Here we are on the first warm day, and already I am being bitten. I have always been a target, but since I was diagnosed with RA 2 years ago, it has become worse, anyone having the same please? I seem to get them in my sleep, how do the little blighters get in with windows closed? incidentally, I never go into the garden now during warm weather.
insect bites: Here we are on the first warm day, and... - NRAS
insect bites

I understand eating Marmite may deter them. Seriously! It certainly deters mosquitoes and midges.
Hope you find something that works for you if you don’t like Marmite.
You might have to resort to some insect repellent, maybe you could bathe in it 😉 other than that I’m not sure. If they are really hot and itchy you can use either a bicarbonate of soda paste or have a bath in it. Sorry I’m not much help.
Hi Qags, yes I have found the same. When I do get bitten by insects or stung by nettles the reaction is much worse than it used to be. I use witch hazel for relief which works better than anything else. What drugs are you on ? I associate this reaction with MTX.
I am on MTX 20mgm tabs weeky
Interesting. I used to really suffer with bites and allergic reactions to them when I was on oral mtx. Since changing to injections I've been so much better. In fact, no bites this year either here or on my hols in Ibiza.
Not tried myself but i am reliably informed that avon skin so soft shower gel will deter the biting insects
Avon skin so soft dry oil spray is a good repellent as well and it smells nice😂
I've always been targeted by biting insects so you have my sympathy! I agree with others that Avon 'Skin So Soft' dry oil spray appears to work as an effective repellent, or a repellent containing DEET for mosquitoes. If I still get the odd bite, I use an 'Aspivenin' vacuum pump which I bought from Boots for about £18 - it's a hand-held syringe-size gadget which I've found works really well in drawing out any poison, especially if you can use it fairly soon after you've been bitten, so it relieves the itching and local inflammation. Hubby got bitten by a what he thinks was a horsefly last year but didn't tell me until he was in a lot of discomfort a few hours later but the Aspivenin sorted it. Apparently, it works for snake bites too, although I've never had to try it for that, thank goodness!!
I hate getting bitten as they can last for a few days, I always use germolene cream, it takes the itching away very quickly.
Yes Avon skin so softly spray oil really helps repel them x
Aloe vera gel is great for insect bites, it takes the sting and itching away immediately.
Another cream that I find works well is Antisan. Available in boots and most chemist's. It's was my mum's tip 30 odd years ago, and I now keep several tubes in as I find most people find it so good they end up taking mine with them. Last year in Portugal the housemaid had a nasty bee sting and it worked for that.
One thing I would say is to be very careful the bites don't get infected as I've ended up with several bouts of cellulitis after bites. I am on benapali, (previously Enbrel) so I assumed it was partially due to a poor immune system. I love my garden and won't stop doing what I can but am much more aware to cover up when doing gardening.
I always use bens family insect repellant when on holiday and never get bitten, put in on in the morning it lasts 8 hrs then again in evening , used it for years.
Sudacrem works for anything like this
Lemon seems to repel flying insects in the UK.