I’m very confused about the flu jab for the over 75’s? I’m going to ask today which one I will be getting as I’m 75 on the 29th of this month. As my present treatment isn’t working I’ve been in a persistent flare for months, the depo steroid jab didn’t work either and I’m not seeing my consultant till the middle of November . Which flu jab would be best for me? Can anyone advice me please.
Flu jab: I’m very confused about the flu jab for the... - NRAS
Flu jab

The four strain one would be best for everyone but the over 65s are not getting it.Your Ra seems to be very active at the moment and how the meds will react to the boosted three strain vaccine is something you need to talk to your rheumy about. Good luck.
Hi barbieg ........the only people who can advise you about which flu vaccination you should have are you Rheumy team who know your medical history, & what drugs you are on.
The new FLUAD vaccination is being given to 65+ in England, I believe it's 75 in Scotland.
There are all sorts of theories doing the rounds,but if you are on any sort of medication for RA you must listen to whoever is prescribing it & take their advice..
Flu vaccines can interfere with RA drugs & lessen their effect, & that is not what you need right now is it?
Get cracking on contacting your Rheumy nurse as first point of call.
Thank you, I have emailed my consultants secretary to ask . My surgery are late doing the jabs, my friend has had hers as she is already 75 and they did that one first. I’m 75 on the 29th so by the time I get my jab I will be 75 but won’t be getting that one unless my consultant says so. I had heard the one they give to the 75 yr olds can cause problems if you are in a flare ? Not sure if this is correct though.
The general info is if you're not well on the day you're due to have the flu jab then you should rearrange it when you are well. The Practice Nurse who did mine asked if I was well before injecting me.
As the others have said contact your Rheumy team to ask advice as to which you should have, also as you've been in flare so long what you should go about rearranging it. The flu jab can be given even going towards the end of the year & the beginning of the next but of course you won't be protected mid winter which is when we really need to be.
I have had a reply from my consultants secretary to say it doesn’t matter if you are in a flare! I’m so confused .
Absolutely get the advice of your GP or ring the Rheumatology helpline if you have one with your Rheumatology department. I am 53 and my GP accidentally gave me the over 65 one! I am not stable with my RA at moment but it seems to have had absolutely no bad effects. Fingers crossed, good luck