Covid19 Lanyard: I’ve just purchased one of these... - NRAS


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Covid19 Lanyard

12 Replies

I’ve just purchased one of these (personal choice) and thought I would share it for anyone who’s interested 🤗X

12 Replies
sylvi profile image

Sounds interesting. xxx

in reply to sylvi

I think it’s a personal choice Sylvi, but I do feel a little safer going out knowing that the public are aware that I’m high risk and at £7-15 with postage well worth it, stay safe & well! 🤗X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I have one as well, my is for my breathing which is no good now.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

Of course! They had them for mask exemptions 🤗X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Yes it is one my daughter emailed

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Think it would be good for you Sylvie !

Neonkittie17 profile image

Good idea but I feel the non distancing idiots round here would try come within 2cms to try read it!!! 😑

in reply to Neonkittie17

Unfortunately, you’ll always get idiots no matter where you live, hopefully more sensible people will have respect and give me 2M space. 🤗X

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

Not a chance here Angel. 😑🤨So many people want to be right up in your face for some insane reason and no wonder we are in one of the worse hit areas. Not everyone of course but many still who won’t wear masks or move away. I hope people keep their distance from you.💗 You could do with a klaxon if they get close! I might get one!! 🤣 Not good for your ears though!! So many people are fed up of it all they have given up or forget or never did distance! 🤨 I’ve just had a guy hammering on my front door not explaining why he was here and asking me to open the door?! I said sorry we are not opening the door to anyone. I couldn’t see who it was at the front as it is a full door. I asked several times .. what is it you’re wanting please? I had to ask as I am expecting a flower bulb/plant plugs delivery and the driver may have not been told where to leave them in the garden!i don’t want my pansies and violas and tulips going back off in the van 😳🚛 🌷🌺🌸! He waited five minutes then hammered at the back open porch this time that I leave half open for the postman. I went to the back and stood in the kitchen as it’s half glass as it’s the inner porch door and I saw he was standing on my top steps at the doors of the external porch. I said though the glass part of the door .. what was it you wanted? He started to tell me about a community programme so think he was an ex offender. I said sorry but at the moment I cannot open the door and speak to anyone. ( I always have that internal door locked for safety.) I said sorry we don’t want to buy anything or need jobs doing thank you. He looked surprised then went. It was not nice to have the door hammered on. I know times are hard but going door to door is potentially dangerous, without a mask and wanting people to open the door to him? I am still shaking. My hubby was on a work call upstairs and came down but the guy had already gone. May have been genuine but scary. Glad I’m not having my blood pressure or heart rate taken now. It’s still going crazy. I had this several years ago when a similar type of caller came and when I said no thanks to buying some products and he got abusive and then went round all the windows hammering on them. 😢 x

OMG!!!!! What a terrifying experience!!!! Not surprised your shaking. I thought cold calling was illegal now. I would seriously consider making the police aware of this caller and letting them know how shook up you are.

I’m pleased to say I live in a small village in the North East where most of the people are very helpful and friendly but like I say there’s always idiots. I try to stay home as much as possible but recently I’ve had quite a few catch up appointments to attend and I just feel that little more confident wearing it hoping people will act sensibly.

Get a nice cuppa made 🍵and sit down to chill after your scare, stay safe & well🤗X

Craftywonky profile image

Do you still use your lanyard. How do you feel about everything being lifted on Monday. I’m concerned. Don’t think enough thought has been given to the imuno suppressed. Might be a good time to order one.

in reply to Craftywonky

I still and will keep wearing my lanyard until” I “ feel I need to. I’m very concerned about the lifting of everything and I will do everything I can to keep myself safe from covid19. I personally think we have to do what we can to protect ourselves, as you say the government hasn’t given us a thought at all. Protect yourself and don’t rely on others to do it. Stay safe 🤗😷

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