I have been sheilding. my employer has just phoned me and said that the Government is going to make an announcement this on Saturday saying those sheilding can go back to work. They basically want to give me 7 days notice that I have to return. The last I heard was that we can go out and meet with one other person maintaining social distancing. I work in a supermarket and the thought of coming into contact with the hundreds of customers who shop everyday terrifies me. I live in England. Have I missed something?
WORRIED!: I have been sheilding. my employer has just... - NRAS

No !!!!your employer is acting against the law. Whatever they have " heard" has not been announced by the government and no you cannot give notice of return until anything is formally announced .
Please call NRAS helpline and get their advice or your union.
You are under no obligation to give any notice especially when you are not the prime minister !!!
Ypur employers deserve a real bad reputation , disgusting treatment
Thanks for your reply. I dont know where they are getting their info from. I have told them I will wait for an announcement before I commit to going back.
My reaction was its against the law, there is so much conflicting info even in government websites, some say it's only a recommendation, some say mandatory.
I would try to wait to see what is actually said, as lots of misinformation around. A while back the advice for England divided vulnerable people into the extremely clinically vulnerable, and the clinically vulnerable.
Are you on furlough? I would be surprised if extremely clinically vulnerable were advised to return to work!
If you are in the extremely clinically vulnerable group this is the guidance that applies to you. It was updated last Friday, and the end section is about work.
No, you've not missed a thing. Shielders are encouraged out once a day, outside spaces only and with one other person only if they want. We are not encouraged to go inside buildings with others, although some do, each to their own.
Your employer sounds like they are using scare tactics. Unless they have a direct line to the Dept of Health and Social Care or the Office of the Prime Minister I suspect that they are talking nonsense.
Are you a union member?
Don't be bullied by them. Health comes first. I wish you could name and shame them, I may decide to not shop their anymore! Can't stand bullies.
Thanks for your reply. I have told them that I want to wait for an update from the Government and take it from there.
Westminster are not doing weekend updates anymore, so it can't be this Saturday!
From quickly scanning the guidance highlighted by HelixHelix you are entitled to be furloughed until the end of August so I see little need for haste on the part of your employer. Have they offered you a safe alternative to your current role that enables you to remain safe. Has the request for you to return come from their personnel department or someone else? Sounds like they have a severe case of knee jerk. x
Do you work for one of the supermarket chains - I am just wondering if this is something that your manager locally has decided, or if it has come from 'higher up'. Either way, I totally agree with what everyone else is saying - you are right to say you want to wait for an official announcement. I'm sorry you've had this extra worry on top of everything.
Wait & see what, if anything, is said on Saturday. Don’t get upset, & try to second guess what might not happen.
It looks like this situation is going to go on for a long time yet .....so I think we should all talk to our own doctors, see what they advise and then make up our own minds what we feel comfortable doing....not just stay home being miserable.
Your employer will have to abide by whatever the new rules are.
In fact, there are more & more reports coming out that the majority of those with RA are not as susceptible as first thought.
As we know....we are all different, & just because one person has to Shield
because they are taking a certain drug, doesn’t necessarily mean every one taking that drug has to.
Personally I can’t wait to get back my previous life style...I refuse to believe having RA means I have to live within the same 4 walls forever.
Those who have been making the rules haven’t done a brilliant job so far, so let’s get on with our lives, sensibly and safely....& start to have a life again.
Just as an after thought, and it may not be necessary, but don't underestimate how effective an email to your local MP can be.
I struggled to get hold of some HCQ at one point. My MP intervened and was incredibly helpful. Obviously it depends on who your MP is and how helpful they are, but it's just a thought.
That is not good news. But nothing is announced yet so I would try not to worry too much. I work with the public also so I totally understand how you feel. I'm in northern Ireland though so I don't know when shielding stops here as we've had no updates.
You must be worried, Scootergirl but try not to panic. As long as you have an official shielding letter, you remain protected.
Your employer cannot possibly know the government is going to make an announcement nor what they are going to say. It sounds unfair what they’ve said to you.
I know it’s easy to say sit and wait, but I think it’s the only thing you can do.
ACAS are likely to be very busy but they are so helpful, give them a ring. If you’re a union member, I’d suggest you make contact too.
Try not to worry about what may happen Scootergirl, if you were sent a shielding letter then your employer can’t go against the advice given to shield surely? . Have you given them the shielding letter? Wait and see what is announced as it may not happen. 😊
This is awful..how unsupportive of them. The shielded have always been able to work from home if possible but obviously you can't. It makes you wonder where they're getting this information from too.
It's worrying me returning to work too, I'm still in touch with my colleagues and apparently hardly any distancing Is happen,
I didn't think there were any announcements due yet and with people
Furloughed to possibly October and now the schools unlikely to return until September ...will they extend the shielding in England like they've have in Wales and Scotland, hopefully we won't get the rushed messages we got last time.
Hope you and all of us get some clarification soon. Xx
No!!! I’m on a Biologic and methotrexate . I had a consultation with my Rheumy today he said I’m classed as high risk but not vulnerable. If I worked in an office and could self distance he would be happy for me to return to work. I don’t I work with children as a TA. He said no I can’t return as it’s too difficult to keep the distancing and children can still pass on this virus. He is sending me a covering letter for work. I suggest you speak to your clinic for advice.
Hi so shops in england open on Monday but that does NOT mean shielding staff go back to work. We have been told to shield, we can exercise once a day but otherwise e have been told to stay at home. Do call NRAS or your union for advice. But do not be bullied !!! Loads of love
This is my second week back at work. My employer knew I was in the shielding group, his brother in law even died from covid but it didnt stop him from stopping my furlough. Furlough is at the employers discretion, there isn't a right to it. I could have kicked up a fuss but I decided not too because I really need to pay my mortgage.
I've taken every precaution I think I can. The other person in my office is also high risk, which actually helps in the safety aspect.
I dont use the lift, I dont use the shared kitchen. The water cooler is the worst because it's no easy task carrying a days water up 3 flights of stairs. I cant not use the toilet but we've brought our own anti bacterial soap.
Maybe I've done the wrong thing. But I really didnt want to be made redundant before a recession.
You’ve not done the wrong thing, you’ve done what is best for you. You’re taking all the precautions you can and as you say you don’t want to be made redundant. This virus isn’t going to disappear so we all have to make those decisions for ourselves and do our best to stay well. 🤗
Sorry I'm was opinionated , but only that actually you dont need to go back to work if shielded . If you want to go back and your employer had things you are happy with in place, then that's a decision you can make.
What I was trying to say was if you are being bullied back to work that's a different matter xxx
I dont know if I feel bullied, but definitely pressured. I work for a small business. If I hadn't have come back they would have had to make me redundant. They couldn't have left my post empty and have functioned well. Not for months. Its tricky. Like I said. I'm really unsure I've done the right thing.
Its very tricky and yes you can only do what is right for your situation. It is wrong employers are making people feel pressured but I think yes some would make people redundant.
But if you had a shielding letter it was wrong of them to ask you to return , if you weren't "shielding " then they have to have a " corona secure" assessment done that ensures social distancing , see gov.com. theres about 10 recent government updates on employment law and workplace conditions.
I feel for you that you have been put in the position and I'm genuinely sorry that I worried you but the post was from someone who was more being pressured by her employers to give notice to return to work and on that one I'd say stay home as directed by the goverment x
Nras helpline has lots of experience and can give you support
You haven't worried me. 😊 I'm already worried. I constantly go over it in my head. If I won the lottery tomorrow I wouldn't be in work.
Yes I have had a shielding letter. I even forwarded the text to my employer. The nearest we've come to an assessment is being given hand sanitiser...
On the plus side I dont work with the general public. On the worrying side it's a shared building. On my floor are care workers.
Feel for you , it's your decision but shielders have been told to stay home by the government but the way things are changing, who knows ....
Chat on the NRAS helpline, cant recommend them more xx
Also if your not insured and they have your shielding letter, which I'd resend, are the prepared for a law suit from your family? , you have informed them you are on the government shielding list therefore for the past few weeks therefore should not have been at work. I know you dont want to potentially lose your job, it's a hard one, they are acting badly to you. You should have been supported and Your mp would sort them out ....
Good point on, are you insured therefore , from listellor below ......
Sorry, do you mean their liability insurance would be invalid?
You know I think you need detailed advice ! I'm not sure how it would work in reality, is shielding just a recommendation? Is it mandatory, I thought it was law but is it? ..... are you in a union or chat with nras or your mp . I wish I could be more help , I really thinking of you xxxx
I didn't think it was law?
Thank you for your help and recommendations. I appreciate the time and thought. 😊 xx
Look up lawatwork.co.uk youve got me checking it out ....
On the site.
"Shielding is a recommendation only, meaning an employee may still attend work should they choose to."
Also says by law we are only entitled to SSP although employers may furlough if they choose.
Yes, so confusing but that looked like a reputable site xx
Yup. Basically it means employers can put you on sick if they want therefore forcing you back to work. 😥
Honestly , I'm worrying for you !!! Wish I could give you a really good answer, the only ones I have are you have awful employers and talk to the NRAS helpline, they gave helped lots of people with employment issues .
Wish I could start a petition or something , " save anjoplin from horrible bosses !", or maybe make a movie ," horrible bosses" , mmmm maybe thats been done 😂
I’d be asking for all phone call conversations to be put in writing instead in the future . People are generally a bit more reticent when you have a record of what’s been said and can use it against them .
Glad you’re waiting for official advice . This person sounds like an unprintable to me x
Please don't stress about this. Your employer is obviously out of order. We all have to wait for official advice from the Govt, especially the vulnerable and shielding. It is very difficult for all of us, including employers and I understand that they are worried about their businesses but health is the most important issue. It isn't a case of being sick of it all and wanting to get back to 'normal'. Of course, we all want that but I personally am grateful for everything people are doing to keep me safe. I hope we don't have to shield longer than the end of June but if we do it is for our safety and nothing else. If that is the case, your employer cannot force you back to work. He/she would be breaking the law. Stay safe and don't worry. x
What a lot of great advice. I would re-send your letter just in case they “forgot” and ask them for a copy of the document they have from a bonafide source showing the government’s intention. Tell them you have to report back to your GP if they get defensive (which they will). And I agree, follow up all phone conversations with a summary e-mail. Keep notes of conversations, dates and who you spoke to. Title emails carefully so you can refer back easily. There are some good free diary apps you can use if you don’t keep one already. I wish you the best of luck. How awful being made to feel so frightened by your employers.
The weekend statements have stopped so how come Saturday?
That was what bojo said ...... lol... has he changed that toò ... well I suppose we make our own decisions or wait on some sort of announcement.
I just hate hearing people being put into work when shielding and not ready x
well i had a phone call from my employer on Friday and she said i am not expecting you back till the 29th since we cannot insure you . Also are you a member of a union if so talk to them
I'd not heard that. I spoke to my GP yesterday who told me that I couldn't go back to work unless I could maintain strict social distancing. I haven't had a sheilding letter, but am deemed moderately vunerable. I work in a hospital. Might itbe worth talking to your doctor?
Facing same thing in US. Working in supermarkets is kind of difficult though. Wear gloves and a mask at all times. Ask if there can be exceptions or if your doctor can provide a letter. From what I’ve been hearing, we will have a couple months respite and it will all start again.