Hi everyone, I had a nodule on my ankle and its turned into an ulcer, It's terrible trying to get in to see my GP and have to rely on telephone consultations only, I've been given 2 lots of antibiotics which didn't work, The pain is terrible and it keeps me awake at night if I turn over and knock it in bed. I asked about still taking my DMARDS which I was told to do so, , Plus I've been told over the phone to let it breathe which made it worse due to it weeping. I'm in a bit of a mess and its getting me down, I don't know what else to do. Any advice would be gratefully excepted.
How long does it take for an ulcer to start healing. - NRAS
How long does it take for an ulcer to start healing.

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Jump to repliesIt needs to be looked at and properly treated by a nurse proficient with treating ulcers. Appropriate dressings may need to be applied depending how fast or not the ulcer is healing. Unless it is infected antibiotics are no use. I had 2 pre-covid leg ulcers treated weekly by a nurse at my surgery. One healed pretty quick with the more serious ulcer taking around 4 - 6 weeks as I recall before the nurse was happy with it. Healing time can vary widely though. If they won't see you at the surgery then I'd be asking for a competent district nurse to see me at home. My GP for reasons best known to himself sent me home with a prescription for steroid cream, but when I found out a bit more about ulcers, via this forum, I phoned the surgery to say I was not happy and the receptionist put me through to a nurse who told me I should not have been prescribed a steroid cream and made an appointment to begin a course of proper treatment.
edit....could be the GP prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection, but as everyone says, that ulcer needs to be seen ASAP and treated accordingly.
You need to insist on being seen by a nurse or doctor, that’s disgraceful they are treating it without seeing it. Wishbone gives good advice but it needs to be seen.
I agree with the others in that you must see someone to get it properly treated. My daughter is suffering with one right now, she is diabetic which makes it harder to heal. Around six weeks ago her doctor wouldn't see her and told her to go to the out of hours which she did and they gave her antibiotics, but like Wishbone said they are no use unless it is infected. The nurse put the wrong dressing on it too which didn't help. She now has to attend our local clinic to have the dressing changed twice weekly she still has a long way to go so I would say get it seen by someone that knows how to treat ulcers.
That’s bad. Ulcers can be a devil to heal, so I’m sorry that your GP is not taking it more seriously. I would phone your rheumy team to ask about stopping DMRDs and for more general advice on what to do.
I would go to A&E gailyb. It really needs to be looked at and treated accordingly. If your GP is not helping you're left with no alternative. I hope someone can take you if you can't get there yourself. Best wishes xx
Thankyou for your . advice, I've had it for about 6 weeks and then when i rang my GP and sent in pictures it he gave me yet another course of antibiotics and told to remove any dressings. That's why its become infected and sore.
I wouldn't leave it any longer, if you don't get a quick satisfactory response then either get doctor to do something or go to A&E. xx
ulcers need to be kept covered and undisturbed.
A doppler test probably needs doing too .
District nurses are the ones with the expertise. Your area should have a wound care team as with us they can be complicated to sort out
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