So I have a question for you fountains of knowledge. I’ve recently started MTX and my tummy has been a bit on the dodgy side. I read somewhere that soya can aggravate inflammation. I’m a vegan, so I stopped drinking soya 2 days ago and today I have no MTX side effects (first time in 8 weeks) and I feel quite good. Has anyone else found a link between soya and their overall health?
Soya, inflammation and MTX : So I have a question for... - NRAS
Soya, inflammation and MTX

Soy products can be pretty tough on digestive system..... I limit them.
That's interesting... I was a strict vegetarian for many years until fairly recently when I reintroduced oily fish to my diet, I still eat soya sausages but not much other soya stuff (can't get on with the milk). My consultant told me to stop MTX tablets after 20 weeks due to gut problems. I don't think I eat enough soya now for that to be the cause 🙄
I don’t drink that much soya milk. Say 2 cups of coffee in the morning at weekends. Today I had no side effects whatsoever and the only thing I changed was my milk.
It might be worth cutting out all your soya and see if it makes any difference.
Yes it might be helpful. I've cut out fizzy drinks (only drank the odd Cola) which has made a definite improvement. Not sure which DMARD I'll be given when I have my next rheumy appointment in 4 weeks time, just have to wait and see what is suggested 🙄
I think it's great you figured it out! Keep it up and continue to feel good!
It's a small price to pay. I cut out all meat and dairy and while I still crave and miss those foods, I know it's worth it bc I feel good.
I have had digestive problem from soya, beans, chickpeas and a few other things for the last few years but had not until now connected them to methotrexate but, as far as I can remember, the problems started about the time I started taking this.
It could be related. I’ve only been off soya for 5 days, so far I haven’t had any mtx side effects - long may that last!!