Coping with a flare up after over doing it: Hi all... - NRAS


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Coping with a flare up after over doing it

Cornwa11 profile image
30 Replies

Hi all. Really struggling today after having a better day yesterday and maybe doing a little too much I’m paying for it today. Every part of me hurts and getting shooting pains down my fingers. How do you all deal with flare ups? Sorry feeling sorry for myself and just want to curl up in a little ball and cry but know even that will hurt.

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Cornwa11 profile image
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30 Replies
Hattie23 profile image

So sorry but know exactly what you mean. Sometimes you just have to give in and go to bed with a cuppa and a hotty bottle and sleep. Its so frustrating especially when The sun is shining or you really want yo do something. But its what works for me and it eases the pains quicker. X

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to Hattie23

Thankyou. I’ve treated myself to a new hot water bottle.

sylvi profile image

Have your pity party and when you get up in the morning say to yourself i learnt a hard lesson so i won't make that mistake again darling.xxxx

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to sylvi

Hopefully I will learn from it

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Cornwa11

If your like me darling you will never learn. lol.xxxx

Hi, sorry your having a bad time at the moment, I feel like that a lot of the time!! ( we are human! ) my RA has been out of control for over a year ESR 89 cos nothing worked only steroids and I've refused to go back on those little monsters! What works best for me is high pain relief, (get that under control) warm cosy bed, and relaxing music, switch off and relax once the pain relief has kicked in. There's a saying that says, "it's time to rest when ya at ya best" so learn not to overdo it and pace yourself even if your having a better day. Hugs & Xs 🤗

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to

Hi, Thankyou. What do you use as pain relief?

in reply to Cornwa11

I take 2tramadol & 2paracetamol, put my electric blanket on to warm my bed and listen to some relaxing music on my phone or tv to help divert you from the pain, it works really well for me! Take care, hope it helps you. X

Kalimera57 profile image

We’ve all been there and will be there again too I expect. Pamper yourself for a few days and may be have a cry as well. I often feel I have less pain after a good cry.

Sending you a hug.

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to Kalimera57

A good cry helped. Thankyou

Tillie20 profile image

Hi I know how you are feeling I will never learn hand and fingers a little stiff yesterday morning and then went to an excerise class and guess what a flare by the evening so not much sleep up at 3am having a drink then laying down with a cold flannel on my hand, I will never learn I think to myself I won't let RA get the better of me I know it will eventually but not yet so I know how you are feeling X

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to Tillie20

Hi, sorry to hear about your hand. I keep telling myself I’m not going to let this beat me but it’s bigger and stronger than me x

Nsmith13 profile image

I'm feeling just the same must be this rotten month just stay warm and do nothing it only makes it worse

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to Nsmith13

Roll on the spring x take it easy too

Jillyanne profile image

Hi, I am so sorry your are feeling low.

Unfortunately i do this all the time , feel good so get all my housework ect done and pay the price the next day .

Make sure you have taken all your meds , pain killers Ect and rest , you should feel better tomorrow

Sending you a gentle hug

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to Jillyanne

Hi, sadly pain still here with a vengeance. Taking things very slowly.

charisma profile image

Call RA helpline and bring review forward too if no good advice given by helpline staff at your Rheumatology Dept.

Blood test will show if it is a flare as well.

Meantime you could try paracetamol four times a day or stronger pain control. Hope you get proper GP or specialist help quickly.

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to charisma

Hi, I have hospital on Wednesday so hoping I’m more mobile by then

Lizzy-m profile image

Bless you. It's just so familiar. Just wanted to say that I understand. As I'm sure do most of us. The need we have to use our good days and do as much as we can. Inevitably crashing to the ground the day after. I'm sorry I don't have any answers. Just empathy. Don't be too hard on yourself xxxxxx

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to Lizzy-m

Hopefully I will learn from this x

Mmrr profile image

It is hard going indeed, nothing to do but have a quiet time until you recover, be kind to yourself meantime. I'm a bit like a burst ball today, I didn't think i did too much yesterday, my daughter moved into a new flat, I just went to visit. I did nothing other than sit in the flat. It's a bummer, but at least we are in it together.

Cornwa11 profile image
Cornwa11 in reply to Mmrr

It’s awful isn’t it, we beat ourselves up just for doing what we need to do

Joy_1 profile image

We've all been there. Eventually you learn your lesson. But naughty naughty I still break it now and then.

Try having a warm bath adding some Epsom Salts.

Nanna71 profile image

Totally endorse crying, lots of praying, but always on the move. I sit down and everything begins to freeze up. Walking around my house while drinking morning coffee and doing all of the above is what works for me. Weirdly, by about 11am to 1pm I begin to feel much better. And by suppertime, I wonder what all the fuss in the morning was about. It's like this every day (so far) for me. Also, sometimes I sing (fortunately for others, I live alone😁) Also, my little dog will need to go potty outside so she distracts my "poor thing' party. And there's nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself. It's all a part of dealing with grief. And we have plenty to be grieved about.

Cornwa11 profile image

Thankyou xx

rab1874 profile image

We’re all guilty off doing it don’t be too hard on yourself get under the duvet with your hot water bottle and have a duvet day x

Sunflower1977 profile image

Hi Hun trust me we know your Pain but can you discribe it when asked no cos your that mithered I had to re organizer my bedroom once and thought well how hard is that a few bit of clutter omg the next day couldn't move my hands were gone couldn't even pull my own pants up I'm at the minute still trying hold a job I work as a care assistant on nights and I love it but at times it's hard work and a struggle but I have a great team of girls that help me so I'm ok it's the worst illness ever you want to do so much and on good day you look like there's nothing wrong with ya then bang it comes and knocks you off your feet hope I get well soon Hun and take care anything you do can wait another day 😊

Arthur5 profile image

I use cannabis. It really does help.

Hessie5 profile image

Hi - flares are cruel. I would have to take a painkiller, then try to relax. I would need to take my mind away from the pain so try to sleep or read. A good epsom salt bath helps too. Wishing you well.

su-mo profile image

C.B.D. Oil could help as well.

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