Thanks Claire and NRAS for that informative session . Glad theres another next week
Facebook seminar : Thanks Claire and NRAS for that... - NRAS
Facebook seminar

I couldn’t access the session - must have been doing something wrong - I’ve never done it before lol! Do you know if the answers will be published anywhere?
Hi, I don’t have Facebook , do you know if we can access this somewhere? Thanks
My iPad decided it was a good time to play up but hopefully it’ll be on their Facebook page soon. From what I saw, it was very informative and I am appreciative. great idea for us to ask questions.
On again next week
It’s nice to know there’s support out there, even more so when we are likely spending more time at home than ever.
Indeed and after all the conjector if are we on the nhs risk list to
know yes at last!
It's the video with the lady sideways but they change the orientation after a bit 😀
Just watched it. Clear, informative and strangely enough, I found it quite comforting and positive.
It ended quite abruptly, as she was talking about making donations. I take it we just go in the actual site to do this?
There is another bit, I think something went wrong so there’s another 2 minutes or so separate.
Apologies if the ending cut off slightly. If you haven't already done so and were considering making a donation - you can do so on the donate button on the Facebook page (Facebook don't charge any fees) or directly on our NRAS website - really appreciate your support and thank you for you're great comments!
I’ve just watched it on Facebook. Crashdoll as I forgot and only remembered in the last couple of minutes 🙄The whole thing is on there.
I agree, and finally gave some clarity to the issue of RA being included in the definition of 'vulnerable' people.
Buckybri, if you're having trouble finding it on Facebook you can go to the NRAS website, then click on the Facebook icon in the top right hand corner of the website and it will take you to the NRAS Facebook page. Scroll down a bit and video is there, approx half hour long. You don't have to be signed up to Facebook to watch it - just click 'Not Now' when the bar pops up asking if you want to join Facebook.
I missed most of it too as couldn’t initially access it!

Hi all, a few of you have been asking for the NHS link mentioning RA specifically - it can be found here: