Letters from Boris : So every house hold is to get s... - NRAS


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Letters from Boris

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So every house hold is to get s letter from Boris.

How many hands will this letter pass through till it pops through our doors .... just a thought πŸ€”πŸ₯΄ 🦠

97 Replies
Mmrr profile image

My thoughts too, and at a cost of Β£5.6 million.

Most of us don't need a letter, those that don't get, still won't get after a letter, many won't read it.

β€’ in reply toMmrr

He popularity has plummeted now he’s trying to regain it... we are not that thick... Things should have been put in place sooner.... Now all politicians should pull together. I will be interested in what Boris does after this . We are a very rich country . Frontline staff who were deemed inconsequential before all this will they be treated their worth?

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply to

Hear hear!

Grounded cabin crew (due to their 1st Aid training) are being drafted into the new, virus dedicated Nightingale Hospital, in London.

The same will apply to the other two hospitals planned for Birmingham and Manchester.

It's sickening to realise the NHS has been decimated to such a degree and the govt has only now put a task force into place to distribute PPE kits for them.

β€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

This seems like a very good idea so long as the cabin crew are given adequate PPE and are happy to go in and serve in this way. I don't think anyone should be forced.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply to

It's totally voluntary.

My hat's off to them.

With it being the flagship hospital, specialising in just victims of the virus, I cannot imagine them not receiving PPE, as the media will show obvious interest and howl collectively, if such isn't the case.

β€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

You're probably right, thank goodness!

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply to

Too little too late.

Russia, China and NK went down the testing routes following the disease back to sources and immediately tested, retested and tested everyone again and again.

They have a fair amount of grip on the situation, while all other govts, our's included, decided they knew better, so are floundering, relying on herd immunity, because that's all we are to them...cattle that pay taxes!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25β€’ in reply toMmrr

It was a bit like the stay at home text they send to my dad's mobile...it's six months since he passed away! A waste of resources and as you said those who it should be directed at wont give a fig about a letter.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrrβ€’ in reply toPippy25


Craftywonky profile image
Craftywonkyβ€’ in reply toPippy25

My friend’s husband passed 2 years’ ago and she got a letter addressed to him from the NHS warning he was at risk. It really upset her.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25β€’ in reply toCraftywonky

I'm sorry to hear that. In a way I was expecting this text and while it was sad to receive it I thought to myself at least he isn't here to have to suffer this and as much as I miss my dad I know despite being a child of WWII he would not have coped with this silent war. I hope your friend is ok as it is hard enough and more so than ever now with this ongoing situation. Hope you are keeping as well as can be and send my best wishes to you. Take care

medway-lady profile image

Probably less than the one telling you your risk level. Just a thought !

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply tomedway-lady

That's about to shortly be updated.

VeronicaF profile image

my thoughts were that too, personally I would rather he kept his letter to himself with him with the virus, I don't want that letter in my door

medway-lady profile image
medway-ladyβ€’ in reply toVeronicaF

It'll be easy to do this every council knows exactly how many houses in each authority then the PM's office send a text each council prints it and its an automated process to envelope up and gives the right number to each post. I'm not saying they will do this but seriously he's not signing and putting each one in the envelope so no different from the Council Tax bill that arrived last week or the letter from Community Primary Care I had with risk group. (sorry my auto fix for keys on stuff I say a lot)

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaFβ€’ in reply tomedway-lady

its still a pain any post coming at the moment, because they are still handled by many hands, and I am having to wipe them down before opening them and washing my hands, so one letter less is better and the money its costing is better spent on the NHS or for people with no food

medway-lady profile image
medway-ladyβ€’ in reply toVeronicaF

I just leave on side or on mat for a hour or so. I think he has to keep on as people will forget and will have the "I'm alright Jack" attitude so one more letter does'nt really hurt.

It's so sad that sometimes people forget that its to protect us that the vast majority are suffering the lockdown, loss of jobs, no school, uncertain futures and bored kids. They say 4 out of 5 will only get mild symptoms yet those 4 might be the ones who save us. So if it encourages just a few more to be careful then we benefit most; therefore wiping a letter ? it just takes a moment but the one person who gets it might be the person who does something differently and saves your life. I thank the Tesco delivery driver, the police officer, the fireman, prison officer, postie (Ben) milkman (Roger) butcher (Ian) and every single parent cooped up in with children. Not to mention all the SAMS and those like my son, young healthy and qualified who have been seconded into another roll to help and have young families. There is an expression "they gave there todays for our tomorrows" relating to WW11 and I really believe we should not loose sight of that fact, as this is a war and a lot are dying.

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaFβ€’ in reply tomedway-lady

my son is a prison officer and still working, and my other son is a Tesco distribution they both have young families, I haven't forgotten anything!!

Id rather the money spent on the letters went to the NHS

and would rather not have one!!

medway-lady profile image
medway-ladyβ€’ in reply toVeronicaF

Thats fine I sympathise, and my son is also in public service, see my reply to woodstar1 and please reread my comment I did NOT say you forget, I said some people meaning the wider population. It was not personally directed. I am worried for my son and his very young family but if you don't want the letter why not put a sign on the door to refuse delivery.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply toVeronicaF

A neighbour of mine is a concierge in several blocks of flats.

He and his co-workers have been told if they walk out their pay will be suspended, pending a disciplinary hearing, as they are now classified by the govt as keyworkers!

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaFβ€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

my son who works at Tesco was told the same

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply tomedway-lady

Unfortunately, a revised look at the situation reveals the virus can stay active on cardboard for up to 24hrs!

Personally, I open letters and parcels wearing my mask, then wash my hands with rubbing alcohol.

β€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

Thought you were drinking that πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply to

Literally crying with laughter, I'm not kidding!


Nah, it's poisonous or I wouldn't waste it on my hands. Lol.

Keeping the correct social distance and wiping down the bottles, as they were passed (but using glasses with no swigging from the bottle allowed) two neighbours and myself, in the back courts, polished off two bottles of wine and three bottles of liqueur yesterday to celebrate my planting up a load of veg.

It's those little victories that bring the most pleasure. 😁

β€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

πŸ‘ no point in changing now 😁

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply to

Other neighbours, too afraid, shouted support from their kitchen or bedroom windows. πŸ˜‚

Me, I just went out to do a bit of gardening and one girl fired out, shortly followed by another, both armed with wine.

Well, it seemed churlish not to add the liqueurs.

Damned if I was going to break into my voddie supplies, though! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

β€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES


dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply tomedway-lady

Succinctly put.

This IS a war!

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply toVeronicaF

I leave all mail in the hall for a couple of days. I'm pretty sure my NHS 'at risk' letter is currently there awaiting the all clear. In fact another very similar brown envelope arrived the same time...hope I'm not in the 'double high risk group'! :-O

I shall find out in the morning when both letters will have completed the decontamination process. :-)

Pearce1940oscar profile image
Pearce1940oscarβ€’ in reply towishbone

How is leaving your letters in the hall decontaminating them

Bookworm55 profile image
Bookworm55β€’ in reply toPearce1940oscar

Because it is said that the virus can live on paper or cardboard for a couple of days. I tend to do the same.

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply toBookworm55

I'm a slow typist and missed your post. It's now being said 24 hours for cardboard, imagine similar for paper, but I still leave everything in the hall for at least 3 days, except for stuff that won't keep obviously.

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply toPearce1940oscar

Apparently the virus can remain on cardoard for up to 24 hours and hard surfaces like glass and plastic for up to 3 days. That seems to be the general consensus among scientists, but I've also heard said it can last much longer than that.

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply towishbone

False alarm!... one letter's informing me of a pension increase and the other for an increase in PIP. :-)

β€’ in reply towishbone

OMG miracles do happen... a pip in crease πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚shame you can’t spend hit no slots πŸ˜‚

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply to

:-) Tell me about it!

I just heard on the radio something about people in the high risk groups contacting Morrisons I think it was, and they will be allocated prime shopping slots, which is good news if true and they can make it work.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply towishbone

Tesco began a dedicated hour, last week.

I turned up...and waited ages in a queue filled with youngsters, mostly, and the staff designated to monitor done nothing!

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

My daughter arranged an online shopping slot for us a couple of days ago. She had to place the order online then go to Asda to pick up the shopping only to find they had made a right mess of the order, which meant she had to go around the store and pick up the stuff they had got wrong or left out, which accounted for approx half the order.

β€’ in reply towishbone


dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply towishbone

A red letter day!

Enjoy. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

β€’ in reply towishbone

Every cloud has a silver lining as they say, although it often seems it's the other way round.

Incidentally, how is the bladder infection? Are you conquering it?

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply to

Shh, :-O I don't want to tempt fate...but it's looking promising so far. Symptoms are no more but my RA is steadily getting worse. I need to get back on baricitinib as soon as I can.

Thanks for asking.

β€’ in reply towishbone

Good luck!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCroneβ€’ in reply tomedway-lady

I still haven’t received David Cameron’s letter about the Referendum, supposedly sent to β€˜every house in the country’ ’ so unless my council have a new list,I guess I won't get BJ’s letter either!

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply toAgedCrone

BJ...how aptly abbreviated!


woodstar1 profile image

I for one would rather have that cash given to the NHS staff and other key worker's for PPE.

In my job we have absolutely nothing,no hand gel no masks, gowns and im working with almost 1000 prisoners a day!!

medway-lady profile image
medway-ladyβ€’ in reply towoodstar1

I agree but it's a different issue. Protective clothing in a prison must almost dangerous as could be ripped off and used a a weapon. Perhaps it's time to look at arming officers with stun guns to make sure of safe distance. And giving you proper face shield, I'm generally liberal but this emergency calls for stringent measures for the greater good. I'd vote for military law for a few months so freeing up police. My son was telling me about the black marketing going on. Strange times now, and there was me think its 3 months when tonight it might be 6. So the it's going to get worse, letter, might be ignored by most but it's probably a good thing to keep the country on track.

woodstar1 profile image
woodstar1β€’ in reply tomedway-lady

Thank you, I also agree but sadly the public services have absolutely nothing!! For me, I have 4 daughters, a recent Granddad of a prem baby, I have RA, my Mum has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer. I still have to go to work with absolutely no PPE but have to keep healthy as I need to look after my family, pay bills and my Mum can't get treated until this covid 19 crap is sorted!!!

We didn't clap for Boris tonight!!

medway-lady profile image
medway-ladyβ€’ in reply towoodstar1

My son is in a specilaised public service so I do understand, he volunteered as operations were suspended for the next two weeks but Friday was then asked to help out in a different roll. He said yes (no surprise) and its worrying I do agree we have a baby granddaughter too. I hope you stay safe and your mum gets the treatment she needs asap but aren't they going to keep treating Cancer patients despite the virus.

woodstar1 profile image
woodstar1β€’ in reply tomedway-lady

Not according to her specialist, not enough staff and risk!!

Worried sick.

medway-lady profile image
medway-ladyβ€’ in reply towoodstar1

I suppose must be on a case to case basis, but have they said how bad it is ? as might be ok to postpone for a month or so, as the risk of getting the virus complications post treatment is much higher. It is an awful worry though I do sympathise.

β€’ in reply tomedway-lady

My sisters brother in law has prostrate cancer and needs radiotherapy he’s been told they won’t do it during this crisis for at least 4 months

woodstar1 profile image
woodstar1β€’ in reply tomedway-lady

Just for the record, as an Officer for over 20 year's no one has ever ripped of my PPE and used it as a weapon, we like the NHS have non, at all. Putting us, our families and public at risk, that's the issue.

springcross profile image
springcrossβ€’ in reply towoodstar1

That's absolutely disgraceful!

Frankiefocus profile image

I use alcohol wipes on everything that is posted through the door, even after we get our shopping it all gets washed down.

β€’ in reply toFrankiefocus

I haven’t got any .... shops have no stocks πŸ₯Ίeven if I could get a delivery slot

medway-lady profile image
medway-ladyβ€’ in reply to

Is that food or sanitiser ?

β€’ in reply to

Sainsbury's gave me a slot because they are checking names of people who register against the government list. They sent an email two days after the I unsuccessfully tried to find a slot. The slots offered were for two days later. Registering with them was a last resort because I'd spent hours trying to find an online slot.

β€’ in reply to

I’ve registered but haven’t heard anything πŸ₯Ί

wishbone profile image
wishboneβ€’ in reply to

I was wondering how they would vet people. A lot of work involved there I would think, or do the wonders of modern technology make it relatively easy to do.

gradyjackjacob profile image

I would like to know how he got tested so quickly, my daughters a nurse with symptoms since last Thursday but cannot get tested until today.

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGalβ€’ in reply togradyjackjacob

Because he’s the leader? Without him there would be no one to lead. He will always be tested first.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrrβ€’ in reply togradyjackjacob

I normally don't support privelidge, but I guess our leaders, such as the Prime minister, Health minister and so on do need to be tested, isolated and then back to work ASAP.

β€’ in reply toMmrr

Yeah got a point if I felt he deserved it. I just feel he has let us down. Shaking hands only weeks ago saying nothing would stop him... the arrogance of the man refused all evidence that this is a very easy transmissible disease contrary to the evidence... just feel let down

Mmrr profile image
Mmrrβ€’ in reply to

Several weeks were wasted in January and February . I don't have Bojo's quote to hand but it was something along the lines of 'it ( the virus) will take its course' whilst Wuhan is in meltdown and information is emerging that we are on the cusp of a pandemic and other countries are planning for the inevitable onslaught.

β€’ in reply toMmrr

Here’s a link of him saying about shaking hands


Mmrr profile image
Mmrrβ€’ in reply to

Privelidge often brings delusion of reality

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply togradyjackjacob

Prince Charles was immediately tested, too.

Not difficult to understand...we commoners don't matter, it's that simple.

gradyjackjacob profile image
gradyjackjacobβ€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

Well said.

benjijen profile image

Almost the same as the rest of the post I would imagine, along with shopping etc. Just leave it for few hours and wash your hands after reading and disposing of it.

HappykindaGal profile image

Not everyone watches TV or is on social media. Watching the news is generally bad for your health anyway and many people avoid it as much as possible. Not everyone is on social media either. Belt and braces time.

Esmereld profile image

Many hands I’m sure. Suggest you leave it on the mat for a day. Open it, read it, bin it and wash hands. I think it’s rather a shame that the government needs to do this but as many people have noted, not everyone has access to the news/tv/newspaper/internet so they obviously don’t know about the regulations. This had been made clear by people visiting friends and family and holding parties. We might say they’re being irresponsible and selfish but perhaps they’re not aware. My husband’s colleague’s wife went and got her nails and hair done last week. I’m as mad as can be. I was sick to my stomach for about three days. What else is she up to? She needs a letter. Actually she needs something else but that might not be acceptable language for this site.

If Boris’s letter saves just one life, for me it’s worth the money.

Pearce1940oscar profile image
Pearce1940oscarβ€’ in reply toEsmereld

I don’t know where you live but in my town there’s not a hairdresser open or a nail bar

Esmereld profile image
Esmereldβ€’ in reply toPearce1940oscar

Nor here that I know of but plenty of people do hair and nails at home eh.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply toEsmereld

My barber is an old style barber, no hair washes, etc.

He cuts hair and beards, nothing else.

A notice in his closed shop window is advertising home visits.


β€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

What !!!

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply to


He's an old boy and I guess this is killing his business, but there's risk and there's deadly risk!

Esmereld profile image
Esmereldβ€’ in reply todembonesDAMNBONES

I’d get some spray paint to obliterate. Well I probably wouldn’t but I’d hope someone else would. It’s just not acceptable.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply toEsmereld

Few, if any would see it.

The area is like a ghost town and I was only out to pick up my meds at the time.

Foolish is as foolish does, so any requiring their hair cut, well...

rabbits65 profile image

Maybe it will come through an Email or text message. Anything coming is welcome at the moment to break up the monotonous atmosphere , maybe he will stop us walking our dogs, I do hope it doesn't get quite that bad.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply torabbits65

Current guidelines say it's okay, but I suspect they'll soon limit the walking range.

cheeky2944 profile image

My partner is still working on non essential production. They have been given a letter about social distancing and handwashing. He is concerned that at times there is not enough room to self distancing and hand sanitiser is provided but must be used sparingly. He is very concerned as people are too frightened to take time off if they have symptoms because of points system and warnings if they do so. People have been coughing and feeling unwell all at a time when the Government is saying we must obey the rules.

I'm sure this is not the only company,

β€’ in reply tocheeky2944

I’m on a points system I’m sure you can’t be penalised during this. It’s shocking how people are treated and live in fear because of their employers

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply tocheeky2944

Other possible symptoms being considered is loss of taste and smell along with an upser stomach.

VeronicaF profile image

what about giving the money to air ambulance that get all their money from charity, how many people will use this when living in the middle of no where.


its endless where that money would be better spent.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply toVeronicaF

Excellent point!

medway-lady profile image

On local radio this morning The Tonbridge Hospital has launched an appeal and James Macelvoy the actor has given Β£250.000 towards stuff to help. so many good people about.

That's heartwarming to hear!

VeronicaF profile image

well if you run out of

Toilet paper it might come in handy

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONESβ€’ in reply toVeronicaF


joanne2 profile image

Unfortunately some people do not have access to email, the letter is to makes sure that everyone is informed. We can handle the letter the same as other mail or groceries that are delivered to our doorstep.

auntypank profile image

I intend to leave mine out in the sun for a few days or in the garage If it is raining! Quarantine the letter. Waste of money. those of us with health conditions KNOW how at risk we are. My lungs are already bad with 53% FEV, so curtains for me if I get this.

wishing you all well. May we survive . Virtual hugs xxx

lovemydoggy profile image

Here in the US we got postcards from Trump. πŸ™„

β€’ in reply tolovemydoggy

Please don’t tell me there was a photo of him on the postcard

lovemydoggy profile image
lovemydoggyβ€’ in reply to

No, thank goodness! I'm sure he would've like that though 🀣

β€’ in reply tolovemydoggy

Phew !!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚narrow escape

Lilmo1 profile image

Very true and him having the virus too.

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