I’m in a severe RA flare right now and the pain has been so severe that I haven’t slept in 2 days. I’m starting to feel the effects. My meds are only bringing minimal relief. The cold weather here in South Africa isn’t making it any easier to deal with RA. How do you guys deal with painsomnia? I watched old cartoons like Dastardly and muttley and their flying machines for like 2 hours last night, but sometimes I just lie awake and cry because it’s so frustrating.
Haven’t slept in 2 days : I’m in a severe RA flare... - NRAS
Haven’t slept in 2 days

Know how you feel have been the same and joints so stiff and sore. Worst in the morning can’t walk far spend my time watching television. Tried heat and cold no difference still painful hope this improves soon. Hope you feel better soon.
I’d see your Rheumy or failing that your GP and let them know your meds aren’t working and you can’t sleep for the pain. Sounds like you need a meds review. You really shouldn’t have to put up with that. Let us know how you get on.
With my flares and sleep disruption, I get a steroid shot and a steroid pack, I know it seems contrary to take steroids for sleep but by day three or four it starts to ease up some. Take warm epsom salt baths; your Vitamin D okay? If it’s cold there your D is probably low which leads to sleep disruption too. Get D blood test, make sure it’s good and then perhaps try melatonin. Without the D, melanotin is worthless though. Try a heating bad or heating blanket yet?
AWW poor you 😓 we all know how this feels! My solution is to sleep with electric blanket on (if its allowed) plenty regular pain relief and rest, my distraction is music! headphones on and gentle relaxing music off YouTube. Hope you feel better soon! If not ring your rhum nurse, take care 🤗 X
I was prescribed amitriptyline for this and it worked well. I was able to cope better after I slept. I hope that you feel better soon .
I couldn't sleep for months with the great pain. However I basically slept on and off during the day too. I used cold pad as my joints were swallow then.
I basically find no medicine helps to ease the pain at that moment. I had 2 steriod injections to start with. I was given steroid to take daily too for about few months. When mtx started to work, my pain level started to reduce, I was so happy and thankful to mtx and requested for more to speed up to speed up the process, but my rheumy said she could only increase it slowly.
Once mtx started to work, the pain level reduced daily and slowly it was tolerable then I could sleep a bit longer during the night. I also slowly did away with sleeping during the day.
Talk to your rheumy to see if anything can help over there.
When I am lying awake in my bed at night I listen to the free audio books from audible, on my Echo Dot. They have a small selection of free books each month, usually classics, so not too entertaining to keep you rivetted and wide awake. I am currently listening to David Copperfield. I keep the volume low, I find this quite a soothing and good distraction. Alexa will also play you sounds to aid sleep like white noise, rainforest etc. I am not to keen on these preferring being read too. If I need a laugh I ask Alexa to tell me a joke or two. I wouldn’t be without my Amazon echo dot/Alexa in the bedroom now. Shame there isn’t an app to give me a soothing massage in the middle of the night.