Does anyone else have hot, itchy feet? They are really burning, the itch is driving me mad!
Itchy hot feet: Does anyone else have hot, itchy feet... - NRAS
Itchy hot feet
Yes and they are annoying
It's really funny seeing your post. I don't usually get irritated feet but last night when I went to bed, they were very warm and irritated and I was glad to get into bed thinking that they would be OK in the morning but when I got up this morning, they were still the same. Not itchy just very warm and irritated. I had my shower later and the feeling disappeared. Most peculiar!
Mine weren’t too bad in the night. Put cream on them which is meant for restless leg syndrome But it started again this morning and is very bad now. All my toes itch

How about putting them in cold/cool water? Is it a side effect of your meds do you think?
I have really sore wrists so I will have to be brief, but have you looked up Erythromyalgia.
It is nerve damage caused by medications and often AI disease. One symptom to terrible burning hot feet which are worse at night. It might be looking into?
I have it and am being treated for it
Sorry to be so brief, wrists are just to sore.
I get hot feet a lot. xxx
I do get really itchy hot feet, and I find taking an anti histamine helps. I am on my feet all day , working in a care home which is very hot due to underfloor heating , and when I get home my feet are sweltering and itchy. The itchy bits are on my toes and the red bits on the soles of my feet look a bit like excema or psoriasis. So I wash my feet in cool /cold water( oh...the relief!!!) and put some cracked heel cream on to moisturise the skin and take an antihistamine . It does seem to help. Didn’t realise it might be due to the medications , I am on biologics, methotrexate, sulphasalazine, hydroxychloroquine, folic acid .
Thankyou colouring queen maybe it is the medication. I am also on methtrexate and folic acid
My legs and feet often drive me mad with itching but are worse in the hot weather. I could have scratched them raw in bed last night. I took an extra anti histamine tablet and that helped a bit. My legs are also very dry and flaky so that would be making me worse. My ankles and feet are also swollen at present even though I am taking Furosemide tablets.
You need Lyrica! I had that for a couple of years. The bottom of my feet even turned red! It was horrible. Lyrica took care of it 100%
Otherwise ice cold water
So horrible... I love Lyrica been on it 3 weeks now. Works so much better than gabbapentin. Thank you for mentioning the bottoms of your feet turning red... Sometimes I couldn't believe what I was seeing they would be so red. I don't know about you but the idea of that happening to my feet again or not having Lyrica gives me anxiety.
I will fight tooth and nail to stay with Lyrica! I had been so miserable. I showed people my red soles of feet to basically validate my whining. It always reminded me of when summer came. I was young and walked on hot tar on the road trying to put leave my footprint. I grew up in the boonies not much to do!!😃
Hi Magnolia25,
I can relate to your problem, I suffer from restless feet in bed and they get very hot not to touch but feel hot. Firstly I don’t know what meds your on so it could be a reaction, some strong painkillers do cause itching. Secondly keeping your feet cool may be the key. I have got out of bed to stand on cold tiles which help. I also spray them with a Cold spray which you see footballers receiving when they receive a knock that works for me and may give you some relief, I keep it at my bedside and usually works after one good spray, remember it is freezing.
If you go on line you‘ll see plenty of items that may help. I don’t know if the above is similar to what your suffering but you could give it a try.
Take care and good luck.
My feet burn because I have developed a neuroma in both feet due to bone erosions. Its so uncomfortable. I'd get your feet checked just in case. I wear orthotics in my shoes now and it helps. When they flarup and get hot I will put a fan on them bcz anything more aggravates the Raynuads... RA is so much fun at times!!! Lol hope this helps.
Thank you everyone who replied to my query about itchy feet. Touch wood, they last two evenings, they seem a bit less itchy. Hope it lasts.