After much deliberation we've decided to stay at home and not travel to Lanzarote.. probably would have been alright but aired on the side of caution. Thanks to everyone for advice.
Didn't go..coronavirus scare..: After much deliberation... - NRAS
Didn't go..coronavirus scare..

So sorry you didn't get to Lanzarote, but understand everyone has to make their own choices in their own individual circumstances about what they feel comfortable or is best for them to do. Take care
I think you need to feel good for making such a difficult decision, as there's no right or wrong answer. Please enjoy yourself at home and have some treats eg binge on Netflix with chocolate or cake. Your next holiday, whenever, will be fantastic!

Thanks x

A staycation if that's what you feel up to. Lots of nice things and kindness to yourself and loved ones.
Sometimes you just have to go with your instincts, that old saying “there’s no place like home”, 😊
You have to do what you think is right, point going if your heart wasn’t in it.
Rub in some suntan lotion, sit by the fire, close your eyes & think yourself there!
There is always next year.,
Maybe we will get to go to Crete in May! Booked and paid for ages ago... coronavirus still around and it's all off, again!!
I reckon you did the right thing. Ee were a bit sorry for ourselves for not going away but feel safer tucked up indoors. Roll on Summer!
Yes, that's how I feel.
What a shame the warmth would do you good but I think you made the right choice as I have just returned from Tenerife north & the sand storm was terrible let alone virus scare, the thought of being stuck there genuinely frightened me. The warm & dry climate did the trick & I feel better for it. You can look forward to a lovely holiday when they get things under control, have you tried hydrotherapy?
We have booked to go on a cruise to France and Spain for a week at the end of April. We now don't know what to do. If we cancel, we would loose all our money. It is a very difficult decision. We booked towards the end of last year and I have been really looking forward to it. My husband says that the staff will check on people boarding in that they are not ill when they are going and that we could stay on board all the time. I don't mind staying on board all the time as there is always plenty to do, shows, films, quizzes, talks and sitting on the deck etc. However there is always the possibility of people who go ashore bringing the virus back with them. It is almost impossible to know what decision to make.
I know exactly how you feel. Luckily, you have got two months before you have to decide and the picture will be clearer then, hopefully. We were packed and ready to go and debating right up to the very last minute! It was the worry of being stuck somewhere abroad that eventually decided us not to go. I'm trialling an increased dose of methotrexate and would have been due the blood test monitoring the day after our return, so a delay of weeks in quarantine would have added to my worry. We've lost the £1400 we paid for our holiday to Lanzarote; it certainly hurts and we're here thinking we probably would have been alright. I know I certainly wouldn't book a holiday to travel at the moment but it's not the same decision when you paid ages ago. So, at least you've got time to see how the situation develops. Best wishes x