Boy has the fatigue kicked in this week. Plus not getting thro to the appointmnent line for my 1st rheumy consult has been hard and will start again tomorrow (not sure why they dont answer or at least put an answermachine on). Being still on my OA pills and nothing for the RA and can feel pain and fatigue spreading thro me, so I know I need to muster energy to see my local GP and get the Rheum consult sorted.
Hate the fact lifting my arms is hard going and so painful and I hate the lack of energy as someone who likes to keep moving and being on the go. I have known for 3 months the OA pills were not really working but need something to keep me going til I get put on something else for the RA.
However in our little piece of paradise on the Fens we can walk outside and get a cooling breeze no matter what time of day to help you chill out.
In my next life I will be a cat as my 2 certainly have the life of Riley and very chilled.