I’m in Tenerife, unfortunately my joints are not enjoying the hot weather & are complaining bitterly 😞. I can’t get any of my shoes on. I’ve been under a lot of stress for a year or so which is on going so it could be that but boy are the joints painful 😖 & swollen.
My poorly feet 😩: I’m in Tenerife, unfortunately my... - NRAS
My poorly feet 😩

That's what my feet looked like last year. The bar staff kept me supplied with ice cubes for ice packs and at night I tried to sleep with my feet higher than my head. Worth a try and enjoy your holiday.
My feet were the same at the early stage of my RA. Very painful and could not balance myself well when I walked. I could not walk far too. Hope you will get better soon.
That's one reason why I don’t like going to hot places! As McCaffs said, feet up, ice and also drink lots of water.
Ouchy. They're swollen, just like mine at the mo. Been this way since the warmer weather & just won't go down. They're really red in the morning & night too. Had to really open up my walking boot laces lots & they still hurt when I'm walking. Resorting to my slippers, the only thing that are nearing something like comfort. Thankfully they're bronze coloured mules so are acceptable to wear out of the house. Try doing what I am & keeping them up as much as poss & keep hydrated, water preferably. Hopefully that will ease the pain a little at least. If you respond to cold & have access to a freezer try a bag of frozen peas or rinse a flannel in cold water & wrap round the foot & ankle.
I hope it doesn't spoil your hols. Love the nails!
My one treat to myself, pedicure. My feet were bad before coming out here. I haven’t been out for a year due to family problems & it’s quite sad to acknowledge how much I’ve deteriorated. Couldn’t turn the water on lock doors undo the bottles of water etc..So many shoes that I’ve thrown out,all of them apart from flip flops wouldn’t go anywhere near my feet 😞
Will drink more water & try to keep them cool. My hands are just as bad 🙄.
Oh dear, I hope you get some respite soon. Keep your feet elevated when sitting and do some gentle walking you can to keep the blood flow going.
I don't tolerate the heat at all, my joints just don't like it.
Oooh that looks sore. I can't improve on the advice given so far but, if they are still bad when you fly home, it would be worth telling your rep that you need special assistance at the airport. Wheelchairs can be provided and a special queue for security will save you from having to stand in line and speed the process. I don't know if it can be organised for your airport in the UK but maybe well worth asking. Wishing you well
Hi Caza, hot weather plays havoc with my RA.I find if I keep cooling off in the pool or sea for 15mins regularly it helps it immensely. Also special assistance is available in UK I use it every year and what a difference it makes, no long walks through the airport, no steps up to the plane ✈️ fast tracked throughout. Get in that pool girl and enjoy ya holidays 🤗X
When my feet are like this at night , l put iced water in a 'hot' water bottle (tho any bottle will do) to put my feet on. It offers me some respite.
My knee was a bit problematic at the start of my hol...i took a large cushion and let my knee, lower leg rest on it.
Also.. you can buy ice packs in pharmacies.. the ones where you twist them and the gel freezes... there brill.
so sorry for you. I find my all my joints etc improve in the heat as long as it is a dry heat! Have recently discovered Sketchers which are brilliant, so comfortable sandals and trainers. Can buy on line and they have good sales, also TK Max usually have a selection too at good prices. Hope your aches improve soon
Last years high temps played havoc with my feet and legs as well as energy levels so I didn’t enjoy the summer much...unlike my friends who absolutely loved it !Its all good advise that’s already been given....elevate,ice,hydrate.When you get back to the uk you can buy soft gel filled pouches that you can put in the freezer and then into their own fabric bag with a Velcro fastening to put round your ankle.I get mine from Lloyds chemists.They are their own brand. I’ve also started doing some very simple exercises to improve the lymph flow in my legs....swollen ankles run in the familyespecially in the summer! So far so good and Im hoping they will help as the temps rise.There isn’t a natural pumping action in the lower legs so exercise is a good way of getting the lymph flowing.I found the exercises on line just by searching for ‘exercises for improving lymph flow in legs’....or something like that! It was a YouTube clip and a couple of middle aged American guys doing it which was quite funny to watch but really helpful. I’ll try and find it again. Good luck...I know just how painful and limiting swollen feet and legs are 😥
Try Dr Cool ice wraps you buy them online, easy to travel with , buy the large one and store in freezer once you arrive, work a treat and ice wraps tightly around affected area. I also have the small for my fingers and hands.
It is horrid poor you there goes the theory warm weather helps I was in Tenerife last Xmas and had an awful
Time with joint pain xxx
Just sit with you feet In pool with a very large cocktail that will help the pain 😎😎