Why sugar is good for you. : Diets where carbs are... - NRAS


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Why sugar is good for you.

Simba1992 profile image
34 Replies

Diets where carbs are restricted or exchanged for fats where sugar is seen as the bad guy are maybe not so good for us after all?


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Simba1992 profile image
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34 Replies
VeronicaF profile image

I still have sugar in my tea, cut so much out, but haven't cut that out

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to VeronicaF

Don't ', and take back what you've cut out 😊

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Simba1992

Funny Simba, the 92 year old I met also said good things about sugar. I'm learning new things every day! :)

hatshepsut profile image

I have been saying this for years. And no use eating low fat products because they are all full of sugar....replacing the fat

I am back to full cream milk and full fat yoghurt......and I am losing weight! A sensible mixed diet has always served me well.

VeronicaF profile image

they seem to put oils into everything, sunflower to be the most ,thats a nightmare for me, my friend bless her, she died in may, (still miss her) but she would never have sugar, she said it was poison, and she would moan at me when I put the teaspoons in my cup.

but she had cancer twice, different types 20 years apart, last one ,she lost her fight to, sadly.

she was my friend for over 20 years, so went through both cancers with her, its one of the reasons I haven't cut sugar out, where I have changed my diet to more veg and salads and fish but sugar stays the same

popsmith1874 profile image

I don't use oil at all now and try too eat plant based diet as much as I can and don't have sugar as never had it and don't miss it, everybody's different like the meds , work for some and don't work for others

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to popsmith1874

Your metabolism to work needs sugar. Sugar today is hidden in so many foods, perhaps you are getting enough with out adding any?Here are some wise words.


summer32 profile image

Think moderation is best for you have you considered that research, may have been funded by the a sugar producing company?? I do agree that excess sugar is bad and with the fact that these low that products are rubbish and full of sugar and the point in fact my bug bear is slimming world their bars first ingredient ime main in the list oglio fructose is to the non nutritional savvy public and that is a sugar plain and simple!

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to summer32

The research and knowledge this scientist shares has nothing to do with economic interests only biochemistry and the science how cells work and how energy is produced and used optimally in our bodies. The same thing cannot be said about the research done on vegetable oils where it is obious that the the " health boom" was manipulated by the food industry. Oils are good, sugar is bad, sugar means obesity...and so on. So what this has resulted in is in fact less sugar more oils and obesity has has never been so bad as have the increase in AI desease in the US. The bad effects of PUFAS is no longer a secret.

summer32 profile image
summer32 in reply to summer32

Kai you are back

Gnarli profile image

My old Nan said "a little of what you fancy". Too much of anything will be bad for us. I avoid 'manufactured' foods and artificial additives. I stick to home-made from fresh ingredients as much as possible including sugar. It's worked so far.


Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to Gnarli

The old generation was much smarter than we are today:) We are a generation of quick fixes without a thought for the future, it seems. New innovations are addapted without really enough research on longterm effects. This applys as well to foods as meds:(

oldtimer profile image

I found this article very confusing with its selective quoting of little bits of evidence taken out of context. I would not feel able to rely on anything it said without knowing where the quotes came from and reading the original research and judging for myself how relevant they were.

There seems to be an awful lot of articles like this about food - perhaps because there aren't any clear answers?

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to oldtimer

There is a lot of research on how thyroids work and how the glucose metabolism is central in giving energy to our metabolism to function. There is also a lot of research on the effects of PUFS on this process. This is scientific knowledge that has been gathered during decades. It is true that it may be hard to grasp the whole picture just by reading this interview but perhaps it will create interest to read more.

What I find interesting for us AI people is the fact that in RA there has been shown to be a problem with glucose metabolism causing among other things mitochondrial dysfunction and decreased cellular energy production. In other words it seems to be especially important not to starve our body on carbs when you have RA. That sugar in fact is anti inflammatory, just the opposite to general belief!

Maggiemae58 profile image
Maggiemae58 in reply to Simba1992

Well I have read thousands of articles and research to contradict this. So I will be keeping most sugars out of my diet as much as possible.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to Maggiemae58

Do tell me do these articles also tell you how optimal cell respiration and fueling of the metabolism happens in the low carb " healthy" diet.?

Maggiemae58 profile image
Maggiemae58 in reply to Simba1992

Yes they do.

in reply to Simba1992

I think its more likely that the decreased energy and mitochondrial dysfunction is coming from underlying infections and toxins. You should read dr myhills new book the infection game. Its amazing. She said R.A is linked to a variety of infections (rubella virus, bartonella etc). Dr myhill always states sugar feeds microbes. She gives infection beating protocols in her book. Some can be tackled naturally, others may require antibiotics and anti virals.

Dr myhill says carbohydrates are not essential foods. We can survive without them. She states the fuel that enters the mitochondria is acetate and you can get acetate from fat via ketones and from fermenting vegtables fibre in the gut via short chain fatty acids etc.

I also look at the work of this Dr, amongst many others. He demonstrates how sugar does feed cancer. Watch "Thomas SEYFRIED Rethinking Cancer Paris 2017" on YouTube


I know sugar also raises insulin and interfers with hormones too. I discussed this with an endocrinologist. Many people have hormonal issues on western diets.

I think sugar boosts will be temporary. Short term benefits. The people that do well on a western diet with more sugar, probably dont have serious chronic illnesses. However, it can still catch up with some people eventually.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to

Thank you for your post,

Unfortunately could not open the video. I have looked into so many theories and treatment models presented by different professionals. The biochemical understanding of how our organism works and how it does it optimally and naturally, I find to be the most important and try to find scientists that have a thorough knowhow, in my opinion. In the link here this is something that makes sense to me.


in reply to Simba1992

No problem simba. I know it gets confusing. However, i am not convinced a lack of sugar is the problem. A lot of people take ill on western diets which has plenty. In my opinion, i think the promotion of sugar could be particularly bad for those whose chronic disease stems from infection.

Is Dr Ray Peat not addressing the fact that a lot of people with autoimmune diseases have underlying chronic infections? This would deplete nutrients, supress the thyroid and tax the adrenals. If your thyroid is suppressed you will struggle to run a fever to kill underlying infections. It will also adversely effect your ability to detox. I think this may be why chronic disease people, are more prone to accumulating toxins.

I feel mainstream medicine doesnt properly investigate infections as a root cause. Not unless your under the care of a very good immunologist. However,even when drs do investigate, i know some tests for viruses etc are unreliable. I heard elispot tests are more sensitive. I dont think the NHS does them.

I do still believe in balance. I have a couple of cheat days a week. I am paleo/keto 5 days a week though. We need some enjoyment. However, ill never go back to a western diet 7 days a week. I tested positive for underlying infections and i dont think it makes sense to add fuel to the fire. X

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to

I do not think it's ever a question of adding sugar it's more a question of not eliminating sugar that you find in fruits and berries and honey as an ex, in other words more important eliminating the sugars that are hidden in all these ready made and processed foods. As well as eliminating PUFAs that have shown to have detremental effects, when eaten in abundance. These oils are also hidden in all processed foods. I think that understanding the role of inflammation ( or did you mean infections?)in the growing number of disease is something the medical world in general are quite aware of. xSimba

in reply to Simba1992

Ah i thought you meant adding sugar as you said to a lady above about how she should keep adding it in tea? Ive decided to follow the advice of the functional Drs. They seem to feel that fruit sugar is as pernicious as the white stuff. I still think it could potentially feed infection. Berries are quite good as they are lower carb. My funtional dr allows them for this reason.

Sorry i did mean infection. I suspect a lot of the inflammation is from hidden infections. I know allergies and toxins play a role too but they could also stem from chronic infection.

However, even though their is research linking infections, toxins and allergies to inflammation and disease, very little is done. Until i saw an immunologist not one doctor suggested chronic infection and ive seen so many over the years. Its concerning.

Discussing and tackling the root causes of disease is rarely done conventionally. In my experience, they just want to give drugs to mask symptoms. Thats why i turn my attention to functional medicine and do a combined approach.

I prefer the functional drs that are conventionally and functionally trained. At least if you do have a deep rooted infection they can prescribe something. My dr did say sometimes drugs arent necessary for chronic infection. I am at a late stage though so need them for just now. Hopefully, once my infections are in check i can just use herbals, a good diet and vitamins etc X

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to

Good luck. I think you have chosen well when turning to a functional doctor (MD).

in reply to Simba1992

Thats very kind. Thank you simba. Good luck to you as well. Have a lovely weekend x

Maggiemae58 profile image
Maggiemae58 in reply to

I totally agree with you on this matter. I have followed this type of diet of which i have cut back on my carb intake and do not have processed sugar and have found myself in remission of RA now for 7 months. I feel so much better and my energy level has increased drastically.

in reply to Maggiemae58

Thats wonderful that its working for you. I hope that you stay in remission. Fingers crossed x

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to Maggiemae58


Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to oldtimer

To put it shortly:


medway-lady profile image

I think you can probably prove anything to anybody if its based on research. What a term that is "research" its subjective, not always objective and in my humble view always to be viewed with caution.

Simba1992 profile image

The research done on meds should really be viewed upon with caution. We know how many meds are approved with not enough safety evidence, to be drawn back because of serious health risks. Scientists that work with understanding the function of the human body have no commercial interests only the interest in understanding better. Trusting the knowledge of these scientists is in my view, taking less risks.

Simba1992 profile image

So what we know so far from abundant research is that 1. 2/3 of people that suffer from RA are obese. 2. A high % have a underactive thyroid eather diagnosed or subclinical, with symptoms: obesity, low body temp, high cholesterol. 3. There are problems with glucose metabolism. So thyroid needs support and carbs ( good ones) feed thyroid and results in better energy production. Not a bad idea to decrease PUFAs and increase carbs?!

VeronicaF profile image

you know the thing with Scientists is as they involve other the years new ones change their minds and they can get things wrong too sometimes

I have a son who is highly allergic to some foods, he had that since he was 3years,

he is in his 20years now

as a child we were told to with draw a lot of foods from his diet, that was for years, as an adult he wanted to get re tested to find if he was still allergic to these foods.

I went with him

they said they don't do that anymore, they now give the allergic foods slowly and careful over time.

they said they have now found out that was the wrong treatment before

my spelling isn't very good so could have put it better but hope its understandable what I am trying to say

I am saying as they involve

Scientists find out knew things or change their minds and the treatments or understanding of something changes

and what was right before becomes wrong and so it goes on

does anyone really know? as everything is an opinion

I don't know, my head hurts now thinking about it all :O)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I better not leave my brain to medical Scientist :O))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

tee hee

Simba1992 profile image

No not to medical scientists, wouldn't trust them ever! Scientist that do research all their lives in understanding the biochemistry of metabolism in our bodies, without connections to Pharma or the food industry, those are the ones I have more trust in

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to Simba1992

here here, trust me got the wrong ones :O)))

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