hey all how are yous keeping? am i the only young person with ra on here im 32 also there seems to be more woman that suffer from ra?
hey : hey all how are yous keeping? am i the only young... - NRAS

I’m 36, diagnosed at 35 I also have Spina Bifida from birth.
Yes, there are definitely more women than men with Rheumatoid Disease. But any age...from people who develop it as children (JRA) through the twenties, thirties, etc. I started at the age of 37, and have been very fortunate to have been treated aggressively so that 40 years later I'm still suffering but still going.
I'm sure you will get lots of replies from people and welcome to this place where people really do understand if you need to rage or moan or celebrate!
Quite a few people in their 20's and 30's on here....but maybe they're all out partying on a Saturday night?
And yes, women get RA three times more than men.
We are a mixed group, some older than others and very wise when it comes to helping others diagnosed with RA. Do t know where I would be today without this group and the support of its members
i was diagnosed at 16 ive had it 17 years now im not too bad at the minute what treatment are you on?
I never imagined you were only in your thirties when spoke earlier. Sorry to hear you got RA at such an early age, but at least it seems to be under reasonable control and long may that continue.
Good luck.
thank you x
I’m 38 was diagnosed under a year ago, been on hydroxy and ibuprofen for about 8 months, I have had stiff hands still and my middle finger sometimes locks for a few seconds, and hands a bit stiff in mornings but less than they were 6 months ago, as I couldn’t even lift a kettle when I got up back then ...but for two days now I’ve had a nasty shoulder pain - not sure if I’ve overdone it’s been decorating and lifting things at work... think I took for granted how “normal” I was feeling without any major pains.... whatever it is I’m hoping it subsides as quick as it’s started!
All the best to everyone in their childhood, 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s and beyond! X
Thirty two isn't that young. I started at 42 whilst many start much much later and some younger, even children and teens.
I'm 16 in my head...does that count?
Welcome! Loads of young folks on here. To be honest half the time I've no clue who is male and who is female. Doesn't really matter...I just converse .
Hi Annie, I’m 37 and developed my JIA at 14. I’ve had both my hips replaced and had my left one re done 9 weeks ago. I’m usually well and work full time as a Reception class teacher (although obviously off at the moment 😉).
Sorry you had it so young Ruth. Always feel bad for children with this awful disease.
I think women open up more about there ailments than men so maybe majority of those who have it wouldn't dream of going on a forum like this.
Women like to natter more too 😊
Forgot to say...32 isn't that young! I thought you were going to say 19 or something! 😂 Dreadful at whatever age but particularly bad for kiddies I feel. That's just plain cruel.
You are not alone. Have had R A for 30 years. Diagnosed at 28 years old. Still going lol.
Hey im 23 and was diagnosed with RA one year ago! You're not alone
Hi, I feel the odd one out too! I’m male, diagnosed seronegative last year at 73 years old. But I’m maintaining my addiction for cycling and did the iconic Tour de France Mont Ventoux mountain climb last year. Any keen cyclists out there?
Hi Annie, I've been diagnosed at age of 25.. I'm 26 now.. no good at all!
What a long suffering bunch we are! RA is no respecter of age, can get you as a young child and as Trekdomanrider proves, as senior as 73. I was diagnosed at 24, am now 61. My rheumatologist calls me ‘the history of Rheumatoid’ because I’ve been on all the old drugs and my hands and feet are pretty done for really. 12 ops so far, one more on Thursday, (just as well I’m not superstitious) but I count myself lucky. I’ve met people at NRAS events who are far worse off. The young amongst us are unlikely to be so affected with the advent of Biologics and I imagine stem cell treatments will come along eventually to eradicate this disease. Anyway, we’re all to be admired!
I'm 28, diagnosed at 26!
I was 21 when I was diagnosed. Still here 26 years later!
Hey Annie, i was diagnosed this year just before I turned 30.
16 is so young to be dealing with RA and ur hip replacement recently, I hope ur keeping well
I think 32 is still young. Lol.
I did find the age thing hard when trying to access RA Support groups in the community as many were a lot older in age and the themes of the sessions weren't relevant to my age group so I stopped attending. Ive found this forum great though everyone has experiences and advice which is so helpful especially to someone new to RA like me.
Hope ur having a great day!
Hey sorry to hear u also have ra its not easy at times... im doing fairly well at the minute thanks hows u? I do get flare ups still what treatment r u on? Xx