.
Hi, I agree with all of the above comments about pushing to be seen. I was in a similar position with pain in fingers in March and it progressed so rapidly to days where I could not get myself off of the sofa. Only just had my appointment on NHS and started treatment last week but some of my fingers show mild erosion and I wish now I hadn’t been so passive. So push and push again until you get seen or at least have a telephone appointment.
Naproxen seems better than ibuprofen, and see if you can get an steroid injection or course of tablets to bring down any inflammation (amazing how that causes fatigue on top of painful joints!). I also use heat pads, Ibuleve gel and have a symptoms/pain diary to try and see if there are any things that make it worse. Be kind to yourself and draw on support of those around you where possible.
Just wanted to say hello and welcome. So sorry you have had to join us but we are a friendly bunch always happy to provide a listening ear.
Agree with everyone with the advice that has been given and really hope that you get seen very soon.
I have been a bit quiet on here the last few weeks but have been following the posts everyone has been making.
After the NHS appointment was cancelled made an appointment to go private which in some ways was not worth it but it may have got the ball rolling ( he want me to go back to the NHS have no medical insurance) he wrote to my GP and has suggested a anti-CCP blood test which is now going to be done on the 7th of Jan and x-rays of my hands.
The letter mentions that the diagnosis is a palindromic type of rheumatoid which is very mild at present and his inflammatory markers are also normal. His ESR was 2 and CRP is also 2 also there is mild palmar erythema bilaterally.
Everything moves so slowly but everyone in the medical profession is having to deal with covid at the same time.